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Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package ca.on.dhdr.r4.v4#0.1.2-beta (78 ms)

Package ca.on.dhdr.r4.v4
Type StructureDefinition
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=ca.on.dhdr.r4.v4@0.1.2-beta&canonical=http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-MedicationDispense
Url http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-MedicationDispense
Version 1.0.0
Status active
Date 2022-02-18
Name MedicationDispense
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description Indicates that a medication is to be or has been dispensed for a named patient
Type MedicationDispense
Kind resource

Resources that use this resource

https://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/DHDR/metadata-consumer Digital Health Drug Repository FHIR Capability Statement

Resources that this resource uses

http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-ext-quantity-remaining DispenseRemainingQuantity
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-ext-refills-remaining DispenseRemainingRefills
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-Medication Medication
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-MedicationRequest MedicationRequestPrescription
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-Organization-dispenser OrganizationDispenser
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-Patient-dispense Patient
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-Practitioner-dispenser PractitionerDispenser
http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-Practitioner-prescriber PractitionerPrescriber
https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/ValueSet/medicationdispensecategory MedicationDispenseCategory
https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/ValueSet/prescribedquantityunit PrescribedQuantityUnit


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

No human-readable text provided in this case.


  "resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
  "id" : "d5d38102-c557-41af-a34b-38bfa77a5en5",
  "meta" : {
    "lastUpdated" : "2023-03-13T16:06:23.0239426+00:00"
  "text" : {
    "status" : "empty",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">No human-readable text provided in this case.</div>"
  "url" : "http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/StructureDefinition/ca-on-medications-consumer-profile-MedicationDispense",
  "version" : "1.0.0",
  "name" : "MedicationDispense",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2022-02-18",
  "description" : "Indicates that a medication is to be or has been dispensed for a named patient",
  "fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
  "kind" : "resource",
  "abstract" : false,
  "type" : "MedicationDispense",
  "baseDefinition" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/MedicationDispense",
  "derivation" : "constraint",
  "differential" : {
    "element" : [
        "id" : "MedicationDispense",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.id",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.id",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.meta",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.meta",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.meta.lastUpdated",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.meta.lastUpdated",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.meta.source",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.meta.source",
        "definition" : "A uri that identifies the source system of the resource. This provides a minimal amount of [Provenance](provenance.html#) information that can be used to track or differentiate the source of information in the resource. The source may identify another FHIR server, document, message, database, etc.\r\n\r\nDHDR Note: \r\nHNS: http://ehealthontario.ca/hns\r\nNMS: http://ehealthontario.ca/nms\r\nPharmacy: http://ehealthontario.ca/pharmacy",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.contained",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.contained",
        "min" : 1,
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Resource",
            "profile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.contained.id",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.contained.id",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta.lastUpdated",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta.lastUpdated",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta.source",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.contained.meta.source",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.extension",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.extension",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "url"
          "rules" : "open"
        "min" : 0
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.extension:DispenseRemainingRefills",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.extension",
        "sliceName" : "DispenseRemainingRefills",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.extension:DispenseRemainingQuantity",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.extension",
        "sliceName" : "DispenseRemainingQuantity",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Extension",
            "profile" : [
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.identifier",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.identifier",
        "comment" : "This is a business identifier, not a resource identifier.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Current Rx Number. Identifier assigned by the dispensing pharmacy.",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.identifier.system",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.identifier.system",
        "definition" : "Establishes the namespace for the value - that is, a URL that describes a set values that are unique.\r\n\r\nDHDR: The namespace for the identifier value. This might be unknown for some dispenses that get loaded to DHDR from non-pharmacy feeds, e.g. ODB or NMS.\r\n\r\ne.g. \"[id-system-local-base]/ca-on-pharmacy-[Pharmacy ID]-rx-number\"",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.identifier.value",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.identifier.value",
        "definition" : "The portion of the identifier typically relevant to the user and which is unique within the context of the system.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Current Rx Number (assigned by a pharmacy). The unique identifier of the data source record.",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.status",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.status",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.category",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.category",
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "description" : "Dispense type, e.g. drug, device or pharmacy service",
          "valueSet" : "https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/ValueSet/medicationdispensecategory"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.system",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "fixedUri" : "http://ehealthontario.ca/fhir/NamingSystem/ca-on-medication-dispense-category",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.code",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.display",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.category.coding.display",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.medication[x]",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.medication[x]",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "example"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.medication[x].reference",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.medication[x].reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.subject",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.subject",
        "min" : 1,
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.subject.reference",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.subject.reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer",
        "slicing" : {
          "discriminator" : [
              "type" : "value",
              "path" : "actor.reference"
          "rules" : "open"
        "max" : "2",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerOrganization",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer",
        "sliceName" : "performerOrganization",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerOrganization.actor",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer.actor",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerOrganization.actor.reference",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer.actor.reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerPractitioner",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer",
        "sliceName" : "performerPractitioner",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerPractitioner.actor",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer.actor",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.performer:performerPractitioner.actor.reference",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.performer.actor.reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription",
        "definition" : "Indicates the medication order that is being dispensed against.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Medication / pharmacy service order.",
        "max" : "1",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Reference",
            "targetProfile" : [
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.reference",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.authorizingPrescription.reference",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.quantity",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.quantity",
        "comment" : "The context of use may frequently define what kind of quantity this is and therefore what kind of units can be used. The context of use may also restrict the values for the comparator.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Dispensed Quantity. Quantity of medication dispensed (dosage units or metric weights).",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.value",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.value",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.unit",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.unit",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.system",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.system",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.code",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.quantity.code",
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://tgateway.infoway-inforoute.ca/vs/prescribedquantityunit"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.daysSupply",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.daysSupply",
        "definition" : "The amount of medication expressed as a timing amount.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Days’ Supply. Estimated number of days of treatment based on the directions for use on the prescription and the pharmacists judgment on usage",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.daysSupply.value",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.daysSupply.value",
        "min" : 1
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.whenPrepared",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.whenPrepared",
        "definition" : "The time when the dispensed product was packaged and reviewed.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Dispense Date. When product was packaged and reviewed.",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.whenHandedOver",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.whenHandedOver",
        "definition" : "The time the dispensed product was provided to the patient or their representative.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Pickup Date. When product was given out (picked up by a patient or their representative).",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.text",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.text",
        "definition" : "Free text dosage instructions e.g. SIG.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Dosage Specification. Free text dosage instructions.",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.patientInstruction",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.patientInstruction",
        "definition" : "Instructions in terms that are understood by the patient or consumer.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Patient Dosage Instruction. The instructions to the patient on how to take the medication (e.g. with food)",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing",
        "definition" : "When medication should be administered.\r\n\r\nDHDR: Frequency. A timing schedule that specifies an event that may occur multiple times",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequency",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.frequency",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.period",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.period",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodMax",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodMax",
        "definition" : "If present, indicates that the period is a range from [period] to [periodMax], allowing expressing concepts such as \"do this once every 3-5 days.\r\n\r\nDHDR: The upper limit of the period. This field is used when the dosage is a range, for example, every 4-6 hours.",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodUnit",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.timing.repeat.periodUnit",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/units-of-time|4.0.0"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.asNeeded[x]",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.asNeeded[x]",
        "definition" : "DHDR: PRN Indicator. Indicates whether the Medication is only taken when needed within a specific dosing schedule (Boolean option), or it indicates the precondition for taking the Medication (CodeableConcept).",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "boolean"
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "example"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route",
        "requirements" : "Route. A code specifying the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto a patient's body.",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding",
        "min" : 1,
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RouteOfAdministration"
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding.system",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding.system",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding.code",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.coding.code",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.text",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.route.text",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate",
        "max" : "1",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x]",
        "definition" : "Dose. Amount of medication per dose.",
        "type" : [
            "code" : "Quantity"
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].value",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].value",
        "min" : 1,
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].unit",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].unit",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].system",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].system",
        "mustSupport" : true
        "id" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].code",
        "path" : "MedicationDispense.dosageInstruction.doseAndRate.dose[x].code",
        "definition" : "A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.\r\n\r\nSubset Defining URL: https://tgateway.infoway-inforoute.ca/vs/prescriptiondosequantityunit",
        "mustSupport" : true,
        "binding" : {
          "strength" : "required",
          "valueSet" : "https://fhir.infoway-inforoute.ca/ValueSet/prescribedquantityunit"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.