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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package fhir.dicom#2024.2.20240331 (1234 ms)

Package fhir.dicom
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://fhir.org/packages/fhir.dicom/http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM
Url http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM
Version 2024.2.20240331
Status active
Date 2024-04-08T08:09:22+10:00
Name DICOMTerminologyDefinitions
Title DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator "DCM" Coding Scheme Version 2024.2.20240331
Purpose This code system is published as part of FHIR in order to make the codes available to FHIR terminology services and so implementers can easily leverage the codes
Copyright These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Content complete
valueSet http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all

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https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/IDR/ValueSet/imaging-study-endpoint-payloadtype-vs Imaging Study Endpoint PayloadType Value Set
http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-term/ValueSet/DocumentEntry.eventCodeList DocumentEntry.eventCodeList
https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/IMR/ValueSet/imaging-study-endpoint-payloadtype-vs Imaging Study Endpoint PayloadType Value Set
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/ValueSet/results-radiology-numobs-uv-ips Results Radiology Measurement Observation - IPS
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/ValueSet/results-radiology-txtobs-uv-ips Results Radiology Textual Observation - IPS
http://medcomehmi.dk/ig/terminology/ValueSet/ehmi-delivery-status-agent-who-identifier-types-valueset EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) - AgentWhoIdentifier Types Valueset
http://medcomehmi.dk/ig/terminology/ValueSet/ehmi-delivery-status-participationroletype-valueset EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) - ParticipationRoleType Valueset
http://art-decor.org/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883.11.22.66--20240802105026 IPS Results Radiology Textual Observations
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/radiation-dose-summary/ValueSet/component-radiation-dose-summary-vs Radiation Dose Summary component type
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/radiation-dose-summary/ValueSet/procedure-reported-type-rds-vs Procedure Reported Type Value Set
http://ihe.net/fhir/ihe.formatcode.fhir/ValueSet/formatcode IHE ValueSet of Format Codes for use with Document Sharing
http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/pcsp/ValueSet/vs-radiotherapyDoseType-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Dose Type
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/saner/ValueSet/DestinationRoles Destination Roles
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/saner/ValueSet/SourceRoles Source Roles
https://fhir.nhs.uk/STU3/ValueSet/RARecord-ProvenanceRole-1 Reasonable Adjustments Provenance Role
http://vzvz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/participation-role-type NlVzvzParticipationRoleType
http://vzvz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/audit-event-type audit-event-type ValueSet
http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all All DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_100.html QuantitativeDiagnosticImagingProcedure
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_1000.html CTTransversePlaneReferenceBasis
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10000.html ScopeofAccumulation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10001.html UIDType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10002.html IrradiationEventType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10003.html EquipmentPlaneIdentification
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10004.html FluoroMode
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10007.html XRayFilterType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10008.html DoseRelatedDistanceMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10011.html EffectiveDoseEvaluationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10013.html CTAcquisitionType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10015.html CTDoseReferenceAuthority
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10021.html SourceofCTDoseInformation
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10023.html SizeSpecificDoseEstimationMethodforCT
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10024.html WaterEquivalentDiameterMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10025.html RadiationDoseReferencePoint
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10030.html DetectorType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10031.html CR/DRMechanicalConfiguration
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10032.html ProjectionXRayAcquisitionDeviceType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10033.html CTReconstructionAlgorithm
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10034.html ReasonforRepeatingAcquisition
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10047.html GFRMeasurementMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10050.html SummaryRadiationExposureQuantity
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10061.html AbsorbedRadiationDoseType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10062.html EquivalentRadiationDoseType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10063.html RadiationDoseEstimateDistributionRepresentation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10064.html PatientModelType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10065.html RadiationTransportModelType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10066.html AttenuatorCategory
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12030.html UltrasoundContrast/BolusAgent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12031.html ProtocolIntervalEvent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12032.html TransducerScanPattern
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12033.html UltrasoundTransducerGeometry
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12035.html UltrasoundTransducerApplication
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12101.html VascularSummary
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12229.html EchocardiographyAreaMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12230.html GradientMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12231.html VolumeFlowMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12232.html MyocardiumMassMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12238.html WallMotionScoringScheme
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12245.html CardiacUltrasoundReportTitle
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12254.html CardiacUltrasoundHemodynamicMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12255.html CardiacUltrasoundMyocardiumMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12257.html CardiacUltrasoundLeftVentricleMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12258.html CardiacUltrasoundRightVentricleMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12262.html CardiacUltrasoundPulmonaryValveMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12263.html CardiacUltrasoundVenousReturnPulmonaryMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12264.html CardiacUltrasoundVenousReturnSystemicMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12267.html CardiacUltrasoundTricuspidValveMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12300.html CoreEchoMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12303.html EchoMeasurementType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12304.html EchoMeasuredProperty
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12310.html MyocardialStrainMethod
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_221.html MeasurementRangeConcept
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3110.html NuclearCardiologyProtocol
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3202.html ChestPain
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3205.html IndicationsforPharmacologicalStressTest
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3231.html STSegmentFinding
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3239.html PerceivedExertionScale
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3405.html ProcedureActionValue
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3406.html NoncoronaryTranscatheterIntervention
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3409.html Drug/ContrastAdministration
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3410.html Drug/ContrastNumericParameter
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3412.html InterventionAction/Status
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3413.html AdverseOutcome
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3419.html FindingTitle
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3421.html ProcedureAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3422.html DeviceUseAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3423.html NumericDeviceCharacteristic
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3428.html CardiovascularImagingProcedure
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3446.html SkinCondition
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3448.html AirwayAssessment
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3451.html CalibrationObject
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3452.html CalibrationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3453.html CardiacVolumeMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3455.html IndexMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3456.html SubsegmentMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3458.html ContourRealignment
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3460.html CircumferentialExtent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3461.html RegionalExtent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3465.html QAReferenceMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3467.html EjectionFraction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3468.html EDVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3469.html ESVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3470.html VesselLumenCrosssectionalAreaCalculationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3471.html EstimatedVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3481.html IVUSDistanceMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3482.html IVUSAreaMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3483.html IVUSLongitudinalMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3484.html IVUSIndex/Ratio
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3485.html IVUSVolumeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3486.html VascularMeasurementSite
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3487.html IntravascularVolumetricRegion
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3491.html IVUSLesionMorphology
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3492.html VascularDissectionClassification
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3493.html IVUSRelativeStenosisSeverity
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3494.html IVUSNonMorphologicalFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3495.html IVUSPlaqueComposition
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3525.html BloodGasContent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3526.html BloodGasSaturation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3529.html Arterial/VenousContent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3530.html OxygenAdministrationAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3531.html OxygenAdministration
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3550.html CirculatorySupportAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3551.html VentilationAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3552.html PacingAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3611.html PressureMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3612.html BloodVelocityMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3613.html HemodynamicTimeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3614.html NonmitralValveArea
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3615.html ValveArea
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3618.html HemodynamicFlow
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3619.html HemodynamicResistanceMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3620.html HemodynamicRatio
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3629.html ProcedureIntent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3663.html BodySurfaceAreaEquation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3664.html OxygenConsumptionEquation/Table
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3666.html P50Equation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3667.html FraminghamScore
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3668.html FraminghamTable
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3677.html SummaryCodesECG
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3678.html QTCorrectionAlgorithm
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3704.html MyocardiumWallMorphologyFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3711.html ValvularAbnormality
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3726.html CoronaryInterventionIndication
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3739.html CathProcedureType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3748.html AngiographicEFTestingMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3752.html GuidewireCrossing
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3781.html LeftVentricleMyocardialWall18SegmentModel
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3785.html LeftVentricleApicalWall6Segments
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3807.html VolumeMeasurementMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3813.html StentFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3821.html PapillaryMuscleIncluded/Excluded
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3823.html RespiratoryStatus
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3835.html CardiacVolumeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3836.html TimebasedPerfusionMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3838.html DiameterDerivation
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_401.html AuditEventTypeCode
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4011.html DXViewModifier
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_402.html AuditActiveParticipantRoleIDCode
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4021.html PETRadiopharmaceutical
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4033.html MRProtonSpectroscopyMetabolite
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4050.html DrugorContrastAgentCharacteristic
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4052.html PhantomDevice
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4100.html T1MeasurementMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4101.html TracerKineticModel
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4104.html BolusArrivalTimeDerivationMethod
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4106.html QuantitativeMethodUsedforPerfusionandTracerKineticModel
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4230.html OphthalmicUltrasoundAxialMeasurementsType
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_6028.html MammographyRecommendedFollowup
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_6029.html RecommendedFollowupfromBIRADS®
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7064.html ModelUsage
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7070.html RealTimeVideoRenditionTitle
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_71.html ImagingAgentAdministrationInjectorEventType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7100.html RCSRegistrationMethodType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7101.html BrainAtlasFiducial
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7110.html FiducialCategory
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7111.html Fiducial
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7112.html RadiotherapyFiducial
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7140.html BrainStructureforVolumetricMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7151.html SegmentationPropertyType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7157.html DeviceSegmentationType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7159.html LesionSegmentationType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7162.html SurfaceProcessingAlgorithmFamily
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7165.html AbstractSegmentationType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7168.html BrainLesionSegmentationTypeWithNecrosis
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7169.html BrainLesionSegmentationTypeWithoutNecrosis
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7180.html AbstractMultidimensionalImageModelComponentSemantic
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7182.html AbstractMultidimensionalImageModelDimensionSemantic
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7184.html AbstractMultidimensionalImageModelAxisDirection
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7185.html AbstractMultidimensionalImageModelAxisOrientation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7186.html AbstractMultidimensionalImageModelQualitativeDimensionSampleSemantic
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7192.html AnatomicalStructureSegmentationPropertyType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7193.html PhysicalObjectSegmentationPropertyType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7194.html MorphologicallyAbnormalStructureSegmentationPropertyType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7196.html SpatialandRelationalConceptSegmentationPropertyType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_72.html ImagingAgentAdministrationStepType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7201.html ReferencedImagePurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7202.html SourceImagePurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7203.html ImageDerivation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7205.html PurposeofReferencetoAlternateRepresentation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7210.html RelatedSeriesPurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7215.html SpectroscopyPurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7220.html RTDoseDerivation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7221.html RTDosePurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7222.html ParametricMapDerivationImagePurposeofReference
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7250.html MultiFrameSubsetType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7260.html DiffusionAcquisitionValueType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7261.html DiffusionModelValueType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7262.html DiffusionTractographyAlgorithmFamily
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7263.html DiffusionTractographyMeasurementType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7270.html MRDiffusionComponentSemantic
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7271.html MRDiffusionAnisotropyIndex
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7272.html MRDiffusionModelParameter
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7273.html MRDiffusionModel
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7274.html MRDiffusionModelFittingMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7275.html MRDiffusionModelSpecificMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7276.html MRDiffusionModelInput
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_73.html BolusShapingCurve
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7300.html ImplantMaterial
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7303.html ImplantTemplateModifiedViewOrientation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7305.html ImplantPlanningLandmark
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7306.html HumanHipImplantPlanningLandmark
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7307.html ImplantComponentType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7308.html HumanHipImplantComponentType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7310.html ImplantFixationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7320.html PlanningMethod
  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "DCM",
  "url" : "http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:1.2.840.10008.2.16.4"
  "version" : "2024.2.20240331",
  "name" : "DICOMTerminologyDefinitions",
  "title" : "DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2024-04-08T08:09:22+10:00",
  "publisher" : "FHIR Project on behalf of DICOM",
  "description" : "DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator \"DCM\" Coding Scheme Version 2024.2.20240331",
  "purpose" : "This code system is published as part of FHIR in order to make the codes available to FHIR terminology services and so implementers can easily leverage the codes",
  "copyright" : "These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.",
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "valueSet" : "http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all",
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "ANN",
      "display" : "Annotation",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces annotations."
      "code" : "AR",
      "display" : "Autorefraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures autorefraction."
      "code" : "ARCHIVE",
      "display" : "Archive",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that stores images and other objects for a prolonged period of time."
      "code" : "AS",
      "display" : "Angioscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during angioscopy."
      "code" : "ASMT",
      "display" : "Content Assessment Result",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces assessments of the content of other instances, e.g., for quality or suitability."
      "code" : "AU",
      "display" : "Audio",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records audio."
      "code" : "BDUS",
      "display" : "Ultrasound Bone Densitometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ultrasound bone densitometry."
      "code" : "BI",
      "display" : "Biomagnetic imaging",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs biomagnetic imaging."
      "code" : "BMD",
      "display" : "Bone Mineral Densitometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs bone mineral densitometry by X-Ray, including dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) and morphometric X-Ray absorptiometry (MXA)."
      "code" : "CAD",
      "display" : "Computer Assisted Detection/Diagnosis",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that performs computer assisted detection or diagnosis."
      "code" : "CAPTURE",
      "display" : "Image Capture",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs image capture, includes video capture."
      "code" : "CD",
      "display" : "Color flow Doppler",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs color flow Doppler."
      "code" : "CF",
      "display" : "Cinefluorography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs cinefluorography."
      "code" : "CFM",
      "display" : "Confocal Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging using a confocal microscope."
      "code" : "COMP",
      "display" : "Computation Server",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs computation as a service; includes radiotherapy planning."
      "code" : "CP",
      "display" : "Culposcopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during culposcopy."
      "code" : "CR",
      "display" : "Computed Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs computed radiography."
      "code" : "CS",
      "display" : "Cystoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during cystoscopy."
      "code" : "CT",
      "display" : "Computed Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs computed tomography."
      "code" : "CTPROTOCOL",
      "display" : "CT Protocol",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces CT device acquisition protocols."
      "code" : "DD",
      "display" : "Duplex Doppler",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs duplex Doppler."
      "code" : "DF",
      "display" : "Digital fluoroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital fluoroscopy."
      "code" : "DG",
      "display" : "Diaphanography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs diaphanography."
      "code" : "DM",
      "display" : "Digital microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital microscopy."
      "code" : "DMS",
      "display" : "Dermoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging of the surface of the skin using epiluminescence microscopy."
      "code" : "DOC",
      "display" : "Document",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces documents. i.e., representations of documents as images, whether by scanning or other means."
      "code" : "DOCD",
      "display" : "Document Digitizer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that digitizes hardcopy documents and imports them."
      "code" : "DS",
      "display" : "Digital Subtraction Angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital subtraction angiography."
      "code" : "DSS",
      "display" : "Department System Scheduler",
      "definition" : "A department-based information system (for instance, Radiology or Laboratory) that provides functions related to the management of orders received from external systems or through the department system’s user interface. This definition matches that of the DSS/OF Actor in the IHE Scheduled Workflow (SWF) Profile."
      "code" : "DX",
      "display" : "Digital Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital radiography."
      "code" : "EC",
      "display" : "Echocardiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs echocardiography."
      "code" : "ECG",
      "display" : "Electrocardiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electrocardiography."
      "code" : "EEG",
      "display" : "Electroencephalography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electroencephalography."
      "code" : "EMG",
      "display" : "Electromyography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electromyography."
      "code" : "EOG",
      "display" : "Electrooculography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electrooculography."
      "code" : "EPS",
      "display" : "Cardiac Electrophysiology",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs cardiac electrophysiology."
      "code" : "ES",
      "display" : "Endoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during endoscopy."
      "code" : "F",
      "display" : "Female",
      "definition" : "Female sex."
      "code" : "FA",
      "display" : "Fluorescein angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs fluorescein angiography."
      "code" : "FC",
      "display" : "Female changed to Male",
      "definition" : "Female sex changed to Male sex."
      "code" : "FID",
      "display" : "Spatial Fiducials",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that identifies features or landmarks used to establish spatial correlation between objects or frames of reference."
      "code" : "FILMD",
      "display" : "Film Digitizer",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs film digitization."
      "code" : "FP",
      "display" : "Female Pseudohermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Female Pseudohermaphrodite."
      "code" : "FS",
      "display" : "Fundoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during fundoscopy."
      "code" : "GM",
      "display" : "General Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs general microscopy."
      "code" : "H",
      "display" : "Hermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Hermaphrodite."
      "code" : "HC",
      "display" : "Hard Copy",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates images to be printed as hard copy."
      "code" : "HD",
      "display" : "Hemodynamic Waveform",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records hemodynamic waveforms."
      "code" : "IO",
      "display" : "Intra-oral Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intra-oral radiography."
      "code" : "IOL",
      "display" : "Intraocular Lens Calculation",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that encodes calculations for an intraocular lens."
      "code" : "IVOCT",
      "display" : "Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intravascular optical coherence tomography"
      "code" : "IVUS",
      "display" : "Intravascular Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intravascular ultrasound."
      "code" : "KER",
      "display" : "Keratometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs keratometry."
      "code" : "KO",
      "display" : "Key Object Selection",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Key Object Selection objects."
      "code" : "LEN",
      "display" : "Lensometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs lensometry."
      "code" : "LOG",
      "display" : "Procedure Logging",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs procedure Logging; includes cath lab logging."
      "code" : "LP",
      "display" : "Laparoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during laparoscopy."
      "code" : "LS",
      "display" : "Laser surface scan",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs laser surface scanning."
      "code" : "M",
      "display" : "Male",
      "definition" : "Male sex."
      "code" : "M3D",
      "display" : "3D Manufacturing Modeling System",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces data (models) for use in 3D manufacturing."
      "code" : "MA",
      "display" : "Magnetic resonance angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance angiography."
      "code" : "MC",
      "display" : "Male changed to Female",
      "definition" : "Male sex changed to Female sex."
      "code" : "MCD",
      "display" : "Media Creation Device",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates DICOM interchange media."
      "code" : "MEDIM",
      "display" : "Portable Media Importer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that retrieves and imports objects from Interchange Media."
      "code" : "MG",
      "display" : "Mammography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs mammography."
      "code" : "MP",
      "display" : "Male Pseudohermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Male Pseudohermaphrodite."
      "code" : "MR",
      "display" : "Magnetic Resonance",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance imaging."
      "code" : "MS",
      "display" : "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance spectroscopy."
      "code" : "NEARLINE",
      "display" : "Nearline",
      "definition" : "Instances need to be retrieved from relatively slow media such as optical disk or tape."
      "code" : "NM",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs nuclear medicine imaging."
      "code" : "OAM",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Axial Measurements",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures the axial length of the eye."
      "code" : "OCT",
      "display" : "Optical Coherence Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that uses an interferometric, non-invasive optical tomographic technique to image 2D slices and 3D volumes of tissue using visible and near visible frequencies."
      "code" : "OFFLINE",
      "display" : "Offline",
      "definition" : "Instances need to be retrieved by manual intervention."
      "code" : "ONLINE",
      "display" : "Online",
      "definition" : "Instances are immediately available."
      "code" : "OP",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic photography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ophthalmic photography."
      "code" : "OPM",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Mapping",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures corneal topography, corneal or retinal thickness, and other similar parameters that are typically displayed as maps."
      "code" : "OPR",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Refraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures the refractive characteristics of the eye."
      "code" : "OPT",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs tomography of the eye that is based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPTBSV",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs B-scan volume analysis of tomography images of the eye based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPTENF",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography En Face",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that creates en face tomography images of the eye based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPV",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Visual Field",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures visual fields and perform visual perimetry."
      "code" : "OSS",
      "display" : "Optical Surface Scanner",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs optical surface scanning."
      "code" : "OT",
      "display" : "Other Modality",
      "definition" : "Other Modality device."
      "code" : "PA",
      "display" : "Photoacoustic",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging by means of tissue excitation through the absorption of short light pulses and detection of the resultant acoustic emission."
      "code" : "PLAN",
      "display" : "Plan",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces treatment plans, e.g., delivery instructions for RT."
      "code" : "POS",
      "display" : "Position Sensor",
      "definition" : "A device or sensor measuring the orientation of the patient’s body."
      "code" : "PR",
      "display" : "Presentation State",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Presentation State objects."
      "code" : "PRINT",
      "display" : "Hard Copy Print Server",
      "definition" : "Hard Copy Print Server; includes printers with embedded DICOM print server."
      "code" : "PT",
      "display" : "Positron emission tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs positron emission tomography (PET)."
      "code" : "PX",
      "display" : "Panoramic X-Ray",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs panoramic X-Rays."
      "code" : "REG",
      "display" : "Registration",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that creates Registration objects."
      "code" : "RESP",
      "display" : "Respiratory Waveform",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces waveforms of electrical signals from the patient’s respiratory system."
      "code" : "RF",
      "display" : "Radiofluoroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiofluoroscopy."
      "code" : "RG",
      "display" : "Radiographic imaging",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiographic imaging (conventional film/screen)."
      "code" : "RT",
      "display" : "Radiation Therapy Device",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that delivers radiation therapy; includes linear accelerator, proton therapy."
      "code" : "RTDOSE",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Dose",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records radiotherapy dose."
      "code" : "RTIMAGE",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Image",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiotherapy imaging; includes portal imaging."
      "code" : "RTPLAN",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Plan",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces radiotherapy plans."
      "code" : "RTRECORD",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Treatment Record",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records radiotherapy treatment records."
      "code" : "RTSTRUCT",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Structure Set",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces Radiotherapy Structure Sets."
      "code" : "RWV",
      "display" : "Real World Value Map",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces mappings between image pixel values and some real-world values."
      "code" : "SEG",
      "display" : "Segmentation",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that performs segmentation."
      "code" : "SM",
      "display" : "Slide Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs slide microscopy."
      "code" : "SMR",
      "display" : "Stereometric Relationship",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records relationships between stereometric image pairs."
      "code" : "SR",
      "display" : "Structured Report Document",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Structured Report documents."
      "code" : "SRF",
      "display" : "Subjective Refraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records subjective refraction."
      "code" : "ST",
      "display" : "Single-photon emission computed tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)."
      "code" : "STAIN",
      "display" : "Automated Slide Stainer",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that applies, in an automated manner, a stain, or reagent, to microscopy slides in preparation for imaging."
      "code" : "TEXTUREMAP",
      "display" : "Texture Map",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces texture maps."
      "code" : "TG",
      "display" : "Thermography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs thermography."
      "code" : "U",
      "display" : "Unknown Sex",
      "definition" : "Unknown Sex."
      "code" : "UNAVAILABLE",
      "display" : "Unavailable",
      "definition" : "Instances cannot be retrieved."
      "code" : "US",
      "display" : "Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ultrasound."
      "code" : "VA",
      "display" : "Visual Acuity",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures visual acuity."
      "code" : "VF",
      "display" : "Videofluorography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures videofluorography."
      "code" : "VIDD",
      "display" : "Video Tape Digitizer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that digitizes video tape and imports it."
      "code" : "WSD",
      "display" : "Workstation",
      "definition" : "A networked computer equipped with a display and software for performing specific types of work, generally intended to be operated by a single user."
      "code" : "XA",
      "display" : "X-Ray Angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs X-Ray angiography."
      "code" : "XC",
      "display" : "External-camera Photography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs photography with an external camera."
      "code" : "109001",
      "display" : "Digital timecode (NOS)",
      "definition" : "A signal transmitted for the purpose of interchange of the current time, not specific to any source or methodology."
      "code" : "109002",
      "display" : "ECG-based gating signal, processed",
      "definition" : "A signal that is generated for each detection of a heart beat."
      "code" : "109003",
      "display" : "IRIG-B timecode",
      "definition" : "A signal transmitted by the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group for the purpose of synchronizing time clocks."
      "code" : "109004",
      "display" : "X-Ray Fluoroscopy On Signal",
      "definition" : "A signal that indicates that X-Ray source has been activated for fluoroscopy use."
      "code" : "109005",
      "display" : "X-Ray On Trigger",
      "definition" : "A signal that indicated that the X-Ray source has been activated for image recording."
      "code" : "109006",
      "display" : "Differential signal",
      "definition" : "An electrical signal derived from two electrodes."
      "code" : "109007",
      "display" : "His bundle electrogram",
      "definition" : "An electrophysiological recording from the HIS nerve bundle."
      "code" : "109008",
      "display" : "Monopole signal",
      "definition" : "An electrical signal from one electrode relative to an indifferent potential."
      "code" : "109009",
      "display" : "Pacing (electrical) stimulus, voltage",
      "definition" : "The voltage stimulus during cardiac pacing."
      "code" : "109010",
      "display" : "Radio frequency ablation, power",
      "definition" : "The power injected during RF ablation procedure."
      "code" : "109011",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement by basket catheter",
      "definition" : "Electrophysiological signals acquired using a multi-splined catheter each equipped with multiple electrodes."
      "code" : "109012",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement by mapping catheter",
      "definition" : "Electrophysiological signals acquired using a steerable catheter."
      "code" : "109013",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement",
      "definition" : "A voltage measurement not otherwise specified."
      "code" : "109014",
      "display" : "35% of thermal CO",
      "definition" : "A signal point that is 35% of the peak thermal cardiac output signal."
      "code" : "109015",
      "display" : "70% of thermal CO",
      "definition" : "A signal point that is 70% of the peak thermal cardiac output signal."
      "code" : "109016",
      "display" : "A wave peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat in the atrium caused by the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109017",
      "display" : "A wave pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several A wave pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109018",
      "display" : "Beat detected (accepted)",
      "definition" : "An identified cardiac beat used in the determination of a measurement."
      "code" : "109019",
      "display" : "Beat detected (rejected)",
      "definition" : "An identified cardiac beat not used in the determination of a measurement."
      "code" : "109020",
      "display" : "Diastolic pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several diastolic pressure measurements"
      "code" : "109021",
      "display" : "Diastolic pressure nadir",
      "definition" : "The lowest pressure value excluding any undershoot artifact."
      "code" : "109022",
      "display" : "End diastole",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle."
      "code" : "109023",
      "display" : "End of expiration",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of respiratory expiration."
      "code" : "109024",
      "display" : "End of inspiration",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of respiratory inspiration."
      "code" : "109025",
      "display" : "Max dp/dt",
      "definition" : "The maximum positive rate of change of pressure."
      "code" : "109026",
      "display" : "Max neg dp/dt",
      "definition" : "The maximum negative rate of change of pressure."
      "code" : "109027",
      "display" : "Mean blood pressure",
      "definition" : "The average blood pressure value, generally over 2 or more seconds"
      "code" : "109028",
      "display" : "Peak of thermal cardiac output bolus",
      "definition" : "The peak change in blood temperature during a thermal cardiac output measurement."
      "code" : "109029",
      "display" : "Start of expiration",
      "definition" : "The moment respiratory expiration begins."
      "code" : "109030",
      "display" : "Start of inspiration",
      "definition" : "The moment of respiratory inspiration begins."
      "code" : "109031",
      "display" : "Start of thermal cardiac output bolus",
      "definition" : "The first discernible blood temperature change following the injectate during a thermal cardiac output measurement."
      "code" : "109032",
      "display" : "Systolic pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several systolic blood pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109033",
      "display" : "Systolic peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The highest systolic blood pressure value excluding any overshoot artifact"
      "code" : "109034",
      "display" : "V wave peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat in the atrium caused by the filling of the atrium."
      "code" : "109035",
      "display" : "V wave pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several V wave pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109036",
      "display" : "Valve close",
      "definition" : "The moment at which a heart valve closes."
      "code" : "109037",
      "display" : "Valve open",
      "definition" : "The moment at which a heart valve opens."
      "code" : "109038",
      "display" : "Ablation off",
      "definition" : "The moment when RF ablation current is turned off."
      "code" : "109039",
      "display" : "Ablation on",
      "definition" : "The moment when RF ablation current is turned on."
      "code" : "109040",
      "display" : "HIS bundle wave",
      "definition" : "The moment in the cardiac cycle when the HIS bundle nerves depolarize."
      "code" : "109041",
      "display" : "P wave",
      "definition" : "The surface electrocardiogram of the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109042",
      "display" : "Q wave",
      "definition" : "The first negative deflection of the electrocardiogram cause by ventricular depolarization."
      "code" : "109043",
      "display" : "R wave",
      "definition" : "The first positive deflection the electrocardiogram cause by ventricular depolarization."
      "code" : "109044",
      "display" : "S wave",
      "definition" : "The first negative deflection after the R wave."
      "code" : "109045",
      "display" : "Start of atrial contraction",
      "definition" : "The beginning of the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109046",
      "display" : "Start of atrial contraction (subsequent)",
      "definition" : "The beginning of the second atrial contraction of two consecutive beats."
      "code" : "109047",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 1 interval",
      "definition" : "The stimulation interval during cardiac stimulation first used in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109048",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 2 interval",
      "definition" : "The stimulation interval different from the first stimulation interval used in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109049",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 3 interval",
      "definition" : "A stimulation interval different from and subsequent to the second interval in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109050",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 4 interval",
      "definition" : "Describes a stimulation interval different from and subsequent to the third interval in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109051",
      "display" : "T wave",
      "definition" : "The electrocardiogram deflection caused by ventricular repolarization."
      "code" : "109052",
      "display" : "V wave",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat monitored in the atrium caused by the filling of the atrium."
      "code" : "109053",
      "display" : "V wave of next beat",
      "definition" : "The second V wave measurement of two consecutive beats."
      "code" : "109054",
      "display" : "Patient State",
      "definition" : "A description of the physiological condition of the patient."
      "code" : "109055",
      "display" : "Protocol Stage",
      "definition" : "The exercise level during a progressive cardiac stress test."
      "code" : "109056",
      "display" : "Stress Protocol",
      "definition" : "A series of physiological challenges designed to progressively increase the work of the heart."
      "code" : "109057",
      "display" : "Catheterization Procedure Phase",
      "definition" : "A subpart of a cardiac catheterization procedure"
      "code" : "109058",
      "display" : "Contrast Phase",
      "definition" : "The subpart of a cardiac catheterization procedure in which a radio-opaque contrast medium is injected into the patient."
      "code" : "109059",
      "display" : "Physiological challenges",
      "definition" : "Physical changes administered to a patient in order to elicit an physiological response."
      "code" : "109060",
      "display" : "Procedure Step Number",
      "definition" : "Enumeration of a subpart of a catheterization procedure."
      "code" : "109061",
      "display" : "EP Procedure Phase",
      "definition" : "A subpart of en electrophysiological procedure."
      "code" : "109063",
      "display" : "Pulse train definition",
      "definition" : "A means of defining a series of cardiac stimulation pulses."
      "code" : "109070",
      "display" : "End of systole"
      "code" : "109071",
      "display" : "Indicator mean transit time",
      "definition" : "Time for a median particle to travel from point of injection to point of detection."
      "code" : "109072",
      "display" : "Tau",
      "definition" : "The time constant of isovolumic pressure fall."
      "code" : "109073",
      "display" : "V max myocardial",
      "definition" : "Maximum velocity of myocardial contractility."
      "code" : "109080",
      "display" : "Real time acquisition",
      "definition" : "Total time for the acquisition is shorter than cardiac cycle, no gating is applied."
      "code" : "109081",
      "display" : "Prospective gating",
      "definition" : "Certain thresholds have been set for a gating window that defines the acceptance of measurement data during the acquisition."
      "code" : "109082",
      "display" : "Retrospective gating",
      "definition" : "Certain thresholds have been set for a gating window that defines the acceptance of measurement data after the acquisition."
      "code" : "109083",
      "display" : "Paced",
      "definition" : "There is a constant RR interval, which makes thresholding not required; see Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037)."
      "code" : "109091",
      "display" : "Cardiac Stress State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after injection of tracer during increased cardiac workload or increased myocardial blood flow, achieved by either exercise or pharmacologic means."
      "code" : "109092",
      "display" : "Reinjection State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after injection of additional tracer under resting conditions."
      "code" : "109093",
      "display" : "Redistribution State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after allowing a moderate amount of time for tracer to move from its initial sites of uptake.Example: For Thallium imaging this would correspond to imaging 2-6 hours after injection."
      "code" : "109094",
      "display" : "Delayed Redistribution State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after allowing an extended amount of time for tracer to move from its initial sites of uptake.Example: For Thallium imaging this would correspond to imaging more than 6 hours after injection."
      "code" : "109095",
      "display" : "Peak stress state",
      "definition" : "Peak Cardiac stress state"
      "code" : "109096",
      "display" : "Recovery state",
      "definition" : "Recovery from cardiac stress"
      "code" : "109100",
      "display" : "Synthesizing Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that created artificial data."
      "code" : "109101",
      "display" : "Acquisition Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that originally acquired the data stored within composite instances."
      "code" : "109102",
      "display" : "Processing Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances."
      "code" : "109103",
      "display" : "Modifying Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has modified existing composite instances (without creating new composite instances)."
      "code" : "109104",
      "display" : "De-identifying Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has modified an existing composite instance to remove patient identifying information."
      "code" : "109105",
      "display" : "Frame Extracting Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances by extracting selected frames from the original instance."
      "code" : "109106",
      "display" : "Enhanced Multi-frame Conversion Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances by converting classic single frame images to enhanced multi-frame image, or vice versa and updating other instances to maintain referential integrity."
      "code" : "109110",
      "display" : "Voice",
      "definition" : "The sound of a human's speech, recorded during a procedure."
      "code" : "109111",
      "display" : "Operator's narrative",
      "definition" : "The voice of a device operator, recorded during a procedure."
      "code" : "109112",
      "display" : "Ambient room environment",
      "definition" : "The ambient sound recorded during a procedure, which may or may not include voice and other types of sound."
      "code" : "109113",
      "display" : "Doppler audio",
      "definition" : "The Doppler waveform recorded as an audible signal."
      "code" : "109114",
      "display" : "Phonocardiogram",
      "definition" : "The sound of the human heart beating."
      "code" : "109115",
      "display" : "Physiological audio signal",
      "definition" : "Any sound made by the human body."
      "code" : "109116",
      "display" : "Arterial Pulse Waveform",
      "definition" : "A digitized signal from the patient arterial system collected through pulse oximetry or other means."
      "code" : "109117",
      "display" : "Respiration Waveform",
      "definition" : "A digitized signal from the patient respiratory system representing respiration."
      "code" : "109120",
      "display" : "On admission to unit",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on admission to a specialist unit."
      "code" : "109121",
      "display" : "On discharge",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on discharge from hospital as an in-patient."
      "code" : "109122",
      "display" : "On discharge from unit",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on discharge from a specialist unit."
      "code" : "109123",
      "display" : "Pre-intervention",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed immediately prior to non-surgical intervention. E.g, percutaneous angioplasty, biopsy."
      "code" : "109124",
      "display" : "Post-intervention",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed immediately after to non-surgical intervention. E.g, percutaneous angioplasty, biopsy."
      "code" : "109125",
      "display" : "At last appointment",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed at the most recent outpatient visit."
      "code" : "109132",
      "display" : "Joint position method",
      "definition" : "The active or passive joint positioning during acquisition."
      "code" : "109133",
      "display" : "Physical force",
      "definition" : "A physical force applied during acquisition."
      "code" : "109134",
      "display" : "Prior to voiding",
      "definition" : "Prior to voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109135",
      "display" : "Post voiding",
      "definition" : "Post voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109136",
      "display" : "Neutral musculoskeletal position",
      "definition" : "Neutral musculoskeletal position."
      "code" : "109137",
      "display" : "During voiding",
      "definition" : "During voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109200",
      "display" : "America Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "America Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109201",
      "display" : "America's Pet Registry Inc.",
      "definition" : "America's Pet Registry Inc."
      "code" : "109202",
      "display" : "American Canine Association",
      "definition" : "American Canine Association."
      "code" : "109203",
      "display" : "American Purebred Registry",
      "definition" : "American Purebred Registry."
      "code" : "109204",
      "display" : "American Rare Breed Association",
      "definition" : "American Rare Breed Association."
      "code" : "109205",
      "display" : "Animal Registry Unlimited",
      "definition" : "Animal Registry Unlimited."
      "code" : "109206",
      "display" : "Animal Research Foundation",
      "definition" : "Animal Research Foundation."
      "code" : "109207",
      "display" : "Canadian Border Collie Association",
      "definition" : "Canadian Border Collie Association."
      "code" : "109208",
      "display" : "Canadian Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "Canadian Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109209",
      "display" : "Canadian Livestock Records Association",
      "definition" : "Canadian Livestock Records Association."
      "code" : "109210",
      "display" : "Canine Federation of Canada",
      "definition" : "Canine Federation of Canada."
      "code" : "109211",
      "display" : "Continental Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "Continental Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109212",
      "display" : "Dog Registry of America",
      "definition" : "Dog Registry of America."
      "code" : "109213",
      "display" : "Federation of International Canines",
      "definition" : "Federation of International Canines."
      "code" : "109214",
      "display" : "International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance",
      "definition" : "International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance."
      "code" : "109215",
      "display" : "National Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "National Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109216",
      "display" : "North American Purebred Dog Registry",
      "definition" : "North American Purebred Dog Registry."
      "code" : "109217",
      "display" : "United All Breed Registry",
      "definition" : "United All Breed Registry."
      "code" : "109218",
      "display" : "United Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "United Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109219",
      "display" : "Universal Kennel Club International",
      "definition" : "Universal Kennel Club International."
      "code" : "109220",
      "display" : "Working Canine Association of Canada",
      "definition" : "Working Canine Association of Canada."
      "code" : "109221",
      "display" : "World Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "World Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109222",
      "display" : "World Wide Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "World Wide Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109701",
      "display" : "Overall image quality evaluation",
      "definition" : "Evaluation of overall image quality as described in section 7.3.2 of ."
      "code" : "109702",
      "display" : "Grayscale resolution evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual verification of sufficient grayscale resolution based on 8 and 10-bit markers as described in section 7.3.3 of ."
      "code" : "109703",
      "display" : "Luminance response evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of luminance response using the TG18-CT test pattern as described in section 7.3.4 of ."
      "code" : "109704",
      "display" : "Luminance uniformity evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual detection of luminance non-uniformities as described in section 7.3.5 of ."
      "code" : "109705",
      "display" : "Chromaticity evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual verification of color uniformity as described in section 7.3.6 of ."
      "code" : "109706",
      "display" : "Pixel faults evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual detection of defective pixels on dark (TG18-UN80) and bright (TG18-UN10) images as described in section 7.3.7 of ."
      "code" : "109707",
      "display" : "Veiling glare evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of veiling glare by looking at low contrast objects on 2 test patterns as described in section 7.3.8 of ."
      "code" : "109708",
      "display" : "Geometrical image evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of geometry, phase/clock correction and clipping as described in section 7.3.9 of ."
      "code" : "109709",
      "display" : "Angular viewing evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of viewing angle as described in section 7.3.10 of ."
      "code" : "109710",
      "display" : "Clinical evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of the appearance of clinical images as described in section 7.3.11 of ."
      "code" : "109801",
      "display" : "TG18-QC Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-QC Pattern used for evaluation of resolution, luminance, distortion, artifacts.See ."
      "code" : "109802",
      "display" : "TG18-BR Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-BR Pattern used for the evaluation of the display of low-contrast, fine-detail image structuresSee ."
      "code" : "109803",
      "display" : "TG18-PQC Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-PQC Pattern used for evaluation of resolution, luminance, contrast transfer for prints.See ."
      "code" : "109804",
      "display" : "TG18-CT Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-CT Pattern used for evaluation of luminance response.See ."
      "code" : "109805",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 1st image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109806",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 2nd image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109807",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 3rd image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109808",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 4th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109809",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 5th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109810",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 6th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109811",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 7th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109812",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 8th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109813",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 9th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109814",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 10th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration series.See ."
      "code" : "109815",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 11th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109816",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 12th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109817",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 13th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109818",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 14th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109819",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 15th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109820",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 16th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109821",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 17th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109822",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 18th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8- set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109823",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 1st image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109824",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 2 nd image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109825",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 3rd image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109826",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 4th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109827",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 5th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109828",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 6th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109829",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 7th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109830",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 8th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109831",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 9th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109832",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 10th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109833",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 11th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109834",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 12th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109835",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 13th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109836",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 14th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109837",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 15th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109838",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 16th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109839",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 17th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109840",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 18th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109841",
      "display" : "TG18-UN10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UN10 Pattern used for evaluation of luminance and color uniformity, and angular response.See ."
      "code" : "109842",
      "display" : "TG18-UN80 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UN80 Pattern used for evaluation of luminance and color uniformity, and angular response.See ."
      "code" : "109843",
      "display" : "TG18-UNL10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UNL10 Pattern is the AAPM TG-18 UN10 Pattern with added defining lines.See ."
      "code" : "109844",
      "display" : "TG18-UNL80 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UNL80 Pattern is the AAPM TG-18 UN80 Pattern with added defining lines.See ."
      "code" : "109845",
      "display" : "TG18-AD Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-AD Pattern used for visual evaluation of the reflection of ambient light from the display.See ."
      "code" : "109846",
      "display" : "TG18-MP Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MP Pattern used for evaluation of Luminance response (bit-depth resolution).See ."
      "code" : "109847",
      "display" : "TG18-RH10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH10 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 10% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109848",
      "display" : "TG18-RH50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH50 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 50% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109849",
      "display" : "TG18-RH89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH89 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 89% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109850",
      "display" : "TG18-RV10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV10 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 10% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109851",
      "display" : "TG18-RV50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV50 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 50% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109852",
      "display" : "TG18-RV89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV89 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 89% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109853",
      "display" : "TG18-PX Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-PX Pattern used for the assessment of display resolution.See ."
      "code" : "109854",
      "display" : "TG18-CX Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-CX Pattern used to assess display resolution and resolution uniformity.See ."
      "code" : "109855",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH10 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109856",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH50 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 50% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109857",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH89 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 89% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109858",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV10 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109859",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV50 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 50% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109860",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV89 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 89% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109861",
      "display" : "TG18-AFC Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-AFC Pattern used to assess display noise.See"
      "code" : "109862",
      "display" : "TG18-NS10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS10 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV10/RH10 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109863",
      "display" : "TG18-NS50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS50 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV50/RH50 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109864",
      "display" : "TG18-NS89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS89 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV89/RH89 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109865",
      "display" : "TG18-GV Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GV Pattern used to assess display veiling.See ."
      "code" : "109866",
      "display" : "TG18-GVN Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GVN Pattern used to assess display veiling. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GV Pattern except that the large-diameter white circle is replaced with a black circle, creating a completely black pattern except for the presence of low-contrast targets.See ."
      "code" : "109867",
      "display" : "TG18-GQ Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GQ Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GV except that is lacks the central low-contrast objects.See ."
      "code" : "109868",
      "display" : "TG18-GQN Pattern",
      "definition" : "TG18-GQN Pattern used for the quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GQ Pattern except that the large-diameter white circle is replaced with a black circle, creating a completely black pattern except for the presence of low-contrast targets.See ."
      "code" : "109869",
      "display" : "TG18-GQB Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GQB Pattern used for the quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GQ Pattern except eliminating the central black circle.See ."
      "code" : "109870",
      "display" : "TG18-GA03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA03 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 3.See ."
      "code" : "109871",
      "display" : "TG18-GA05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA05 Pattern This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 5.See ."
      "code" : "109872",
      "display" : "TG18-GA08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA08 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 8.See ."
      "code" : "109873",
      "display" : "TG18-GA10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA10 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 10.See ."
      "code" : "109874",
      "display" : "TG18-GA15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA15 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 15."
      "code" : "109875",
      "display" : "TG18-GA20 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA20 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 20.See ."
      "code" : "109876",
      "display" : "TG18-GA25 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA25 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 25.See ."
      "code" : "109877",
      "display" : "TG18-GA30 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA30 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 30.See ."
      "code" : "109878",
      "display" : "TG18-CH Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-CH Image is a reference anatomical PA chest image.See ."
      "code" : "109879",
      "display" : "TG18-KN Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-KN Image is a reference anatomical knee image.See ."
      "code" : "109880",
      "display" : "TG18-MM1 Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MM1 Image is a reference anatomical mammogram image.See ."
      "code" : "109881",
      "display" : "TG18-MM2 Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MM2 Image is a reference anatomical mammogram image.See ."
      "code" : "109901",
      "display" : "OIQ Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC OIQ Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-QC Pattern.See ."
      "code" : "109902",
      "display" : "ANG Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC ANG Pattern used for angular viewing evaluation.See ."
      "code" : "109903",
      "display" : "GD Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC GD Pattern used for geometrical image evaluation.See ."
      "code" : "109904",
      "display" : "BN01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN01 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-01 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109905",
      "display" : "BN02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN02 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-02 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109906",
      "display" : "BN03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN03 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-03 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109907",
      "display" : "BN04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN04 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-04 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109908",
      "display" : "BN05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN05 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-05 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109909",
      "display" : "BN06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN06 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-06 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109910",
      "display" : "BN07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN07 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-07 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109911",
      "display" : "BN08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN08 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-08 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109912",
      "display" : "BN09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN09 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-09 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109913",
      "display" : "BN10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN10 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-10 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109914",
      "display" : "BN11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN11 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-11 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109915",
      "display" : "BN12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN12 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-12 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109916",
      "display" : "BN13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN13 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-13 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109917",
      "display" : "BN14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN14 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-14 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109918",
      "display" : "BN15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN15 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-15 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109919",
      "display" : "BN16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN16 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-16 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109920",
      "display" : "BN17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN17 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-17 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109921",
      "display" : "BN18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN18 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-18 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109931",
      "display" : "DIN Grayscale Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 2\" for the gray-scale reproduction of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109932",
      "display" : "DIN Geometry Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 3\" for the geometrical imaging properties of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109933",
      "display" : "DIN Resolution Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 5\" for displaying the spatial and contrast resolution as well as the line structure of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109941",
      "display" : "White Pattern",
      "definition" : "An alternative to AAPM TG18-UN80, specified at 100% of maximum pixel value."
      "code" : "109943",
      "display" : "SMPTE Pattern",
      "definition" : "A standard display test pattern.See .A pattern is available at ."
      "code" : "109991",
      "display" : "CRT Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109992",
      "display" : "Liquid Crystal Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Liquid Crystal Display."
      "code" : "109993",
      "display" : "Plasma Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Plasma Display."
      "code" : "109994",
      "display" : "OLED",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on an Organic Light Emitting Diode based display."
      "code" : "109995",
      "display" : "DLP Rear Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from behind using a Digital Light Processing Projector."
      "code" : "109996",
      "display" : "DLP Front Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from in front using a Digital Light Processing Projector."
      "code" : "109997",
      "display" : "CRT Rear Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from behind using a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109998",
      "display" : "CRT Front Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from in front using a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109999",
      "display" : "Other Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from an unspecified direction using an unspecified means."
      "code" : "110001",
      "display" : "Image Processing",
      "definition" : "Image processing work item."
      "code" : "110002",
      "display" : "Quality Control",
      "definition" : "Quality control work item."
      "code" : "110003",
      "display" : "Computer Aided Diagnosis",
      "definition" : "Computer aided diagnosis work item."
      "code" : "110004",
      "display" : "Computer Aided Detection",
      "definition" : "Computer aided detection work item."
      "code" : "110005",
      "display" : "Interpretation",
      "definition" : "The work item task is to prepare a report that contains the interpretation of an imaging study."
      "code" : "110006",
      "display" : "Transcription",
      "definition" : "Transcription work item."
      "code" : "110007",
      "display" : "Report Verification",
      "definition" : "Report verification work item."
      "code" : "110008",
      "display" : "Print",
      "definition" : "Print work item."
      "code" : "110009",
      "display" : "No subsequent Workitems",
      "definition" : "There will be no more work items scheduled."
      "code" : "110010",
      "display" : "Film",
      "definition" : "Film type of output."
      "code" : "110011",
      "display" : "Dictation",
      "definition" : "Dictation type of output."
      "code" : "110012",
      "display" : "Transcription",
      "definition" : "Transcription type of output."
      "code" : "110013",
      "display" : "Media Import",
      "definition" : "The procedure to read DICOM instances from DICOM interchange media, coerce identifying Attributes into the local namespace if necessary, and make the instances available."
      "code" : "110020",
      "display" : "Sheet Film Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Sheet Film."
      "code" : "110021",
      "display" : "Cine Film Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Cine Film."
      "code" : "110022",
      "display" : "Video Tape Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Video Tape."
      "code" : "110023",
      "display" : "Paper Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of pages of a paper document (Units may be specified as Pages, Documents)."
      "code" : "110024",
      "display" : "CD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of CD."
      "code" : "110025",
      "display" : "DVD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DVD."
      "code" : "110026",
      "display" : "MOD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of MOD."
      "code" : "110027",
      "display" : "Studies Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DICOM Studies."
      "code" : "110028",
      "display" : "Instances Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DICOM Composite Instances."
      "code" : "110030",
      "display" : "USB Disk Emulation",
      "definition" : "A device that connects using the USB hard drive interface. These may be USB-Sticks, portable hard drives, and other technologies."
      "code" : "110031",
      "display" : "Email",
      "definition" : "Email and email attachments used as a media for data transport."
      "code" : "110032",
      "display" : "CD",
      "definition" : "CD-R, CD-ROM, and CD-RW media used for data transport."
      "code" : "110033",
      "display" : "DVD",
      "definition" : "DVD, DVD-RAM, and other DVD formatted media used for data transport."
      "code" : "110034",
      "display" : "Compact Flash",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Compact Flash standard."
      "code" : "110035",
      "display" : "Multi-media Card",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Multi-media Card standard."
      "code" : "110036",
      "display" : "Secure Digital Card",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Secure Digital Card standard."
      "code" : "110037",
      "display" : "URI",
      "definition" : "URI Identifier for network or other resource, see RFC3968."
      "code" : "110038",
      "display" : "Paper Document",
      "definition" : "Any paper or similar document."
      "code" : "110100",
      "display" : "Application Activity",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Activity has taken place."
      "code" : "110101",
      "display" : "Audit Log Used",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit Log has been used."
      "code" : "110102",
      "display" : "Begin Transferring DICOM Instances",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Storage of DICOM Instances has begun."
      "code" : "110103",
      "display" : "DICOM Instances Accessed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: DICOM Instances have been created, read, updated, or deleted -audit event."
      "code" : "110104",
      "display" : "DICOM Instances Transferred",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Storage of DICOM Instances has been completed."
      "code" : "110105",
      "display" : "DICOM Study Deleted",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Entire Study has been deleted."
      "code" : "110106",
      "display" : "Export",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Data has been exported out of the system."
      "code" : "110107",
      "display" : "Import",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Data has been imported into the system."
      "code" : "110108",
      "display" : "Network Entry",
      "definition" : "Audit event: System has joined or left network."
      "code" : "110109",
      "display" : "Order Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Order has been created, read, updated or deleted."
      "code" : "110110",
      "display" : "Patient Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Patient Record has been created, read, updated, or deleted."
      "code" : "110111",
      "display" : "Procedure Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Procedure Record has been created, read, updated, or deleted."
      "code" : "110112",
      "display" : "Query",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Query has been made."
      "code" : "110113",
      "display" : "Security Alert",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security Alert has been raised."
      "code" : "110114",
      "display" : "User Authentication",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User Authentication has been attempted."
      "code" : "110119",
      "display" : "Station AE Title",
      "definition" : "Application Entity Title of a device."
      "code" : "110120",
      "display" : "Application Start",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Entity has started."
      "code" : "110121",
      "display" : "Application Stop",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Entity has stopped."
      "code" : "110122",
      "display" : "Login",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User login has been attempted."
      "code" : "110123",
      "display" : "Logout",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User logout has been attempted."
      "code" : "110124",
      "display" : "Attach",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node has been attached."
      "code" : "110125",
      "display" : "Detach",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node has been detached."
      "code" : "110126",
      "display" : "Node Authentication",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node Authentication has been attempted."
      "code" : "110127",
      "display" : "Emergency Override Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Emergency Override has started."
      "code" : "110128",
      "display" : "Network Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Network configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110129",
      "display" : "Security Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110130",
      "display" : "Hardware Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Hardware configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110131",
      "display" : "Software Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Software configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110132",
      "display" : "Use of Restricted Function",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A use of a restricted function has been attempted."
      "code" : "110133",
      "display" : "Audit Recording Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit recording has been stopped."
      "code" : "110134",
      "display" : "Audit Recording Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit recording has been started."
      "code" : "110135",
      "display" : "Object Security Attributes Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security attributes of an object have been changed."
      "code" : "110136",
      "display" : "Security Roles Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security roles have been changed."
      "code" : "110137",
      "display" : "User security Attributes Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security attributes of a user have been changed."
      "code" : "110138",
      "display" : "Emergency Override Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Emergency Override has Stopped."
      "code" : "110139",
      "display" : "Remote Service Operation Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Remote Service Operation has Begun."
      "code" : "110140",
      "display" : "Remote Service Operation Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Remote Service Operation has Stopped."
      "code" : "110141",
      "display" : "Local Service Operation Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Local Service Operation has Begun."
      "code" : "110142",
      "display" : "Local Service Operation Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Local Service Operation Stopped."
      "code" : "110143",
      "display" : "Authentication Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An authentication decision has been made."
      "code" : "110144",
      "display" : "Authorization Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An authorization decision has been made."
      "code" : "110145",
      "display" : "Session start",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A persistent session has started."
      "code" : "110146",
      "display" : "Session stop",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A persistent session has stopped."
      "code" : "110147",
      "display" : "Access Control Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An access control decision has been made."
      "code" : "110150",
      "display" : "Application",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of software application."
      "code" : "110151",
      "display" : "Application Launcher",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of software application launcher, i.e., the entity that started or stopped an application."
      "code" : "110152",
      "display" : "Destination Role ID",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of the receiver of data."
      "code" : "110153",
      "display" : "Source Role ID",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of the sender of data."
      "code" : "110154",
      "display" : "Destination Media",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of media receiving data during an export."
      "code" : "110155",
      "display" : "Source Media",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of media providing data during an import."
      "code" : "110180",
      "display" : "Study Instance UID",
      "definition" : "ParticipantObjectID type: Study Instance UID."
      "code" : "110181",
      "display" : "SOP Class UID",
      "definition" : "ParticipantObjectID type: SOP Class UID."
      "code" : "110182",
      "display" : "Node ID",
      "definition" : "ID of a node that is a participant object of an audit message."
      "code" : "110190",
      "display" : "Issuer of Identifier",
      "definition" : "System, organization, agency, or department that has assigned an instance identifier (such as placer or filler number, patient or provider identifier, etc.)."
      "code" : "110500",
      "display" : "Doctor canceled procedure",
      "definition" : "Procedure order canceled by requesting physician or other authorized physician."
      "code" : "110501",
      "display" : "Equipment failure",
      "definition" : "Equipment failure prevented completion of procedure."
      "code" : "110502",
      "display" : "Incorrect procedure ordered",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect procedure being ordered."
      "code" : "110503",
      "display" : "Patient allergic to media/contrast",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient allergy to media/contrast (reported or reaction)."
      "code" : "110504",
      "display" : "Patient died",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to death of Patient."
      "code" : "110505",
      "display" : "Patient refused to continue procedure",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient refusal to continue procedure."
      "code" : "110506",
      "display" : "Patient taken for treatment or surgery",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient being taken for treatment or surgery."
      "code" : "110507",
      "display" : "Patient did not arrive",
      "definition" : "Patient did not arrive for procedure."
      "code" : "110508",
      "display" : "Patient pregnant",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient pregnancy (reported or determined)."
      "code" : "110509",
      "display" : "Change of procedure for correct charging",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued to restart with new procedure code for correct charging."
      "code" : "110510",
      "display" : "Duplicate order",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to duplicate orders received for same procedure."
      "code" : "110511",
      "display" : "Nursing unit cancel",
      "definition" : "Procedure order canceled by nursing unit."
      "code" : "110512",
      "display" : "Incorrect side ordered",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect side (laterality) being ordered."
      "code" : "110513",
      "display" : "Discontinued for unspecified reason",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued for unspecified reason."
      "code" : "110514",
      "display" : "Incorrect worklist entry selected",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect patient or procedure step selected from modality worklist."
      "code" : "110515",
      "display" : "Patient condition prevented continuing",
      "definition" : "Patient condition prevented continuation of procedure."
      "code" : "110516",
      "display" : "Equipment change",
      "definition" : "Procedure step is discontinued to change to other equipment or modality."
      "code" : "110518",
      "display" : "Patient Movement",
      "definition" : "A movement of the patient preventing continuation of procedure or affecting result quality."
      "code" : "110519",
      "display" : "Operator Error",
      "definition" : "An error of the operator preventing continuation of procedure or affecting result quality."
      "code" : "110520",
      "display" : "Channel Obstruction",
      "definition" : "The brachytherapy channel is obstructed and the treatment in this channel cannot proceed."
      "code" : "110521",
      "display" : "Objects incorrectly formatted",
      "definition" : "One or more of the objects is malformed."
      "code" : "110522",
      "display" : "Object Types not supported",
      "definition" : "Receiving System is unable to accept the object type."
      "code" : "110523",
      "display" : "Object Set incomplete",
      "definition" : "One or more objects associated with the object set is missing."
      "code" : "110524",
      "display" : "Media Failure",
      "definition" : "The contents of the Media could not be accessed properly."
      "code" : "110526",
      "display" : "Resource pre-empted",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to necessary equipment, staff or other resource becoming (temporarily) unavailable to the procedure."
      "code" : "110527",
      "display" : "Resource inadequate",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to necessary equipment, staff or other resource being inadequate to complete the procedure."
      "code" : "110528",
      "display" : "Discontinued Procedure Step rescheduled",
      "definition" : "A new Procedure Step has been scheduled to replace the Discontinued Procedure Step."
      "code" : "110529",
      "display" : "Discontinued Procedure Step rescheduling recommended",
      "definition" : "It is recommended that a new Procedure Step be scheduled to replace the Discontinued Procedure Step."
      "code" : "110530",
      "display" : "Workitem assignment rejected by assigned resource",
      "definition" : "The resource to which a workitem has been assigned has rejected the assignment."
      "code" : "110531",
      "display" : "Insufficient quality for interpretation",
      "definition" : "Reporting not possible due to lack of quality of the images provided."
      "code" : "110532",
      "display" : "Interpretation requires specialist expertise",
      "definition" : "The nature of the clinical problem means that reporting of the study requires a subject matter expert."
      "code" : "110533",
      "display" : "Workitem expired",
      "definition" : "The expiration date/time of the workitem has been exceeded."
      "code" : "110700",
      "display" : "Ventral Diencephalon",
      "definition" : "Ventral structures of the diencephalon that cannot readily be distinguished on MR imaging, including the hypothalamus, mammillary body, subthalamic nuclei, substantia nigra, red nucleus, lateral geniculate nucleus, medial geniculate nucleus, zona incerta, cerebral peduncle, lenticular fasciculus, medial lemniscus, and optic tract.See and ."
      "code" : "110701",
      "display" : "White Matter T1 Hypointensity",
      "definition" : "Area(s) of reduced intensity on T1 weighted images relative to the surrounding white matter.These may be indicative of age-related or neurodegenerative white matter lesions, and may be co-located with areas of white matter T2 hyperintensity, but the concept is specifically confined to the MR appearance on T1 weighted images."
      "code" : "110702",
      "display" : "White Matter T2 Hyperintensity",
      "definition" : "Area(s) of increased intensity on T2 weighted images relative to the surrounding white matter.These may be indicative of age-related or neurodegenerative white matter lesions, and may be co-located with areas of white matter T1 hypointensity, but the concept is specifically confined to the MR appearance on T2 weighted images."
      "code" : "110703",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus I",
      "definition" : "The dorsal component of the SLF originating from the medial and dorsal parietal cortex and ending in the dorsal and medial part of the frontal lobe.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110704",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus II",
      "definition" : "The major component of the SLF, derived from the caudal-inferior parietal region corresponding to the angular gyrus in the human and terminating within the dorsolateral frontal region.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110705",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus III",
      "definition" : "The ventral component of the SLF, originating from the supramarginal gyrus and terminating predominantly in the ventral premotor and prefrontal areas.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110706",
      "display" : "Perilesional White Matter",
      "definition" : "White matter that surrounds a lesion of interest."
      "code" : "110800",
      "display" : "Spin Tagging Perfusion MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Spin tagging Perfusion MR image. Spin tagging is a technique for the measurement of blood perfusion, based on magnetically labeled arterial blood water as an endogenous tracer."
      "code" : "110801",
      "display" : "Contrast Agent Angio MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Contrast Agent Angio MR image."
      "code" : "110802",
      "display" : "Time Of Flight Angio MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Time-of-flight (TOF) MR image. Time-of-flight (TOF) is based on the phenomenon of flow-related enhancement of spins entering into an imaging slice. As a result of being unsaturated, these spins give more signal that surrounding stationary spins."
      "code" : "110803",
      "display" : "Proton Density Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Proton Density Weighted MR image. All MR images have intensity proportional to proton density. Images with very little T1 or T2 weighting are called 'PD-weighted'."
      "code" : "110804",
      "display" : "T1 Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of T1 Weighted MR image. A T1 Weighted MR image is created typically by using short TE and TR times."
      "code" : "110805",
      "display" : "T2 Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2 Weighted MR image. T2 Weighted image contrast state is approached by imaging with a TR long compared to tissue T1 (to reduce T1 contribution to image contrast) and a TE between the longest and shortest tissue T2s of interest."
      "code" : "110806",
      "display" : "T2* Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2* Weighted MR image. The T2* phenomenon results from molecular interactions (spin spin relaxation) and local magnetic field non-uniformities, which cause the protons to precess at slightly different frequencies."
      "code" : "110807",
      "display" : "Field Map MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Field Map MR image. A Field Map MR image provides a direct measure of the B0 inhomogeneity at each point in the image."
      "code" : "110808",
      "display" : "Fractional Anisotropy",
      "definition" : "Coefficient reflecting the fractional anisotropy of the tissues, derived from a diffusion weighted MR image. Fractional anisotropy is proportional to the square root of the variance of the Eigen values divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the Eigen values."
      "code" : "110809",
      "display" : "Relative Anisotropy",
      "definition" : "Coefficient reflecting the relative anisotropy of the tissues, derived from a diffusion weighted MR image."
      "code" : "110810",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxx Component",
      "definition" : "Dxx Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the X axis."
      "code" : "110811",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxy Component",
      "definition" : "Dxy Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the X and Y directions."
      "code" : "110812",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxz Component",
      "definition" : "Dxz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the X and Z directions."
      "code" : "110813",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dyy Component",
      "definition" : "Dyy Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the Y axis."
      "code" : "110814",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dyz Component",
      "definition" : "Dyz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the Y and Z directions."
      "code" : "110815",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dzz Component",
      "definition" : "Dzz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the Z axis."
      "code" : "110816",
      "display" : "T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the dynamics of diffusion of the exogenous contrast media from the blood pool into the extra vascular extracellular space (EES) of the brain at a rate determined by the blood flow to the tissue, the permeability of the Brain Blood Barrier (BBB), and the surface area of the perfusing vessels."
      "code" : "110817",
      "display" : "T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the T2 of tissue decrease as the Gd contrast agent bolus passes through the brain."
      "code" : "110818",
      "display" : "T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the T2* of tissue decrease as the Gd contrast agent bolus passes through the brain."
      "code" : "110819",
      "display" : "Blood Oxygenation Level",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Blood Oxygenation Level image. Used in Photoacoustic Imaging and functional MR. In functional MR BOLD imaging it is used for detecting brain activation and is sensitive to blood oxygenation (but also to cerebral blood flow and volume)."
      "code" : "110820",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine Projection Activity",
      "definition" : "Accumulated decay event counts in a nuclear medicine projection image."
      "code" : "110821",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine Tomographic Activity",
      "definition" : "Accumulated decay event counts in a Nuclear Medicine Tomographic image (including PET)."
      "code" : "110822",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement X Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis X of a non linear deformable spatial registration image. The X axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing to the left hand side of the patient."
      "code" : "110823",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement Y Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis Y of a non linear deformable spatial registration image. The Y axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing to the posterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110824",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement Z Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis Z of a Non linear deformable spatial registration image. The Z axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing toward the head of the patient."
      "code" : "110825",
      "display" : "Hemodynamic Resistance",
      "definition" : "Measured resistance to the flow of blood."
      "code" : "110826",
      "display" : "Indexed Hemodynamic Resistance",
      "definition" : "Measured resistance to the flow of blood."
      "code" : "110827",
      "display" : "Tissue Velocity",
      "definition" : "Velocity of tissue based on Doppler measurements."
      "code" : "110828",
      "display" : "Flow Velocity",
      "definition" : "Velocity of blood flow based on Doppler measurements."
      "code" : "110829",
      "display" : "Flow Variance",
      "definition" : "Statistical variance of blood velocity relative to mean."
      "code" : "110830",
      "display" : "Elasticity",
      "definition" : "Scalar value related to the elastic properties of the tissue."
      "code" : "110831",
      "display" : "Perfusion",
      "definition" : "Scalar value related to the volume of blood perfusing into tissue."
      "code" : "110832",
      "display" : "Speed of sound",
      "definition" : "Speed of sound in tissue."
      "code" : "110833",
      "display" : "Ultrasound Attenuation",
      "definition" : "Reduction in strength of ultrasound signal as the wave."
      "code" : "110834",
      "display" : "RGB R Component",
      "definition" : "Red component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110835",
      "display" : "RGB G Component",
      "definition" : "Green component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110836",
      "display" : "RGB B Component",
      "definition" : "Blue component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110837",
      "display" : "YBR FULL Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110838",
      "display" : "YBR FULL CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110839",
      "display" : "YBR FULL CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110840",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110841",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110842",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110843",
      "display" : "YBR ICT Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110844",
      "display" : "YBR ICT CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110845",
      "display" : "YBR ICT CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110846",
      "display" : "YBR RCT Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110847",
      "display" : "YBR RCT CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110848",
      "display" : "YBR RCT CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110849",
      "display" : "Echogenicity",
      "definition" : "The ability of a material to create an ultrasound return echo."
      "code" : "110850",
      "display" : "X-Ray Attenuation",
      "definition" : "Decrease in the number of photons in an X-Ray beam due to interactions with the atoms of a material substance. Attenuation is due primarily to two processes, absorption and scattering."
      "code" : "110851",
      "display" : "X-Ray Attenuation Coefficient",
      "definition" : "Coefficient that describes the fraction of a beam of X-Rays or gamma rays that is absorbed or scattered per unit thickness of the absorber. This value basically accounts for the number of atoms in a cubic cm volume of material and the probability of a photon being scattered or absorbed from the nucleus or an electron of one of these atoms."
      "code" : "110852",
      "display" : "MR signal intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of an MR image, not otherwise specified."
      "code" : "110853",
      "display" : "Binary Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Binary value denoting that the segmented property is present."
      "code" : "110854",
      "display" : "Fractional Probabilistic Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Probability, defined as a percentage, that the segmented property occupies the spatial area defined by the voxel."
      "code" : "110855",
      "display" : "Fractional Occupancy Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Percentage of the voxel area occupied by the segmented property."
      "code" : "110856",
      "display" : "Linear Displacement",
      "definition" : "Spatial dimension, denoting a linear displacement."
      "code" : "110857",
      "display" : "Photon Energy",
      "definition" : "Dimension denoting the energy (frequency or wavelength) of photons."
      "code" : "110858",
      "display" : "Time",
      "definition" : "Dimension used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events and the intervals between events."
      "code" : "110859",
      "display" : "Angle",
      "definition" : "Spatial dimension, denoting an angle."
      "code" : "110860",
      "display" : "Left-Right Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's left and right side."
      "code" : "110861",
      "display" : "Head-Foot Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's head and foot."
      "code" : "110862",
      "display" : "Anterior-Posterior Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's anterior and posterior sides."
      "code" : "110863",
      "display" : "Apex-Base Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the apex and base of an organ, object, or chamber."
      "code" : "110864",
      "display" : "Anterior-Inferior Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the anterior and inferior sides of an organ, object, or chamber."
      "code" : "110865",
      "display" : "Septum-Wall Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the septum and wall of a chamber."
      "code" : "110866",
      "display" : "Right To Left",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the right to the left side of the patient."
      "code" : "110867",
      "display" : "Left To Right",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the left to the right side of the patient."
      "code" : "110868",
      "display" : "Head To Foot",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the head to the foot of the patient."
      "code" : "110869",
      "display" : "Foot To Head",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the foot to the head of the patient."
      "code" : "110870",
      "display" : "Anterior To Posterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the anterior to the posterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110871",
      "display" : "Posterior To Anterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the posterior to the anterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110872",
      "display" : "Apex To Base",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the apex to the base."
      "code" : "110873",
      "display" : "Base To Apex",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the base to the apex."
      "code" : "110874",
      "display" : "Anterior To Inferior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the anterior to the inferior."
      "code" : "110875",
      "display" : "Inferior To Anterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the inferior to the anterior."
      "code" : "110876",
      "display" : "Septum To Wall",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the septum of a chamber to the opposite wall."
      "code" : "110877",
      "display" : "Wall To Septum",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the opposite wall to the septum of a chamber."
      "code" : "110901",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) X",
      "definition" : "The x coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110902",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) Y",
      "definition" : "The y coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110903",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) Z",
      "definition" : "The z coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110904",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row X",
      "definition" : "The x value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110905",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row Y",
      "definition" : "The y value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110906",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row Z",
      "definition" : "The z value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110907",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column X",
      "definition" : "The x value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110908",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column Y",
      "definition" : "The y value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110909",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column Z",
      "definition" : "The z value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110910",
      "display" : "Pixel Data Rows",
      "definition" : "Number of rows in the pixel data of the i",
      "display" : "Multiple Intraductal Papillomas",
      "definition" : "Papilloma typically involving an aggregate of adjacent ducts in the periphery of the breast, likely representing involvement of several foci of one or two duct systems."
      "code" : "111286",
      "display" : "No abnormality",
      "definition" : "No abnormality."
      "code" : "111287",
      "display" : "Normal breast tissue",
      "definition" : "Normal breast tissue."
      "code" : "111288",
      "display" : "Neurofibromatosis",
      "definition" : "Condition in which there are tumors of various sizes on peripheral nerves. They may be neuromas or fibromas"
      "code" : "111290",
      "display" : "Oil cyst (fat necrosis cyst)",
      "definition" : "A cyst resulting from the loss of the epithelial lining of a sebaceous dermoid or lacteal cyst."
      "code" : "111291",
      "display&quouse of a physical X-Ray anti-scatter grid."
      "code" : "111641",
      "display" : "Fixed grid",
      "definition" : "A physical X-Ray anti-scatter grid that does not move during exposure."
      "code" : "111642",
      "display" : "Focused grid",
      "definition" : "A physical X-Ray anti-scatter grid with radiation absorbing strips that are focused toward the focal spot, to eliminate grid cutoff."
      "code" : "111643",
      "display" : "Reciprocating grid",
      "definition" : "A physical X-Ray anti-scatter grid that is designed to move during exposure, to eliminate the appearance of grid lines on the image."
      "code" : "111644",
      "display" : "Parallel grid",
      "definition" : "A physical X-Ray anti-scatter grid with radiation absorbing strips that are parallel to each other and that is used only with long source to image distances."
      "code" : "111645",
      "display" : "Crossed grid",
      "defini"definition" : "Equivalent of air bronchogram, but in airways assumed to be bronchioles because of peripheral location and diameter [Fraser and Pare]."
      "code" : "112071",
      "display" : "Air bronchogram",
      "definition" : "Radiographic shadow of an air-containing bronchus; presumed to represent an air-containing segment of the bronchial tree (identity often inferred) [Fraser and Pare]."
      "code" : "112072",
      "display" : "Air crescent",
      "definition" : "Air in a crescentic shape in a nodule or mass, in which the air separates the outer wall of the lesion from an inner sequestrum, which most commonly is a fungus ball of Aspergillusspecies [Fraser and Pare]."
      "code" : "112073",
      "display" : "Halo sign",
      "definition" : "Ground-glass opacity surrounding the circumference of a nodule or mass. May be a sign of invasive aspergillosis or hemorrhage of various causes [Fraser and Pare]."
      "code" : "112074",
      "display" : "Target Lesion at Baseline",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting that this lesion was identified, at baseline, as a target lesion intended for tracking over time [REC