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Resource ImplementationGuide/FHIR Server from package ihe.iti.pixm#current (63 ms)

Package ihe.iti.pixm
Type ImplementationGuide
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/https://build.fhir.org/ig/IHE/ITI.PIXm/index.html
Url https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/ImplementationGuide/ihe.iti.pixm
Version 3.0.5-current
Status active
Date 2024-07-08T16:49:44+00:00
Title Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm)
Experimental False
Realm uv
Authority ihe
Description ImplementationGuide for IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm)

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https://interoperabilidad.minsal.cl/fhir/ig/nid/CapabilityStatement/MPI.IHE.PIXm.Buscador Indice Maestro Paciente: "Cliente Buscador PIXm"
https://interoperabilidad.minsal.cl/fhir/ig/nid/CapabilityStatement/MPI.IHE.PIXm.Origen Indice Maestro Paciente: "Cliente de Origen PIXm"
https://interoperabilidad.minsal.cl/fhir/ig/nid/CapabilityStatement/MPI.IHE.PIXm.PDQm.Manager Administrador del Indice Maestro Paciente

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Generated Narrative: ImplementationGuide ihe.iti.pixm


The official URL for this implementation guide is:


ImplementationGuide for IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm)


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          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Manager"
        "name" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed by the Manager that Deletes a Patient",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Patient Identity Feed Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager. \n- This profile applies to the Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager actor in \n - [Remove Patient](ITI-104.html#2310443-remove-patient)\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit PatientDelete event\n - this will result in two .entity elements with the same logical information\n- add the ITI-104 as a subtype\n- client is Patient Identifier Source\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slices for patient are required\n - filled with the identifier parameter value from the DELETE\n - will be an identifier, not a reference\n- entity slice for the data\n - filled with the path of the DELETE\n - will be the Patient resource id presented\n- entity slice for transaction is available",
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          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Update.Audit.Source"
        "name" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed by the Source that Creates or Updates a Patient",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Patient Identity Feed Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identity Source.\n- This profile applies to the Patient Identity Source actor in \n - [Add or Revise Patient](ITI-104.html#2310441-add-or-revise-patient)\n - [Resolve Duplicate Patient](ITI-104.html#2310442-resolve-duplicate-patient)\n- Patient Identity Source records an Update as using a conditional create, so as to support update if exists else create.\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit PatientUpdate event\n- add the ITI-104 as a subtype\n- client is Patient Identifier Source\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slices for patient are required\n - filled with the identifier parameter value from the PUT\n - will be an identifier, not a reference\n- entity slice for the data\n - filled with the body of the PUT\n - will be the Patient resource presented\n- entity slice for transaction is available",
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          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Source"
        "name" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed by the Source that Deletes a Patient",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Patient Identity Feed Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identity Source. \n- This profile applies to the Patient Identity Source actor in \n - [Remove Patient](ITI-104.html#2310443-remove-patient)\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit PatientDelete event\n - this will result in two .entity elements with the same logical information\n- add the ITI-104 as a subtype\n- client is Patient Identifier Source\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slices for patient are required\n - filled with the identifier parameter value from the DELETE\n - will be an identifier, not a reference\n- entity slice for the data\n - filled with the path of the DELETE\n - will be the Patient resource id presented\n- entity slice for transaction is available",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Create.Audit.Manager"
        "name" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR by the Manager that Creates a Patient",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.\n- This profile applies to the Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager actor in \n - [Add or Revise Patient](ITI-104.html#2310441-add-or-revise-patient)\n - [Resolve Duplicate Patient](ITI-104.html#2310442-resolve-duplicate-patient)\n- Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager knows the requested conditional create is a create, so records this as an create.\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit PatientCreate event\n - A generic FHIR server might not distinguish an ITI-104 \n- add the ITI-104 as a subtype\n- server is Patient Identifier Source\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slices for patient are required\n - filled with the identifier parameter value from the PUT\n - will be an identifier, not a reference\n- entity slice for the data\n - filled with the body of the PUT\n - will be the Patient resource presented\n- entity slice for transaction is available",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Update.Audit.Manager"
        "name" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR by the Manager that Updates a Patient",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent Resource to record when a Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.\n- This profile applies to the Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager actor in \n - [Add or Revise Patient](ITI-104.html#2310441-add-or-revise-patient)\n - [Resolve Duplicate Patient](ITI-104.html#2310442-resolve-duplicate-patient)\n- Patient Identity Cross-reference Manager knows the requested conditional create is an update, so records this as an update.\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit PatientUpdate event\n - A generic FHIR server might not distinguish an ITI-104 \n- add the ITI-104 as a subtype\n- server is Patient Identifier Source\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slices for patient are required\n - filled with the identifier parameter value from the PUT\n - will be an identifier, not a reference\n- entity slice for the data\n - filled with the body of the PUT\n - will be the Patient resource presented\n- entity slice for transaction is available",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Audit.Consumer"
        "name" : "Audit Event for PIXm Query by the Consumer",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent (AuditMessage) Resource to record when a PIXm Query Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer.\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit Patient Query event\n- add the ITI-83 as a subtype\n- client is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slice for query parameters\n- eitity slice for a source patient identifier\n- yes both entities likely say the same thing, but one is specifically the patient identifier, and the other is in query parameter format\n- source is the client",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Audit.Manager"
        "name" : "Audit Event for PIXm Query by the Manager",
        "description" : "Defines constraints on the AuditEvent (AuditMessage) Resource to record when a PIXm Query Transaction happens, as recorded by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.\n- Build off of the IHE BasicAudit Patient Query event\n- add the ITI-83 as a subtype\n- client is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer\n- server is Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager\n- entity slice for query parameters\n- eitity slice for a source patient identifier\n- yes both entities likely say the same thing, but one is specifically the patient identifier, and the other is in query parameter format\n- source is the server",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeed-create-manager"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Create at Manager",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager. The Feed resulted in a Create of a Patient given the feed content, as the given parameter did not previously exist.",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Create.Audit.Manager"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeed-delete-manager"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Delete at Manager",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Delete by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Manager"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeedDelete-manager"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Delete at Manager",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Delete by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager.",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Manager"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeed-delete-source"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Delete at Source",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Delete by the Patient Identity Source",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Source"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeedDelete-source"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Delete at Source",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Delete by the Patient Identity Source",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Delete.Audit.Source"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeed-update-manager"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Update at Manager",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Update by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Update.Audit.Manager"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmFeed-update-source"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-104 Update at Source",
        "description" : "Audit Event for Patient Identity Feed FHIR Transaction ITI-104 Update by the Patient Identity Source",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Feed.Update.Audit.Source"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmQuery-consumer"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-83 at Consumer",
        "description" : "Audit Event for PIXm Query Transaction ITI-83 by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Audit.Consumer"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "AuditEvent"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "AuditEvent/ex-auditPixmQuery-manager"
        "name" : "Audit Example of ITI-83 at Manager",
        "description" : "Audit Event for PIXm Query Transaction ITI-83 by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Audit.Manager"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Device"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Device/ex-device"
        "name" : "Dummy Device example",
        "description" : "Dummy Device example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target",
        "exampleBoolean" : true
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/ex-patient"
        "name" : "Dummy Patient example",
        "description" : "Dummy patient example for completeness sake. No actual use of this resource other than an example target",
        "exampleBoolean" : true
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "OperationOutcome"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "OperationOutcome/pixm-response-error-not-found"
        "name" : "Example OperationOutcome - sourceIdentifier Patient Identifier not found",
        "description" : "Example OperationOutcome resulting from a failure find a Patient",
        "exampleBoolean" : true
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "OperationDefinition"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "OperationDefinition/IHE.PIXm.pix"
        "name" : "Get Corresponding Identifiers Operation",
        "description" : "The OperationDefinition defines the In and Output Parameters for the $ihe-pix operation\n\n- Input: sourceIdentifier, targetSystem and _format\n\n- Output: targetIdentifier, targetId",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "CapabilityStatement"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "CapabilityStatement/IHE.PIXm.Consumer"
        "name" : "IHE ITI Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm) - Consumer (client)",
        "description" : "The [Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer Actor](volume-1.html#141112-patient-identifier-cross-reference-consumer) CapabililtyStatement expresses the requirements that can be utilized while being compliant.\n\n- using FHIR R4\n\n- using json or xml encoding\n\n- [ITI-83](ITI-83.html) the $ihe-pix operation\n\n- should use a security framework. Recommend [ATNA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/TF/Volume1/ch-9.html), encouraged [IHE-IUA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/IUA/index.html) or [SMART-app-launch](http://www.hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/)",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "CapabilityStatement"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "CapabilityStatement/IHE.PIXm.Manager"
        "name" : "IHE ITI Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm) - Manager (server)",
        "description" : "The [Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager Actor](volume-1.html#141113-patient-identifier-cross-reference-manager) CapabililtyStatement expresses the requirements that shall be provided.\n\n- using FHIR R4\n\n- using json and xml encoding\n\n- support for [ITI-83](ITI-83.html) the $ihe-pix operation\n\n- support conditional update for [ITI-104]\n\n- support conditional delete for [ITI-104] if Remove Patient Option is supported\n\n- should use a security framework. Recommend [ATNA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/TF/Volume1/ch-9.html), encouraged [IHE-IUA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/IUA/index.html) or [SMART-app-launch](http://www.hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/)",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "CapabilityStatement"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "CapabilityStatement/IHE.PIXm.Source"
        "name" : "IHE ITI Patient Identifier Cross-referencing for mobile (PIXm) - Source (client)",
        "description" : "The [Patient Identity Source Actor](volume-1.html#141111-patient-identity-source) CapabililtyStatement expresses the requirements that can be utilized while being compliant.\n\n- using FHIR R4\n\n- using json or xml encoding\n\n- using conditional update for [ITI-104](ITI-104.html)\n\n- using conditional delete for [ITI-104](ITI-104.html) if Remove Patient Option is supported\n\n- provide supported Patient profile for crosss-referencing for [ITI-104](ITI-104.html)\n\n- should use a security framework. Recommend [ATNA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/TF/Volume1/ch-9.html), encouraged [IHE-IUA](https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/IUA/index.html) or [SMART-app-launch](http://www.hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/)",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.In"
        "name" : "IHE PIXm Query Parameters In",
        "description" : "The StructureDefinition defines the Input Parameters for the $ihe-pix operation\n- Input: sourceIdentifier, targetSystem",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.Out"
        "name" : "IHE PIXm Query Parameters Out",
        "description" : "The StructureDefinition defines the Output Parameters for the $ihe-pix operation\n- Output: targetId, targetIdentifier",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrAlice"
        "name" : "Patient Alice Mohr",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Alice with all domain identifiers, note: this is just a consolidated identifier example will all identifiers from all the domains equivalent to a golden patient, however a golden patient is not the scope of PIXm, see the IHE PMIR profile",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient.BirthDateRequired"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrAlice-Blue"
        "name" : "Patient Alice Mohr (Blue)",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Alice in Blue Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrAlice-Green"
        "name" : "Patient Alice Mohr (Green)",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Alice in Green Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrAlice-Red"
        "name" : "Patient Alice Mohr (Red)",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Alice in Red Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrAlissa-Red"
        "name" : "Patient Alissa Mohr (Red)",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Alisa in Red Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MaidenAlice-Red"
        "name" : "Patient Maiden Alice (Red)",
        "description" : "Patient Maiden Alice in Red Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Patient"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Patient/Patient-MohrMaidenResolvedByMohrMalice-Red"
        "name" : "Patient Mohr Maiden Resolved by Mohr Alice (Red)",
        "description" : "Patient Mohr Maiden (Duplicate) Resolved by Mohr Alice Red Domain",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient"
        "name" : "PIXm Patient constraints for Feed",
        "description" : "Profile for describing elements which have to be accepted by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager for performing its cross-referencing function.\n- requiring name\n- mustSupport for identifier, name, telecom, gender birthDate, address and managingOrganization",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "StructureDefinition:resource"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Patient.BirthDateRequired"
        "name" : "PIXm Patient Profile example for additional Manager constraints",
        "description" : "Example Profile StructureDefinition for describing additional Patient resource constraints (requiring birthDate) by the Patient Identifier Cross-reference Manager for performing its cross-referencing function.\n- requiring name and birthDate\n- mustSupport for identifier, birthDate, name, telecom, gender birthDate, address and managingOrganization",
        "exampleBoolean" : false
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Parameters"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Parameters/pixm-response-mohralice-red-all"
        "name" : "PIXm Query Response for source identifier",
        "description" : "PIXm Query Response for Patient with source identifier in RED domain for Mohr Alice",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.Out"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Parameters"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Parameters/pixm-response-mohralice-red-to-blue"
        "name" : "PIXm Query Response for source identifier and target system specified",
        "description" : "PIXm Query Response for Patient with source identifier in RED domain and query for BLUE domain for Mohr Alice",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.Out"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Parameters"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Parameters/pixm-request-mohralice-red-all"
        "name" : "PIXm Query with source identifier",
        "description" : "PIXm Query for Patient with source identifier in RED domain for Mohr Alice",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.In"
        "extension" : [
            "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/resource-information",
            "valueString" : "Parameters"
        "reference" : {
          "reference" : "Parameters/pixm-request-mohralice-red-to-blue"
        "name" : "PIXm Query with source identifier and target system",
        "description" : "PIXm Query for Patient with source identifier in RED domain and query for BLUE domain for Mohr Alice",
        "exampleCanonical" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/PIXm/StructureDefinition/IHE.PIXm.Query.Parameters.In"
    "page" : {
      "extension" : [
          "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/ig-page-name",
          "valueUrl" : "toc.html"
      "nameUrl" : "toc.html",
      "title" : "Table of Contents",
      "generation" : "html",
      "page" : [
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/ig-page-name",
              "valueUrl" : "index.html"
          "nameUrl" : "index.html",
          "title" : "1:41 PIXm Home",
          "generation" : "markdown"
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/ig-page-name",
              "valueUrl" : "volume-1.html"
          "nameUrl" : "volume-1.html",
          "title" : "Volume 1:41",
          "generation" : "markdown"
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/ig-page-name",
              "valueUrl" : "ITI-83.html"
          "nameUrl" : "ITI-83.html",
          "title" : "2:3.83 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-reference Query [ITI-83]",
          "generation" : "markdown"
          "extension" : [
              "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/tools/StructureDefinition/ig-page-name",
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          "nameUrl" : "ITI-104.html",
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