Package | Test.Training |
Type | CodeSystem |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R3 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 1.1.0 |
Status | draft |
Date | 2018-11-02T00:00:00+00:00 |
Name | Care Connect Ethnic Category |
Experimental | False |
Authority | hl7 |
Description | A CodeSystem to identify the ethnicity of a Person, as specified by the Person. This vocabulary describes a persons ethnic category, it is an extension of the Ethnic Category Code described in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary. |
Content | complete |
ValueSet | | ![]() | Care Connect Ethnic Category |
No resources found
"resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
"id" : "CareConnect-EthnicCategory-1",
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueUri" : ""
"url" : "",
"version" : "1.1.0",
"name" : "Care Connect Ethnic Category",
"status" : "draft",
"date" : "2018-11-02T00:00:00+00:00",
"publisher" : "HL7 UK",
"description" : "A CodeSystem to identify the ethnicity of a Person, as specified by the Person. This vocabulary describes a persons ethnic category, it is an extension of the Ethnic Category Code described in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary.",
"caseSensitive" : true,
"content" : "complete",
"concept" : [
"code" : "A",
"display" : "British, Mixed British"
"code" : "B",
"display" : "Irish"
"code" : "C",
"display" : "Any other White background"
"code" : "C2",
"display" : "Northern Irish"
"code" : "C3",
"display" : "Other white, white unspecified"
"code" : "CA",
"display" : "English"
"code" : "CB",
"display" : "Scottish"
"code" : "CC",
"display" : "Welsh"
"code" : "CD",
"display" : "Cornish"
"code" : "CE",
"display" : "Cypriot (part not stated)"
"code" : "CF",
"display" : "Greek"
"code" : "CG",
"display" : "Greek Cypriot"
"code" : "CH",
"display" : "Turkish"
"code" : "CJ",
"display" : "Turkish Cypriot"
"code" : "CK",
"display" : "Italian"
"code" : "CL",
"display" : "Irish Traveller"
"code" : "CM",
"display" : "Traveller"
"code" : "CN",
"display" : "Gypsy/Romany"
"code" : "CP",
"display" : "Polish"
"code" : "CQ",
"display" : "All republics which made up the former USSR"
"code" : "CR",
"display" : "Kosovan"
"code" : "CS",
"display" : "Albanian"
"code" : "CT",
"display" : "Bosnian"
"code" : "CU",
"display" : "Croatian"
"code" : "CV",
"display" : "Serbian"
"code" : "CW",
"display" : "Other republics which made up the former Yugoslavia"
"code" : "CX",
"display" : "Mixed white"
"code" : "CY",
"display" : "Other white European, European unspecified, European mixed"
"code" : "D",
"display" : "White and Black Caribbean"
"code" : "E",
"display" : "White and Black African"
"code" : "F",
"display" : "White and Asian"
"code" : "G",
"display" : "Any other mixed background"
"code" : "GA",
"display" : "Black and Asian"
"code" : "GB",
"display" : "Black and Chinese"
"code" : "GC",
"display" : "Black and White"
"code" : "GD",
"display" : "Chinese and White"
"code" : "GE",
"display" : "Asian and Chinese"
"code" : "GF",
"display" : "Other Mixed, Mixed Unspecified"
"code" : "H",
"display" : "Indian or British Indian"
"code" : "J",
"display" : "Pakistani or British Pakistani"
"code" : "K",
"display" : "Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi"
"code" : "L",
"display" : "Any other Asian background"
"code" : "LA",
"display" : "Mixed Asian"
"code" : "LB",
"display" : "Punjabi"
"code" : "LC",
"display" : "Kashmiri"
"code" : "LD",
"display" : "East African Asian"
"code" : "LE",
"display" : "Sri Lanka"
"code" : "LF",
"display" : "Tamil"
"code" : "LG",
"display" : "Sinhalese"
"code" : "LH",
"display" : "British Asian"
"code" : "LJ",
"display" : "Caribbean Asian"
"code" : "LK",
"display" : "Other Asian, Asian unspecified"
"code" : "M",
"display" : "Caribbean"
"code" : "N",
"display" : "African"
"code" : "P",
"display" : "Any other Black background"
"code" : "PA",
"display" : "Somali"
"code" : "PB",
"display" : "Mixed Black"
"code" : "PC",
"display" : "Nigerian"
"code" : "PD",
"display" : "Black British"
"code" : "PE",
"display" : "Other Black, Black unspecified"
"code" : "R",
"display" : "Chinese"
"code" : "S",
"display" : "Any other ethnic group"
"code" : "SA",
"display" : "Vietnamese"
"code" : "SB",
"display" : "Japanese"
"code" : "SC",
"display" : "Filipino"
"code" : "SD",
"display" : "Malaysian"
"code" : "SE",
"display" : "Any Other Group"
"code" : "Z",
"display" : "Not stated"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.