9744 resources
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Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Realm | Auth | Resource |
ca-on-covax.v1 | R4 | http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/covaxon-submission-immunization | COVaxON Submission Immunization | active | Immunization | |||
ca-on-covax.v1 | R4 | http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/covaxon-submission-patient | COVaxON Submission Patient | active | Patient | |||
ca-on-covax.v1 | R4 | http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/covaxon-submission-questionnaireresponse-client | COVaxON Submission QuestionnaireResponse Client | active | QuestionnaireResponse | |||
ca-on-covax.v1 | R4 | http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/covaxon-submission-questionnaireresponse-immunization | COVaxON Submission QuestionnaireResponse Immunization | active | QuestionnaireResponse | |||
patient-summary.SETP_SANDBOX | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/StructureDefinition/Immunization-uv-ips | Immunization (IPS) | active | hl7 | Immunization | ||
patient-summary.SETP_SANDBOX | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/bp | Observation Blood Pressure Profile | draft | 2018-08 | hl7 | Observation | |
patient-summary.SETP_SANDBOX | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/psca/StructureDefinition/condition-ca-ps | Condition (PS-CA) | draft | 2023-11 | hl7 | Condition | |
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bostonbowelpreparationscale | Colonoscopy Report Boston Bowel Preparation Scale | draft | 2021-06 | Observation | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bundle | Colonoscopy Report Bundle | draft | 2021-11 | Bundle | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-colonoscopy | Colonoscopy Report Colonoscopy | draft | 2021-11 | Procedure | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-condition | Colonoscopy Report Condition | draft | 2021-05 | Condition | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-problemlist | Colonoscopy Report Problem List | draft | 2021-05 | List | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-current-medication | Colonoscopy Report Current Medication | draft | 2021-04 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-diagnosticreport | Colonoscopy Report Diagnostic Report | draft | 2021-10 | DiagnosticReport | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bostonbowelpreparationscale-gastronet | Gastronet Boston Bowel Preparation Scale | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bundle-gastronet | Gastronet Bundle | draft | 2021-12 | Bundle | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-colonoscopy-gastronet | Gastronet Colonoscopy | draft | 2021-09 | Procedure | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-current-medication-gastronet | Gastronet Current Medication | draft | 2021-09 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-diagnosticreport-gastronet | Gastronet Diagnostic Report | draft | 2021-06 | DiagnosticReport | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-lesion-gastronet | Gastronet Lesion | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-lumen-gastronet | Gastronet Lumen | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationlist-gastronet | Gastronet Medication List | draft | 2021-09 | List | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationstatement-gastronet | Gastronet MedicationStatement | draft | 2021-12 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-numberoflesions-gastronet | Gastronet Number Of Lesions | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-patient-gastronet | Gastronet Patient | draft | Patient | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kvalitetsregistre.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-subprocedure-gastronet | Gatronet Sub Procedure | draft | 2021-12 | Procedure | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bostonbowelpreparationscale-krg | KRG Boston Bowel Preparation Scale | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-bundle-krg | KRG Bundle | draft | 2021-09 | Bundle | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-colonoscopy-krg | KRG Colonoscopy | draft | 2021-09 | Procedure | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-condition-krg | KRG Condition | draft | 2021-05 | Condition | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-current-medication-krg | KRG CurrentMedication | draft | 2021-09 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-diagnosticreport-krg | KRG Diagnostic Report | draft | 2021-10 | DiagnosticReport | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-lesion-krg | KRG Lesion | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationlist-krg | KRG Medication List | draft | 2021-04 | List | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationstatement-krg | KRG MedicationStatement | draft | 2021-04 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-numberoflesions-krg | KRG Number Of Lesions | draft | Observation | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-patient-krg | KRG Patient | draft | Patient | |||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-problemlist-krg | KRG Problem List | draft | 2021-09 | List | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-subprocedure-krg | KRG Sub Procedure | draft | 2021-09 | Procedure | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-lesion | Colonoscopy Report Lesion | draft | 2021-12 | Observation | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-lumen | Colonoscopy Report Lumen | draft | 2021-09 | Observation | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationlist | Colonoscopy Report Medication List | draft | 2021-03 | List | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-medicationstatement | Colonoscopy Report MedicationStatement | draft | 2021-06 | MedicationStatement | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-numberoflesions | Colonoscopy Report Number Of Lesions | draft | 2021-05 | Observation | ||
colonoscopyreport.no | R4 | http://kreftregisteret.no/fhir/StructureDefinition/colonoscopyreport-subprocedure | Colonoscopy Report Sub Procedure | draft | 2021-11 | Procedure | ||
duwel.nl.r4.sandbox.dev | R4 | http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/dwv-Bundle-Scenario-1 | dwv Bundle Scenario 1 | draft | nl | Bundle | ||
duwel.nl.r4.sandbox.dev | R4 | http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/Test/mp-MedAgr-mp9-MBH200aanvullendeinformatiewensenMA | mp MedAgr mp9 MBH200aanvullendeinformatiewensenMA | draft | nl | Bundle | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHBundle | Export-Bundle | active | 2021-04 | Bundle | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHComposition | Strukturiertes Export-Dokument | active | 2021-04 | Composition | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHFagerstromObservation | Observation-Profile der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" zur Repräsentation des Fagerstrom-Scores | active | 2021-04 | Observation | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHMotivation | Observation-Profile der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" zur Repräsentation der Motivationsgründe | active | 2021-04 | Observation | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHPatient | Patienten-Profil der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" | active | 2021-04 | Patient | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHRauchstopp | Observation-Profile der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" zur Repräsentation der Datums des Rauchstopps | active | 2021-04 | Observation | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHSelbstbeobachtung | Observation-Profile der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" zur Repräsentation der Selbstbeobachtung des Rauchverhaltens | active | 2021-04 | Observation | ||
de.nichtraucherhelden.export | R4 | https://nichtraucherhelden.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/NRHZigarettenAnamnese | Observation-Profile der DiGa "NichtraucherHelden.de" zur Repräsentation des Zigarettenkonsums in der Anamnese | active | 2021-04 | Observation | ||
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationcard | PMLC Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationdispense | DIS Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationlist | PML Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationprescription | PRE Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationtreatmentplan | MTP Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-pharmaceuticaladvice | PADV Composition | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-device | CH EMED EPR Device | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Device |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationcard | PMLC Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationdispense | DIS Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationlist | PML Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationprescription | PRE Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationtreatmentplan | MTP Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-pharmaceuticaladvice | PADV Document | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medication-medicationdispense | CH EMED EPR Medication (DIS) | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medication | CH EMED EPR Medication | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationdispense-list | PML MedicationDispense | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationdispense | DIS MedicationDispense | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest-changed | PADV Changed MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest-list | PML MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest | PRE MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-card | PMLC MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-changed | PADV Changed MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-list | PML MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-treatmentplan | MTP MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation-body-weight | Body Weight Observation | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation-list | PML Observation | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation | PADV Observation | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-organization | CH EMED EPR Organization | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-patient | CH EMED EPR Patient | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-practitioner | CH EMED EPR Practitioner | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-practitionerrole | CH EMED EPR PractitionerRole | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-related-person | CH EMED EPR RelatedPerson | draft | 2024-01 | ch | hl7 | RelatedPerson |
Test20171286.neu | R4 | http://example.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MyCondition | MyCondition | draft | Condition | |||
Test20171286.neu | R4 | http://example.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MyObservation | ObservationDUPJena | draft | 2020-02 | Observation | ||
Test20171286.neu | R4 | http://gefyra.de/fhir/StructureDefinition/ObservationDUPJena | ObservationDUPJena | draft | 2020-02 | Observation | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Appointment | Appointment | draft | national | Appointment | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Bundle | Bundle | draft | national | Bundle | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Communication | Communication | draft | national | Communication | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-DocumentReference | DocumentReference | draft | national | DocumentReference | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-HealthcareService | HealthcareService | draft | national | HealthcareService | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Location | Location | draft | national | Location | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-MessageHeader | MessageHeader | draft | national | MessageHeader | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Organization | Organization | draft | national | Organization | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Patient | Patient | draft | national | Patient | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Practitioner | Practitioner | draft | national | Practitioner | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-PractitionerRole | PractitionerRole | draft | national | PractitionerRole | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-QuestionnaireResponse | QuestionnaireResponse | draft | national | QuestionnaireResponse | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-ServiceRequest | ServiceRequest | draft | national | ServiceRequest | ||
ca.infoway.io.erec | R4 | http://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/io/CA-eReC/StructureDefinition/CA-eReC-Task | Task | draft | national | Task | ||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-encounter | Encounter Rambam | draft | Encounter | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-location | Location Rambam | draft | Location | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-organization | Organization Rambam | draft | Organization | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-patient | Patient Rambam | draft | Patient | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-practitioner | Practitioner Rambam | draft | Practitioner | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rambam-practitioner-role | Practitioner Role Rambam | draft | PractitionerRole | |||
Rambam-FHIR.health.gov.il | R4 | http://fhir.rmc.gov.il/StructureDefinition/rmc-il-core-practitioner | RMC ILCore Practitioner Profile | draft | 2021-03 | Practitioner | ||
acme.canada | R4 | https://fake-acme.org/fhir/ca/StructureDefinition/EaseOfRespiration | EaseOfRespiration | draft | 2022-10 | Observation | ||
acme.canada | R4 | https://fake-acme.org/fhir/ca/StructureDefinition/MaintainedDevice | MaintainedDevice | draft | 2022-10 | Device | ||
rki.emiga.vzd | R4 | https://emiga.rki.de/fhir/vzd/StructureDefinition/BaseHealthcareService | BaseHealthcareService (Basis-Ressource des EMIGA-Verzeichnisdienstes) | active | 2024-03 | HealthcareService | ||
rki.emiga.vzd | R4 | https://emiga.rki.de/fhir/vzd/StructureDefinition/BaseLocation | BaseLocation (Basis-Ressource des EMIGA-Verzeichnisdienstes) | active | 2024-03 | Location | ||
rki.emiga.vzd | R4 | https://emiga.rki.de/fhir/vzd/StructureDefinition/BaseOrganization | BaseOrganization (Basis-Ressource des EMIGA-Verzeichnisdienstes) | active | 2024-03 | Organization | ||
rki.emiga.vzd | R4 | https://emiga.rki.de/fhir/vzd/StructureDefinition/BasePractitioner | BasePractitioner (Basis-Ressource des EMIGA-Verzeichnisdienstes) | active | 2024-03 | Practitioner | ||
rki.emiga.vzd | R4 | https://emiga.rki.de/fhir/vzd/StructureDefinition/BasePractitionerRole | BasePractitionerRole (Basis-Ressource des EMIGA-Verzeichnisdienstes) | active | 2024-03 | PractitionerRole | ||
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | bundle-dischargesummary-imri | BundleDischargeSummary IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Bundle | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | bundle-operationnote-imri | BundleOperationNote IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Bundle | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | careplan-imri | CarePlan IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | CarePlan | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | composition-dischargesummary-imri | CompositionDischargeSummary IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Composition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | composition-operationnote-imri | CompositionOperationNote IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Composition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | conditionchiefcomplaint-imri | ConditionChiefComplaint IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Condition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | conditioncomorbiditiesandcomplications-imri | ConditionComorbiditiesandComplications IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Condition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | conditiondischargediagnosis-imri | ConditionDischargeDiagnosis IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Condition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | conditionpresentillness-imri | ConditionPresentIllness IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Condition | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | encounter-imri | Encounter IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Encounter | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | imagingstudy-imri | ImagingStudy IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | ImagingStudy | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | location-imri | Location IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Location | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | medicationrequest-imri | MedicationRequest IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | MedicationRequest | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observation-cancerstaging-imri | ObservationCancerStaging IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observation-impression-imri | ObservationImpression IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observation-laboratory-imri | ObservationLaboratory IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observation-pathology-report-imri | ObservationPathologyReport IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observation-physical-examination-imri | ObservationPhysicalExamination IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observationbloodloss-imri | ObservationBloodLoss IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | observationbloodtype-imri | ObservationBloodType IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Observation | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | organization-hosp-imri | Organization Hospital Department IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Organization | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | patient-imri | Patient IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Patient | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | practitioner-imri | Practitioner IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Practitioner | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | practitionerrole-imri | PractitionerRole IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | PractitionerRole | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | procedure-anesthesiamode-imri | ProcedureAnesthesiaMode IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Procedure | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | procedure-imri | Procedure IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Procedure | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | procedurehospitalcourse-imri | ProcedureHospitalCourse IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Procedure | |
tw.cathay.fhir.imri | R4 | procedureoperation-imri | ProcedureOperation IMRI | active | 2024-11 | tw | Procedure | |
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Child | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Child | active | ClinicalImpression | |||
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Mother | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Mother | active | ClinicalImpression | |||
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Blood_Group_Serology_Fetus | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Blood_Group_Serology_Fetus | active | Observation | |||
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Child_Position_At_Birth | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Child_Position_At_Birth | active | Observation | |||
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Delivery_Date | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Delivery_Date | active | Observation | |||
kbv.mio.mutterpass | R4 | https://fhir.kbv.de/StructureDefinition/KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination_Masked | KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination_Masked | active | Observation | |||
ig.in | R4 | Patient | Patient | draft | 2024-01 | in | Patient | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthApp | HealthApp | active | us | hl7 | DeviceDefinition | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppCatalogEntry | HealthAppCatalogEntry | active | us | hl7 | CatalogEntry | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppManufacturer | HealthAppManufacturer | active | us | hl7 | Organization | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppModule | HealthAppModule | active | us | hl7 | DeviceDefinition | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppPrescriptionUnit | HealthAppPrescriptionUnit | active | us | hl7 | ChargeItemDefinition | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppQuestionnaire | HealthAppQuestionnaire | active | us | hl7 | Questionnaire | |
fhir.trustedhealthapps.org | R4 | https://fhir.trustedhealthapps.org/StructureDefinition/HealthAppQuestionnaireResponse | HealthAppQuestionnaireResponse | active | us | hl7 | QuestionnaireResponse | |
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-AbgabedatenBundle | DAV_PR_Base_AbgabedatenBundle | active | 2024-05 | Bundle | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-AbgabedatenComposition | DAV_PR_Base_AbgabedatenComposition | active | 2024-05 | Composition | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-Abgabeinformationen | DAV_PR_Base_Abgabeinformationen | active | 2024-05 | MedicationDispense | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-Abrechnungszeilen | DAV_PR_Base_Abrechnungszeilen | active | 2024-11 | Invoice | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-Apotheke | DAV_PR_Base_Apotheke | active | 2024-05 | Organization | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-ZusatzdatenEinheit | DAV_PR_Base_ZusatzdatenEinheit | active | 2024-05 | Invoice | ||
de.abda.eRezeptAbgabedatenBasis | R4 | http://fhir.abda.de/eRezeptAbgabedaten/StructureDefinition/DAV-PR-Base-ZusatzdatenHerstellung | DAV_PR_Base_ZusatzdatenHerstellung | active | 2024-05 | MedicationDispense | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/anforderung-genetischer-test | MII PR MolGen Anforderung genetischer Test | active | de | ServiceRequest | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/diagnostische-implikation | MII PR MolGen Diagnostische Implikation | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/empfohlene-folgemassnahme | MII PR MolGen Empfohlene Folgemaßnahme | active | de | Task | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/ergebnis-zusammenfassung | MII PR MolGen Ergebnis Zusammenfassung | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/familienanamnese | MII PR MolGen Familienanamnese | active | de | FamilyMemberHistory | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/genotyp | MII PR MolGen Genotyp | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/medikationsempfehlung | MII PR MolGen Medikationsempfehlung | active | de | Task | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/mikrosatelliteninstabilitaet | MII PR MolGen Mikrosatelliteninstabilität | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/molekulargenetischer-befundbericht | MII PR MolGen Molekulargenetischer Befundbericht | active | de | DiagnosticReport | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/mutationslast | MII PR MolGen Mutationslast | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/polygener-risiko-score | MII PR MolGen Polygener Risiko Score | active | de | RiskAssessment | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/therapeutische-implikation | MII PR MolGen Therapeutische Implikation | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/untersuchte-region | MII PR MolGen Untersuchte Region | active | de | Observation | ||
de.medizininformatikinitiative.kerndatensatz.molgen | R4 | https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/fhir/ext/modul-molgen/StructureDefinition/variante | MII PR MolGen Variante | active | de | Observation | ||
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/ActivityDefinition-ForRecommendation | ActivityDefinition-ForRecommendation | draft | 2023-06 | ActivityDefinition | ||
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/ActivityDefinition_AssistenzaErogata_Eng | ActivityDefinition_AssistenzaErogata_Eng | draft | 2023-02 | ActivityDefinition | ||
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/AllergyIntolerance_Eng | AllergyIntolerance_Eng | draft | 2023-02 | hl7 | AllergyIntolerance | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Appointment | Appointment | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Appointment | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Appointment_Eng | Appointment_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Appointment | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Binary_Eng | Binary_Eng | draft | 2023-02 | hl7 | Binary | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_ADT_SO | Bundle_ADT_SO | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_ADT_accessi | Bundle_ADT_accessi | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_accessi | Bundle_AMB_accessi | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_accessiADT | Bundle_AMB_accessiADT | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_accessiORM | Bundle_AMB_accessiORM | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_erog_piani_lavoro | Bundle_AMB_erog_piani_lavoro | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_pagamenti | Bundle_AMB_pagamenti | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI | Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI_SQM | Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI_SQM | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_WBS | Bundle_AMB_pagamenti_WBS | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_AMB_piani_di_lavoro | Bundle_AMB_piani_di_lavoro | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_CODI_codifiche | Bundle_CODI_codifiche | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_CODI_medici | Bundle_CODI_medici | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_CODI_strutture | Bundle_CODI_strutture | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_Document | Bundle_Document | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_ER | Bundle_ER | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_ER_esteso | Bundle_ER_esteso | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_HDDM | Bundle_HDDM | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_LIS_richieste | Bundle_LIS_richieste | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_LIS_risultati | Bundle_LIS_risultati | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_MDI | Bundle_MDI | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_OE_SO | Bundle_OE_SO | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_OE_etichetta | Bundle_OE_etichetta | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_OE_richieste | Bundle_OE_richieste | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_OE_risultati | Bundle_OE_risultati | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_OT | Bundle_OT | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_SmartEUS | Bundle_SmartEUS | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_TA | Bundle_TA | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_TC | Bundle_TC | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_TV | Bundle_TV | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_WL_SO | Bundle_WL_SO | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_WL_accessi | Bundle_WL_accessi | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_dispensazione | Bundle_dispensazione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_erogazioneConPrescrizione | Bundle_erogazioneConPrescrizione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_erogazioneSenzaPrescrizione | Bundle_erogazioneSenzaPrescrizione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_erogazioneTCSincrono | Bundle_erogazioneTCSincrono | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_oncologia | Bundle_oncologia | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_pianificazioneTCSincrono | Bundle_pianificazioneTCSincrono | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_prenotazioneConPrescrizione | Bundle_prenotazioneConPrescrizione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_prenotazioneSenzaPrescrizione | Bundle_prenotazioneSenzaPrescrizione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_prescrizione | Bundle_prescrizione | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta | Bundle_risposta | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_ER_esteso | Bundle_risposta_ER_esteso | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_OT | Bundle_risposta_OT | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_SmartEUS | Bundle_risposta_SmartEUS | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_document | Bundle_risposta_document | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_etichetta | Bundle_risposta_etichetta | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_pagamenti | Bundle_risposta_pagamenti | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_pagamenti_RUDI | Bundle_risposta_pagamenti_RUDI | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_pagamenti_WBS | Bundle_risposta_pagamenti_WBS | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_risposta_richiesta_etichetta | Bundle_risposta_richiesta_etichetta | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Bundle_somministrazione | Bundle_somministrazione | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Bundle | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CarePlan_Eng | CarePlan_Eng | draft | 2023-01 | hl7 | CarePlan | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/CareTeam | CareTeam | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | CareTeam | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/ClaimResponse_Eng | ClaimResponse_Eng | draft | 2023-01 | hl7 | ClaimResponse | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/ClaimResponse_RUDI_Eng | ClaimResponse_RUDI_Eng | draft | 2023-01 | hl7 | ClaimResponse | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/ClaimResponse_WBS_Eng | ClaimResponse_WBS_Eng | draft | 2023-01 | hl7 | ClaimResponse | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Claim_Eng | Claim_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Claim | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Claim_RUDI_Eng | Claim_RUDI_Eng | draft | 2023-02 | hl7 | Claim | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Claim_RUDI_SQM_Eng | Claim_RUDI_SQM_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Claim | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Claim_WBS_Eng | Claim_WBS_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Claim | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem | CodeSystem | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Branche | CodeSystem_Branche | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Cittadinanze | CodeSystem_Cittadinanze | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_ClassiEsenzioni | CodeSystem_ClassiEsenzioni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Comuni | CodeSystem_Comuni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Esenzioni | CodeSystem_Esenzioni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_EsenzioniPrestazioni | CodeSystem_EsenzioniPrestazioni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_FasceEta | CodeSystem_FasceEta | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Generic | CodeSystem_Generic | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Interventi | CodeSystem_Interventi | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Patologie | CodeSystem_Patologie | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Prestazioni | CodeSystem_Prestazioni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Province | CodeSystem_Province | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_Regioni | CodeSystem_Regioni | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/CodeSystem_TipiEsenzione | CodeSystem_TipiEsenzione | draft | 2023-02 | hl7 | CodeSystem | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Composition | Composition | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Composition | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Condition_Eng | Condition_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Condition | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Condition_problemi_clinici_Eng | Condition_problemi_clinici_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Condition | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Consent_Eng | Consent_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Consent | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Coverage | Coverage | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | Coverage | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Device_Eng | Device_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Device | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/DiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | DiagnosticReport | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/DiagnosticReport_Eng | DiagnosticReport_Eng | draft | 2023-01 | hl7 | DiagnosticReport | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/DocumentManifest_Eng | DocumentManifest_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | DocumentManifest | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/DocumentReference_Eng | DocumentReference_Eng | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | DocumentReference | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter | Encounter | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_ADT_Eng | Encounter_ADT_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_AMB_Eng | Encounter_AMB_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_ER_Eng | Encounter_ER_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_ER_esteso_Eng | Encounter_ER_esteso_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_Eng | Encounter_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_HDDM_Eng | Encounter_HDDM_Eng | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_OT_Eng | Encounter_OT_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Encounter_WL_Eng | Encounter_WL_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Encounter | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/EpisodeOfCare_Eng | EpisodeOfCare_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | EpisodeOfCare | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/HealthcareService | HealthcareService | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | HealthcareService | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Library-ForClinicalGuideline | Library-ForClinicalGuideline | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Library | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Location_Eng | Location_Eng | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Location | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Location_Reparto_Eng | Location_Reparto_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Location | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Location_StrutturaErogatrice_Eng | Location_StrutturaErogatrice_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Location | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Location_StrutturaFisica_Eng | Location_StrutturaFisica_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Location | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationAdministration | MedicationAdministration | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | MedicationAdministration | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationAdministration_Eng | MedicationAdministration_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | MedicationAdministration | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationDispense_Eng | MedicationDispense_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | MedicationDispense | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationRequest | MedicationRequest | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | MedicationRequest | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationRequest_Eng | MedicationRequest_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | MedicationRequest | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationStatement_Eng | MedicationStatement_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | MedicationStatement | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Medication_Eng | Medication_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Medication | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Medication_composti_Eng | Medication_composti_Eng | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Medication | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Medication_semplice_Eng | Medication_semplice_Eng | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Medication | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader | MessageHeader | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_ADT_accessi_Eng | MessageHeader_ADT_accessi_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_ADT_so_Eng | MessageHeader_ADT_so_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_accessiADT_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_accessiADT_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_accessiORM_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_accessiORM_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_accessi_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_accessi_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_erog_piani_lavoro_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_erog_piani_lavoro_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_RUDI_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_WBS_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_pagamenti_WBS_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_AMB_piani_di_lavoro_Eng | MessageHeader_AMB_piani_di_lavoro_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_CODI_codifiche_Eng | MessageHeader_CODI_codifiche_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_CODI_medici_Eng | MessageHeader_CODI_medici_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_CODI_strutture_Eng | MessageHeader_CODI_strutture_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_ER_Eng | MessageHeader_ER_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_ER_esteso_Eng | MessageHeader_ER_esteso_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_Eng | MessageHeader_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_HDDM_Eng | MessageHeader_HDDM_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_LIS_richieste_Eng | MessageHeader_LIS_richieste_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_LIS_risultati_Eng | MessageHeader_LIS_risultati_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_MDI_Eng | MessageHeader_MDI_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OE_Eng | MessageHeader_OE_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OE_SO_Eng | MessageHeader_OE_SO_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OE_etichetta_Eng | MessageHeader_OE_etichetta_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OE_richieste_Eng | MessageHeader_OE_richieste_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OE_risultati_Eng | MessageHeader_OE_risultati_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_OT_Eng | MessageHeader_OT_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_SmartEUS_Eng | MessageHeader_SmartEUS_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_WL_accessi_Eng | MessageHeader_WL_accessi_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_WL_so_Eng | MessageHeader_WL_so_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_dispensazione_Eng | MessageHeader_dispensazione_Eng | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_oncologia_Eng | MessageHeader_oncologia_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_prescrizione_Eng | MessageHeader_prescrizione_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/MessageHeader_somministrazione_Eng | MessageHeader_somministrazione_Eng | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | MessageHeader | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation-ForVitalSigns | Observation-ForVitalSigns | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_Eng | Observation_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_altezza_Eng | Observation_altezza_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_clinic_Eng | Observation_clinic_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_ossigenazione_Eng | Observation_ossigenazione_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_parametriVitali_Eng | Observation_parametriVitali_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_parametri_clinici_Eng | Observation_parametri_clinici_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_peso_Eng | Observation_peso_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_pressioneSanguigna_Eng | Observation_pressioneSanguigna_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_referto_testuale_Eng | Observation_referto_testuale_Eng | draft | 2023-02 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Observation_temperaturaCorporea_Eng | Observation_temperaturaCorporea_Eng | draft | 2023-05 | hl7 | Observation | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/OperationOutcome_Eng | OperationOutcome_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | OperationOutcome | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization | Organization | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | Organization | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization-hcp | Organization - Operatore sanitario/socio sanitario | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | Organization | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization_Eng | Organization_Eng | draft | 2023-04 | hl7 | Organization | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_AsToId | Parameters_AsToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_BarCodeToId | Parameters_BarCodeToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_BookingCodeToId | Parameters_BookingCodeToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_CfToId | Parameters_CfToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_EniToId | Parameters_StpToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_IdToCf | Parameters_IdToCf | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_IdVisitaToId | Parameters_IdVisitaToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_IsiToId | Parameters_IsiToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_NosologyToId_ADT | Parameters_NosologyToId_ADT | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_NosologyToId_ER | Parameters_NosologyToId_ER | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_Output | Parameters_Output | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerCfToId | Parameters_PractitionerCfToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerIdToCf | Parameters_PractitionerIdToCf | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerIdToRole | Parameters_PractitionerIdToRole | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerRoleIdToRegionalCode | Parameters_PractitionerRoleIdToRegionalCode | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerRoleIdToRegistrationNumber | Parameters_PractitionerRoleIdToRegistrationNumber | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerRoleRegionalCodeToId | Parameters_PractitionerRoleRegionalCodeToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerRoleRegistrationNumberToId | Parameters_PractitionerRoleRegistrationNumberToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PractitionerRoleToId | Parameters_PractitionerRoleToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_PsuToId | Parameters_PsuToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_StpToId | Parameters_StpToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Parameters_TsToId | Parameters_TsToId | draft | 2023-03 | hl7 | Parameters | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient | Patient | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Patient | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://eng.it/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient_Eng | Patient_Eng | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | Patient | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/PlanDefinition-ForPathway | PlanDefinition-ForPathway | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/PlanDefinition-ForStrategy | PlanDefinition-ForStrategy | draft | 2023-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner | Practitioner | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | Practitioner | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | R4 | https://pnt.gov/fhir/StructureDefinition/PractitionerRole | PractitionerRole - base | active | 2023-06 | hl7 | PractitionerRole | |
eng.fhir.profile.dev | <