304 resources
By Version
By Authority
Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Auth | Source(s) |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-core-interpreation-valueset | MedComCoreInterpretationValueset | active | 2023-10 | internal tho | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-core-observation-status | MedComCoreObservationStatus | active | 2023-10 | fhir | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-corediagnosticreport-status | MedComCoreDiagnosticReportStatus | active | 2023-10 | fhir | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-hospitalNotification-encounterClass | MedComHospitalNotificationEncounterClassCodes | active | 2022-09 | tho | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-hospitalNotification-encounterStatus | MedComHospitalNotificationEncounterStatusCodes | active | 2022-09 | fhir | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-hospitalNotification-messageActivities | MedComHospitalNotificationMessageActivityCodes | active | 2023-01 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-message-definition-type-valueset | MedComMessageDefinitionTypeValueset | active | 2024-06 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-messagedefinition-identifer-system-valueset | MessageDefinitionIdentifierSystemValueset | active | 2024-06 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-messagedefinition-use-context-code-valueset | UseContextCodeSystemValueset | active | 2024-06 | tho | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-messaging-activityCodes | MedComMessagingActivityCodes | active | 2023-01 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-messaging-messageTypes | MedComMessagingMessageTypes | active | 2023-10 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-messaging-sorEdiValues | MedComMessagingSorEdiValues | active | 2023-05 | internal | |
medcom.fhir.dk.terminology | R4 | medcom-obs-responseGroup | MedComObservationResultGroupValueSet | draft | 2024-01 | internal | |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | ActivityCodes | ObservationCodes | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | sct |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | DesireToBeWithOthersCodes | Lyst til at være sammen med andre | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | EnergyCodes | Oplagthed | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | FriendshipCodes | Venskaber | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | LoveCodes | Kærlighed | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | MoodCodes | Humør | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | ObservationCodesSCT | ObservationCodesSCT | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | sct |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | PressureCodes | Pres | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.hackathon.2022 | R4 | WorkSchoolExpectationCodes | Arbejde/skole forventning | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | dk-medcom-message-definition-uri-valueset | MedCom Message Definition Uri Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-agent-who-identifier-types-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) AgentWhoIdentifier Types Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal dcm | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-entity-detail-type-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Entity Detail Type Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-entity-message-type-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Entity MessageType Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-entity-type-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Entity Type Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal tho | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-network-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Network Valueset | active | 2023-09 | fhir | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-outcome-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Outcome Valueset | active | 2023-09 | fhir | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-participationroletype-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) ParticipationRoleType Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal dcm | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-rest-all-read-valueset | all Reads | draft | 2024-12 | fhir | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-rest-object-roles-valueset | RESTful objects role in the event | draft | 2024-12 | tho | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-source-type-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Source Type Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-sub-types-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) SubTypes Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-sub-types-valueset2 | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) SubTypes Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal fhir | |
dk.ehmi.terminology | R4 | ehmi-delivery-status-types-valueset | EHMI Delivery Status (EDS) Types Valueset | active | 2023-09 | internal fhir tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | CancellationTypes | CancellationTypes | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | CarePlanCategories140 | CarePlanCategories | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | Conditions140 | §140 tilstande | active | 2024-10 | oid | |
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | DeliveryTypes140 | DeliveryTypes | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | EncounterClassCodes | KontaktKlasseKoder | active | 2024-10 | tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | ServiceRequestStatusReasons140 | ServiceRequestStatusReasons | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | ServiceRequestTypes140 | ServiceRequestTypes | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.rehab | R4 | ServiceTypes140 | ServiceTypes | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | BodyheightSCTobservablesChildren | HøjdeObservationskoderSCT | active | 2024-10 | sct | |
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ChildrenParentRelationshipCodes | ForældreBarnRelationsKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | CommunicationCodes | KommunikationKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | EncounterClassCodes | KontaktKlasseKoder | active | 2024-10 | tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | EncounterTypes | SundhedsplejeKontaktTyper | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ExamResults | UndersøgelsesResultatKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | FeedingResultsChildren | ResultatkoderSmåbørnMad | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | FindingInformerCodes | KildeTilOplysningKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | HearingCodes | HørelseKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | IndicatorCodesChildren | SundhedsplejeIndikatorkoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | KLHealthNurseConditions | Sundhedsplejetilstande | active | 2024-10 | internal | |
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | KLHealthNurseInterventions | Sundhedsplejeindsatser | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | MotorFunctionCodes | MotorikKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | NicotineCodes | NikotinKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | NutritionCodes | ErnæringKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ObservationUnitsWeight | ObservationsEnhederVægt | active | 2024-10 | ucum | |
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ParentSocialStatusCodes | ForældresSårbarhedKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ParentTypes | ForælderTyper | active | 2024-10 | tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | ParentsMentalCodes | ForældresPsykiskeTilstandKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | PassiveSmokingCodes | PassivRygningKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | PhysicalActivityCodes | FysiskAktiviteteKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | SightCodes | SynKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | SleepCodes | SøvnKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | SocialInteractionCodes | SocialKontaktKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.children | R4 | SocialSupportNetworkCodes | NetværkKoder | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | DeliveryTypes | DeliveryTypes | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | EncounterClassCodes | KontaktKlasseKoder | active | 2024-10 | tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | FSIIICareConditions | FSIIICareConditions | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | FSIIICareGoalTypes | FSIIICareGoalTypes | active | 2024-10 | oid | |
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | FSIIICareInterventions | FSIIICareInterventions | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | FSIIICareMatterOfInterests | FSIIICareMatterOfInterests | active | 2024-10 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.gateway | R4 | KLGatewayCareMatterOfInterestValues | KLGatewayCareMatterOfInterestValues | active | 2024-10 | oid | |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | DkCoreDeCPRValueSet | DK D-eCPR OID values | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | DkCoreProfessionGroupValueSet | DK Profession Group | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-IEEEBasicObservation | Dk Core IEEE Basic Observation | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | iso |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-LoincBasicObservation | DK Core LOINC Basic Observations | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | loinc |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-MunicipalityCodes | DK Municipality Codes | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-NPUBasicObservation | DK Core NPU Basic Observation | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | oid |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-RegionalSubDivisionCodes | DK Regional Subdivision Codes | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-RelatedPersonRelationshipTypes | DK Related Person Relationship Types | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal tho |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-SCTBasicObservation | DK Core SNOMED CT Basic Observation | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | sct |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-TechniquesSCTCodes | DK TechniquesSCTCodes | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | sct |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-core-UCUM-BasicUnits | DK Core UCUM Basic Units | draft | 2024-12 | hl7 | ucum |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | dk-marital-status | DK MaritalStatus | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | internal fhir |
hl7.fhir.dk.core | R4 | sor-organization-type | DK SOR Organization Type | active | 2024-12 | hl7 | sct |
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | CancellationTypes | CancellationTypes | active | 2024-06 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | CarePlanCategories119 | CarePlanCategories | active | 2024-06 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | DeliveryTypes119 | DeliveryTypes | active | 2024-06 | ||
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | EncounterClassCodes | KontaktKlasseKoder | active | 2024-06 | tho | |
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | KLConditionCodes119 | KLConditionCodes119 | active | 2024-06 | oid | |
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | KLInterventionCodes119 | KLInterventionCodes119 | active | 2024-06 | oid | |
kl.dk.fhir.prevention | R4 | ServiceTypes119 | ServiceTypes | active | 2024-06 | ||
hl7.fhir.dk.kl.gateway.care | R4 | http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/ValueSet/FSIIICareConditions | FSIIICareConditions | active | 2021-02 | hl7 | |
hl7.fhir.dk.kl.gateway.care | R4 | http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/ValueSet/FSIIICareGoalTypes | FSIIICareGoalTypes | active | 2021-02 | hl7 | |
hl7.fhir.dk.kl.gateway.care | R4 | http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/ValueSet/FSIIICareInterventions | FSIIICareInterventions | active | 2021-02 | hl7 | |
hl7.fhir.dk.kl.gateway.care | R4 | http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/ValueSet/FSIIICareMatterOfInterests | FSIIICareMatterOfInterests | active | 2021-02 | hl7 | |
hl7.fhir.dk.kl.gateway.care | R4 | http://gateway.kl.dk/1.0/ValueSet/KLGatewayCareMatterOfInterestValues | KLGatewayCareMatterOfInterestValues | active | 2021-02 | hl7 | |
healthhub.fhir | R4 | https://healthhub.dk/fhir/ValueSet/diagnosis-category | Health Hub DiagnosisCategory | active | 2024-09 | ||
healthhub.fhir | R4 | https://healthhub.dk/fhir/ValueSet/employee-identifier-system | Health Hub Employee Identifier System | active | 2024-09 | oid | |
healthhub.fhir | R4 | https://healthhub.dk/fhir/ValueSet/laterality | Health Hub Laterality | active | 2024-09 | sct |
XIG built as of 17 Dec 2024. Found 40236 resources in 710 packages.