2712 resources
By Version
By realm
Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Realm | Content |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.B | IMMZ.B CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.B1.DE13 | Place of Vaccination | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.C | IMMZ.C CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.D | IMMZ.D CodeSystem for Defaulter Tracing | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.E | IMMZ.E CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.F | IMMZ.F CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.G | IMMZ.G CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.H | IMMZ.H CodeSystem for Vaccine status | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IMMZ.Z1 | IMMZ.Z1 CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | IdentifierTypes | Identifier Types | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | KHTS.A | KenyaCounties CodeSystem for Counties in Kenya | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | KenyaVaccineCodes | Kenya Vaccine Codes | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | KenyanImmunizationNotDoneReasonsCS | Reason Vaccine not Administered | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | https://nhdd.health.go.ke/#/ | NHDD | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | PatientContactList | Patient's Contact List | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | STOCKADJUSTMENTTYPE | codeSystem for Adjustment Type | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | ServiceRequests | Service Requests | draft | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.shc-vaccination | R4 | https://smarthealth.cards/ial | Identity Assurance Level Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.falpbiopsia | R4 | CSSDocumento1 | Códigos de sección del documento | active | 2024-12 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | CodeSystem-death-pregnancy-status | Death Pregnancy Status Codesystem | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-activity-at-time-of-death-cs | Activity at Time of Death CodeSystem | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-component-cs | Local Component Codes | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-date-of-death-determination-methods-cs | Date of Death Determination Methods | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-document-section-cs | Document Section | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-filing-format-cs | Filing Formats | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-intentional-reject-cs | Intentional Reject | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-location-type-cs | Location Type | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-observations-cs | Local Observation Codes | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-organization-type-cs | Local Organization Type | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-replace-status-cs | Replacement Status of Death Record Submission CodeSystem | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-system-placeofinjury-cs | Supermicar Place Of Injury CodeSystem | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-system-reject-cs | System Reject Code System | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | vrdr-transax-conversion-cs | Transax Conversion CodeSystem | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-confidentiality | Core CodeSystem NSI Confidentiality (Уровень конфиденциальности медицинского документа) | active | 2024-12 | complete | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-coverage-document | Core CodeSystem NSI coverage document (Документы-основания для оплаты медицинских услуг) | active | 2024-12 | complete | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-identity-document | Core CodeSystem NSI Identity Documents (Документы удостоверяющие личность) | active | 2024-12 | complete | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-medical-workers-positions | Core CodeSystem NSI medical workers positions (Должности медицинских работников) | active | 2024-12 | not-present | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-register-of-medical-organizations | Core CodeSystem NSI register of medical organizations (Реестр медицинских организаций) | active | 2024-12 | not-present | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-sources-of-payment | Core CodeSystem NSI sources of payment (Источники оплаты медицинской помощи) | active | 2024-12 | complete | |
ru.core | R4B | core-cs-nsi-types-medical-documentation | Core CodeSystem NSI types of medical documentation (Виды медицинской документации) | active | 2024-12 | not-present | |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSClaseVacuna | Códigos de clases de Vacuna | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodComunasCL | Códigos de Comunas en Chile | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodMadurez | Códigos de grado de madurez del artefacto | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodProvinciasCL | Códigos de Provincias en Chile | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodRegionCL | Códigos de Regiones en Chile | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodigoDNI | Códigos de Documentos DNI para LATAM y el Caribe | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodigoServicio | Tipos de Servicios Remotos | active | 2022-05 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodigoVacunas | Códigos de Vacunas RNI | active | 2022-06 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSCodigoslenguaje | Codigos Lenguaje | active | 2022-06 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSEspecialidadFarma | Especialidad Farmacia | active | 2023-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSEspecialidadOdontologica | Especialidad Odontologica | active | 2023-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSEspecialidadesDeisCL | Códigos de Especialidades | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSIdentidaddeGenero | Identidad de Genero | active | 2023-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSNombreCampana | Campañas Inmunización | active | 2022-06 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSRazonNOTinm | Razones no Inmunización | active | 2022-06 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSSexoListadoDeis | Sexo Listado Deis | active | 2023-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSTipoIdentificador | Tipo Identificador | active | 2023-07 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CSTiposEncuentroCL | Tipos de Encuentro | active | 2022-05 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | CodPais | Códigos de Países | active | 2022-01 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | EspecialidadesConacemConaceoCS | Códigos de Especialidades de CONACEM y CONACEO | active | 2024-12 | cl | complete |
hl7.fhir.cl.clcore | R4 | csrazonnoencuentro | Razón Encuentro Remoto no Realizado | active | 2022-05 | cl | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-orf | R4 | ch-orf-cs-consentstatus | Consent Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-orf | R4 | ch-orf-cs-coverageidentifiertype | Coverage Identifier Type | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | CDSActionType | CDSActionType Codes | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | CDSIndicator | CDSIndicator Codes | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | CDSLinkType | CDSLinkType Codes | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | CDSSelectionBehavior | CDSSelectionBehavior Codes | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | additional-binding-purpose | Additional Binding Purpose Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | binding-style | Vocab Binding Style Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | extension-style | Extension Style Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | id-expectation | Id Expectation Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | ig-parameters | IG Parameter Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | json-empty-behavior | Json Empty Behavior Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | r4-equivalence | ConceptMapEquivalence | active | 2019-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.tools | R5 | tx-issue-type | Terminology Issue Type | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | http://fhir.de/CodeSystem/kontaktart-de | KontaktArtDe | active | 2023-11 | complete | |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | ceosys-code-system | CEOsys Code System | draft | 2022-09 | complete | |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | ceosys-cs-recommendation-strength | Recommendation Strength | draft | 2022-09 | complete | |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | http://hl7.org/fhir/certainty-rating | Evidence Certainty Rating | active | 2020-12 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | http://data.cochrane.org/ontologies/core/ | Cochrane Core Ontology | draft | 2024-10 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | http://data.cochrane.org/ontologies/pico/ | Cochrane PICO Ontology | draft | 2024-10 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | cs-action-combination-method | Action Combination Method | draft | 2024-02 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | cs-clinical-importance | Clinical Importance of Outcome | draft | 2022-09 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | cs-evidence-to-decision-certainty-rating | Evidence To Decision Certainty Rating | draft | 2022-09 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | cs-evidence-to-decision-certainty-type | Evidence To Decision Certainty type | draft | 2022-09 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | cs-guideline-stage-classification | Guideline Stage Classification | active | 2022-09 | uv | complete |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/synthesis-type | SynthesisType | draft | 2020-12 | uv | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-format | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-language | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-agentRole | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-eprdeletionstatus | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-purposeOfUse | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-role | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-atc | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-hpd | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-medreg | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid:2.16.756. | ch-ehealth-codesystem-nareg | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-category-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Category | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/allergy-intolerance-category |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-clinical-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Clinical Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-clinical |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-criticality-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Criticality Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/allergy-intolerance-criticality |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-severity-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Severity Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/reaction-event-severity |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-type-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Type | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/allergy-intolerance-type |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification-supplement | CH AllergyIntolerance Verification Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/allergyintolerance-verification |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-17-admitsource | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 17 1.2.V02 - Aufenthaltsort vor dem Eintritt / Séjour avant l’admission / Luogo di soggiorno prima dell’ammissione | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-18-admittype | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 18 1.2.V03 - Eintrittsart / Mode d’admission / Genere di ricovero | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-19-admitrole | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 19 1.2.V04 - Einweisende Instanz / Décision d’envoi / Istanza ricoverante | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-20-encounterclass | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 20 1.3.V01 - Behandlungsart / Type de prise en charge / Genere di trattamento | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-21-encountertype | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 21 1.3.V02 - Klasse / Classe / Classe | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-25-mainguarantor | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 25 1.4.V02 - Hauptkostenträger für Grundversicherungsleistungen / Prise en charge des soins de base / Unità d’imputazione principale per le prestazioni dell’assicurazione di base | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-27-dischargedecision | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 27 1.5.V02 - Entscheid für Austritt / Décision de sortie / Décisione dell’uscita | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-28-dischargedestination | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 28 1.5.V03 - Aufenthalt nach Austritt / Séjour après la sortie / Destinazione dopo l’uscita | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/bfs-medstats-29-dischargeencounter | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 29 1.5.V04 - Behandlung nach Austritt / Prise en charge après la sortie / Trattamento dopo l’uscita | active | 2019-01 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-etoc/CodeSystem/ch-etoc-conditioncategory | Condition Category | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-myvaccines-cs | CH VACD Old Swiss Vaccines | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-recommendation-categories-cs | CH VACD Swiss Immunization Recommendation Categories | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-recommendation-forecast-status-cs | CH VACD Swiss Recommendation Forecast Status | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/CodeSystem/ch-vacd-swissmedic-cs | CH VACD Swissmedic Authorized Vaccines | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-10 | eCH-010 Types | active | 2018-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-11-maritaldata-separation | eCH-011 MaritalData Separation | active | 2020-10 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-11-maritalstatus | eCH-011 MaritalStatus | active | 2018-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-11-religion | eCH-011 Religion | active | 2024-02 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-11-sex | eCH-011 Sex | active | 2018-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-11 | eCH-011 Types | active | 2018-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-46-emailcategory | eCH-0046 Email Category | active | 2023-03 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-46-internetcategory | eCH-0046 Internet Category | active | 2023-03 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-46-phonecategory | eCH-0046 Phone Category | active | 2023-03 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/ech-7-cantonflabbreviation | eCH-0007 Canton Abbreviation incl. FL (Fürstentum Liechtenstein) | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid: | EDQM - Standard Terms | active | 2024-11 | ch | fragment |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | event-timing | EventTiming | active | 2024-02 | ch | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/event-timing |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | urn:oid: | IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Status List | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/CodeSystem/mainguarantor | Main guarantor | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | servicerequest-category | ServiceRequest Category | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | v3-TimingEvent | TimingEvent | active | 2024-02 | ch | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-TimingEvent |
hl7.fhir.uv.cqm | R4 | intended-venue-codes | Intended Venue Codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ServiceRequest.categories | Service Request Categories for Questionnaires | active | 2021-06 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | Specimen.processing.procedure | Service Request Processing Procedure | active | 2021-06 | ch | complete |
hl7.fhir.sunway.hie.r4 | R4 | https://www.sunwaymedical.com/fhir/cs/ethnic-sunway-hie | Code System Ethnic (Sunway HIE) | active | 2024-10 | sunway | complete |
hl7.fhir.sunway.hie.r4 | R4 | https://www.sunwaymedical.com/fhir/cs/resident-status-sunway-hie | Code System Resident Status (Sunway HIE) | active | 2024-10 | sunway | complete |
hl7.fhir.sunway.hie.r4 | R4 | https://www.sunwaymedical.com/fhir/cs/state-sunway-hie | Code System State (Sunway HIE) | active | 2024-10 | sunway | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cancer-reporting | R4 | us-pathology-codesystem | US Pathology Code System | draft | 2024-12 | us | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-basic-immunization-cs | Basic Immunization codes | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-clinical-decision-support-event-cs | CDS Event | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-entry-conflict-cs | Entry Conflict Code System | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-exposure-risks-cs | Swiss Exposure Risks Codesystem | active | 2024-11 | ch | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/medicine-classification-code | Possible values for Medication Legal Classification | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/nzf-document-type-code | Possible values for NZF Document Type | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/nzf-page-size-code | Possible values for page size | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/funding-code | Possible values for Derived PHARMAC funding code | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/nzf-funding-type | Possible values for PHARMAC funding type | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.org.nz.fhir.ig.formulary | R4B | https://standards.digital.health.nz/ns/nzmt-type-code | Possible values for NZMT Type | active | 2024-12 | nz | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-country-code-vr | Code System - Country Codes Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-hispanic-origin-vr | Code System - HispanicOrigin Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-jurisdictions-vr | Code System - Jurisdictions Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-local-observation-codes-vr | Code System - Local Observation Codes Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-race-code-vr | Code System - Race Code Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-race-recode-40-vr | Code System - Race Recode 40 Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-us-states-territories-vr | Code System - US States and Territories | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CodeSystem-vr-edit-flags | Code System - Birth and Death Edit Flags Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | codesystem-ije-vr | Code System - Placeholder Code System for IJE in Vital Records | active | 2024-10 | us | not-present |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | codesystem-vr-component | Code System - Local Component Codes | active | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-fs | R4 | pacio-cat-fs | PACIO Functioning Category Code System | active | 2021-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.livd | R4 | livd-device-type | IVD device types for LIVD device definitions | active | 2022-01 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.livd | R4 | livd-section-type | Types of sections for the LIVD catalog | active | 2022-01 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.livd | R4 | http://loinc.org | LOINC Code System | active | 2022-01 | uv | fragment |
hl7.fhir.uv.livd | R4 | http://snomed.info/sct | SNOMED CT (all versions) | active | 2022-01 | uv | fragment |
hl7.fhir.uv.livd | R4 | http://ivd-vendor-result.example | IVD Vendor Result Codes | active | 2022-01 | uv | fragment |
hl7.fhir.pt.adr | R5 | adr-causalidade-cs | Causalidade CodeSystem | active | 2024-12 | pt | complete |
hl7.fhir.pt.adr | R5 | adr-evolucao-cs | Evolução de uma RAM CodeSystem | active | 2024-12 | pt | complete |
hl7.fhir.pt.adr | R5 | adr-gravidade-cs | Gravidade RAM CodeSystem | active | 2024-12 | pt | complete |
hl7.fhir.eu.base.r4 | R4 | v3-ActCode-EU | HL7 V3 ActCode - EU extensions | draft | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.smart-web-messaging | R4 | launch-status-code-system | LaunchStatusCode | active | 2022-09 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | tg263-cs | TG263 CodeSystem | active | 2024-12 | us | not-present |
hl7.fhir.uv.eyecare | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org/uv/eyecare/CodeSystem/iop-methods | IOP Methods Code System | draft | 2021-08 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.eyecare | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org/uv/eyecare/CodeSystem/qualifiers | Body Structure Qualifiers | draft | 2021-08 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.eyecare | R4 | http://terminolgy.hl7.org/uv/eyecare/CodeSystem/visual-field-observations | Visual field test parameter observations | draft | 2021-08 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-admitting-source-facility-type-codes | PCORNet Admitting Source Facility Type Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-birth-sex | PCORNet Birth Sex Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-body-position-codes | PCORNet Body Position Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-clinical-status-codes | PCORNet Clinical StatusCodes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-death-cause-codes | PCORNet Death Cause Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-death-cause-types | PCORNet Death Cause Types | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-death-confidence-codes | PCORNet Death Confidence Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-death-sources | PCORNet Death Sources | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-diagnosis-classification-codes | PCORNet Diagnosis Classification Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-diagnosis-source-origin | PCORNet Diagnosis Source Origin | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-discharge-disposition | PCORNet Discharge Disposition Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-discharge-status-codes | PCORNet Discharge Status Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-dpl-source | PCORNet DPL Source | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-drg-group-versions | PCORNet DRG Group Versions | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-encounter-type-codes | PCORNet Encounter Type Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-enr-basis-codes | PCORNet Enrollment Basis codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-ethnicity | PCORNet Ethnicity Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-facility-type-codes | PCORNet Facility Type Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-gender-identity | PCORNet Gender Identity Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-information-source-hc-subtypes | PCORNet Information Source HC Subtypes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-information-sources | PCORNet Information Source | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-lab-loinc-source-codes | PCORNet Lab Loinc Source Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-lab-test-priority-codes | PCORNet Lab Test Priority Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-location-code | PCORNet Location Code | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-principal-discharge-diagnosis | PCORNet Principal Discharge Diagnosis | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-principal-flag | PCORNet Principal Flag | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-pro-cat | PCORNet Pro Cat | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-pro-method | PCORNet Pro Method | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-pro-mode | PCORNet Pro Mode | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-pro-type | PCORNet Pro Type | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-race | PCORNet Race Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-result-loc | PCORNet Result Loc | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-result-modifier | PCORNet Result Modifier | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-sexual-orientation | PCORNet Sexual Orientation Codes | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-tobacco-type | PCORNet Tobacco Type | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-tobacco | PCORNet Tobacco | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-vx-status-reason | PCORNet VX Status Reason | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | pcornet-vx-status | PCORNet VX Status | active | 2021-09 | us | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.xpandh.hdr | R4 | assessment-category-xpandh-cs | Xpandh Assessment Category | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.xpandh.hdr | R4 | poa-indicator-xpandh-cs | Present on Admission (POA) Indicator | draft | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.xpandh.hdr | R4 | whodas-20-cs | WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBAlcohol | Alcohol List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBBeverages | Hot Beverage List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBDrinkSize | Drink Size | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBMilks | Milks List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBSpice | Spice List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBSweeteners | Sweeteners List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.hotbeverage | R4 | HBSyrups | Syrups List | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/batch-designation | Batch Designation Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/container-closure-type | Closure Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/container-orientation | Container Orientation Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-deviceType-pq-example | Device Type - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-goalPriority-pq-example | Goal Priority - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-local-codes-drug-pq-example | Example Local Codes - Drug | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-manufactured-item-property-pq-example | Manufactured Item Property - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-productNameType-pq-example | Product Name Type - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-specification-type-pq-example | Specification Type - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-substance-property-pq-example | Substance Property - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | cs-substance-property-value-pq-example | Substance Property Value - example | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/device-property | Device Property Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/diagram-type | Diagram Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/drug-substance-or-product-color | Drug Substance or Product Color Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/impurity-origin | Impurity Origin Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/impurity-type | Impurity Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/ingredient-function | Ingredient Function Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/manufacturing-participant-role | Manufacturing Participant Role Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/manufacturing-step-scale | Manufacturing Step Scale Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/manufacturing-step | Manufacturing Step Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/observation-qualified-value-criticality | Observation Qualified Value Criticality Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/package-grade | Package Grade Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/package-property | Package Property Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/pharmaceutical-manufacturing-equipment-class | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment Class Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/pharmaceutical-organization-type | Pharmaceutical Organization Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/pharmaceutical-plan-type | Pharmaceutical Plan Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/pharmaceutical-report-type | Pharmaceutical Report Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/pharmaceutical-test-category | Pharmaceutical Test Category Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/process-parameter | Process Parameter Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/product-site-utilization-type | Product Site Utilization Type Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/structure-characterization-technique | Structure Characterization Technique Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | R5 | http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/time-point-description | Time Point Description Codes | active | 2024-05 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | R5 | catalog-message-events | Catalog Message Event Codes | active | 2020-04 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | R5 | laboratory-service-definition-type | Code system for types of laboratory service definitions | draft | 2019-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | R5 | laboratory-service-reimbursability | Kinds of reibursability coarse categories for a laboratory service | active | 2020-03 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | PASTempCodes | PAS Temporary Codes | draft | 2024-12 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cmi | R4 | cql-version | CQL Version Codes | active | 2021-08 | uv | complete |
fhir.hivfhirIg | R4 | CIEL | CIEL | active | 2024-09 | us | complete |
fhir.hivfhirIg | R4 | https://app.staging.openconceptlab.org/#/orgs/Kenya_SMART_Guidelines/sources/tx_curr | HIV Indicators | active | 2024-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/contact-role-supplement | Kódový systém typů kontaktních osob pacienta | active | 2024-01 | cz | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131 |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/cz-drzar | Druh zařízení | active | 1980-01 | cz | complete |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/cz-tab-ta | Typ adresy DASTA | active | 1980-01 | cz | complete |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/nrzp-povolani | NRZP - povolání zdravotnických pracovníků | active | 1980-01 | cz | complete |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/role-code-supplement | Kódový systém osobních a příbuzenských vztahů k subjektu | active | 2023-01 | cz | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode |
hl7.fhir.cz.core | R4 | https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/CodeSystem/snomed-supplement-service-type | SNOMED CT Supplement typu registrujícího poskytovatele | active | 2023-01 | cz | Suppl: http://snomed.info/sct |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | R5 | dicom-identifier-type | Identifiers - DICOM Identifier Type | draft | 2024-09 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | R5 | dicom-value-type | Value Types -- DICOM SR Content Item Value Types | draft | 2024-09 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vitals | R4 | MeasurementProtocolTemporaryCodeSystem | Measurement Protocol Temporary Code System | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vitals | R4 | SolorTemporaryCodeSystem | SNOMED CT Solor Extension Temporary Code System | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vitals | R4 | organization-hspc-organizationtype | HSPC Organization Type Code System | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | anc-example-reason-for-visit-cs | ANC Example Reason for Visit Codesystem | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | chf-example-codes | CHF Example Codes | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-activity-type-cs | CPG Activity Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-casefeature-pertinence-cs | CPG Case Feature Pertinence Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-casefeature-type-cs | CPG Case Feature Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-common-persona-cs | CPG Common Personas Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-common-process-cs | CPG Common Process Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.cpg | R4 | cpg-recommendation-direction-cs | CPG Recommendation Direction Code System | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-foph-business-rules | CH ELM FOPH Business Rules | active | 2024-12 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-foph-patient-name-representation | CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation | active | 2024-12 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-vs | CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs | active | 2024-12 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-observation-profile-vs | CH ELM Observation Profile Vs | active | 2024-12 | ch | complete |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-completion-vs | CH ELM Results Completion Vs | active | 2024-12 | ch | complete |
csiro.fhir.au.smartforms | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/questionnaire-item-control | Questionnaire Item UI Control Codes | active | 2023-03 | complete | |
fhir.mamaToto | R4 | IDENTIFIERTYPES | CodeSystem for the identifier Types | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
fhir.mamaToto | R4 | MMT.A | MMT.A CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
fhir.mamaToto | R4 | MMT.B | MMT.B CodeSystem for Data Elements | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ASN1EventOrState | 11073 ASN1 Event Or State | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ASN1ToHL7 | ASN1 bits to HL7 enumerated values | active | 2018-09 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ASN1ToHL7Concepts | 11073 ASN1ToHl7 codesystem concepts | active | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ContinuaDeviceIdentifiers | Continua Device Identifiers | active | 2018-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ContinuaHFS | Continua Health and Fitness Continua Service Interfaces | active | 2018-09 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | ContinuaPHD | Continua Device Interfaces | active | 2018-11 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phd | R4 | PhdObservationCategories | PHD Observation Categories Code System | active | 2024-04 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.pddi | R4 | codesystem-PDDICDS-indicator | PDDI CDS indicator | draft | 2024-02 | uv | complete |
hl7.v2plus | R5 | http://hl7.org/v2/CodeSystem/v2-cs-complex-data-type-urls | v2 Complex Data Type URLs | active | 2024-11 | complete | |
hl7.v2plus | R5 | http://hl7.org/v2/CodeSystem/v2-cs-complex-data-types | HL7 v2 Complex Data Types | active | 2024-11 | complete | |
hl7.v2plus | R5 | http://hl7.org/v2/CodeSystem/v2-cs-primitive-data-type-urls | v2 Primitive Data Type URLs | active | 2024-11 | complete | |
hl7.v2plus | R5 | http://hl7.org/v2/CodeSystem/v2-cs-primitive-data-types | v2 Primitive Data Types | active | 2024-11 | complete | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTAEOBProcessNoteCS | PCT AEOB Process Note Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTAdjudication | PCT Adjudication Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTAdjudicationCategoryCS | PCT Adjudication Category CodeSystem | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTCareTeamRole | PCT Care Team Role | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTDiagnosisType | PCT Diagnosis Type | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTEstimateTypeSummaryCSTemporaryTrialUse | PCT Estimate Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTFinancialType | PCT Financial Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTGFEFrequency | PCT GFE Frequency Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTGFERequestTaskCSTemporaryTrialUse | PCT GFE Request Task Codes Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTIdentifierType | PCT Identifier Type | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTNetworkStatusCS | PCT Network Status | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTOrgContactPurposeType | PCT Organization Contact Purpose Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTOrgIdentifierTypeCS | PCT Organization Identifier Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTProcedureType | PCT Procedure Type | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTSubjectToMedicalMgmtReasonCS | PCT Subject-To-Medical-Management Reason Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTSupportingInfoType | PCT GFE Supporting Info Type Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pct | R4 | PCTTaskStatusReasonCSTemporaryTrialUse | PCT GFE Request Task Status Reason Code Code System | active | 2024-11 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.physical-activity | R4 | pa-temporary-codes | Temporary Codes | active | 2024-03 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-biological-sex-code-system | Apple HealthKit Biological Sex Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-category-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Category Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-characteristic-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Characteristic Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-correlation-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Correlation Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-quantity-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Quantity Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-sample-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Sample Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-workout-activity-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Workout Activity Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.uv.phr | R4 | apple-health-kit-workout-event-type-code-system | Apple HealthKit Workout Event Type Code System | draft | 2024-12 | uv | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/location-physical-type | Location Type (Physical) AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/location-type | Location Type AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/observation-category | Observation Category Codes AU | draft | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/v2-0203 | IdentifierType AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/v2-0360 | DegreeLicenseCertificate AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/v2-0443 | providerRole AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/v3-ActCode | ActCode AU | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/contact-purpose | Contact Purpose | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/medication-type | Medication Type | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/medicine-item-change | Medicine Item Change | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://www.mims.com.au/codes | Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) | active | 2024-12 | au | not-present |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/name-context | Name Context | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://pbs.gov.au/code/item | PBS Item Codes | active | 2024-12 | au | not-present |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/rsg-source-document-type | AU Recorded Sex or Gender Source Document Type | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/rsg-type | AU Recorded Sex or Gender Type | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
hl7.fhir.au.base | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org.au/CodeSystem/service-provision-conditions | Service Provision Conditions Australian Concepts | active | 2024-12 | au | complete |
fhir.acme.affiliate-report | R4 | affiliate-report-contact-purpose-cs | Affiliate Report Contact Purpose CodeSystem | draft | 2024-09 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.affiliate-report | R4 | affiliate-type-cs | Affiliate Type CodeSystem | draft | 2024-09 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.affiliate-report | R4 | member-number-type-cs | Member Number Type CS | draft | 2024-09 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.affiliate-report | R4 | report-type-cs | Affiliate Report Type CodeSystem | draft | 2024-09 | us | complete |
fhir.acme.affiliate-report | R4 | section-type-cs | Affiliate Report Section CodeSystem | draft | 2024-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pr | R4 | RemittanceAdviceType | Remittance Advice Code System | active | 2024-12 | us | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | LensCategoriesCodes | LensCategoriesCodes | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | asm-category-cs | Category of ASM | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | epicategory-cs | Category of EPI | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | icpc-2-cs | Example ICPC2 CS | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | pd-category-cs | Persona Vector Dimensions categories | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | pd-type-cs | Persona Vector Dimensions Code | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | questi-dimens-cs | Questionnaire example Dimensions | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.gh | R5 | type-of-data-cs | Type of information to be added in epi CS | active | 2024-12 | eu | complete |
hl7.fhir.be.infsec | R4 | be-cs-pseudonymization-type | Types of pseudonymization | active | 2024-10 | be | complete |
hl7.fhir.be.infsec | R4 | be-cs-pseudonymization-version | BeCSPseudonymizationVersion | active | 2024-10 | be | complete |
hl7.eu.fhir.idea4rc | R4 | cs-generic-eu-i4rc | IDEA4RC Code System | draft | 2024-11 | eu | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.military-service | R4 | military-service-code-system | Military Service History and Status Code System | active | 2023-05 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-messageheader-message-types | US Public Health Message Type Codes | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-plandefinition-actions | US Public Health PlanDefinition Action Codes | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-report-initiation-types | US Public Health Report Initiation Type Codes | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-response-message-processing-status | US Public Health CodeSystem for Response Message Processing Status Codes | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-triggerdefinition-namedevents | US Public Health TriggerDefinition Named Events | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.medmorph | R4 | us-ph-valueset-usecontext-codes | US Public Health CodeSystem for ValueSet Use Context Codes | active | 2020-09 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vdor | R4 | nvdrs-coding-manual-cs | NVDRS Coding Manual Codes | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.us.vdor | R4 | vdor-custom-code-system | VDOR IG Custom Codes | draft | 2024-10 | us | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | administrative-gender | HL7 Italia - AdministrativeGender (translation) | active | 2019-11 | it | Suppl: http://hl7.org/fhir/administrative-gender |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | aifa-aic | AIFA - Autorizzazione Immissione in Commercio | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | aifa-atc | AIFA - ATC | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | aifa-ge | AIFA - Farmaci equivalenti | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | aifa-gruppo-equivalenza | AIFA - Gruppo di equivalenza | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | aifa-nota | AIFA - Indicazioni terapeutiche (Nota AIFA) | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | cs-asl | Ministero della Salute - ASL | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | cs-mds-idStruttureInterne | MDS - ID Strutture Interne di Ricovero | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | dug | ISTAT - Registro delle Denominazioni Urbanistiche Generiche (DUG) | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-comuni | ISTAT - Comuni | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-continente | ISTAT - Continente | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-ctsi03 | ISTAT - Classificazione dei titoli di studio italiani | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-professioni | ISTAT - Classificazione delle professioni | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-ripartizione-geografica | ISTAT - Ripartizione Geografica | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-statoCivile | ISTAT - Stato Civile | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-unitaAmministrativeTerritoriali | ISTAT - Unità Amministrative Territoriali | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | istat-unitaAmministrativeTerritorialiEstere | ISTAT - Unita Amministrative Territoriali Estere | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | it-V3RoleCode | HL7 Italia - HL7 V3 RoleCode (estensione) | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | it-identifier-type | HL7 Italia - Tipi di identificatore | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | it-tipoEntita | HL7 Italia - Tipo di Entità | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | mds-esenzioni | MDS - Esenzione dal ticket | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | mds-tipo-struttura | MDS - Tipo di Struttura per Srutture di ricovero | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | mds-tipologia-farmacia | MDS - Tipo di Farmacia | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | minsan-farmacie | MDS - Elenco Farmacie | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | minsan-hsp | MDS - Strutture di Ricovero | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | minsan-parafarmacie | MDS - Elenco Parafarmacie | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | minsan-regione | Ministero della Salute - Codici Regioni / PPAA | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | province-istat | ISTAT - Province | active | 2024-10 | it | complete |
hl7.fhir.it.terminology | R4 | v3-MaritalStatus | HL7 Italia - v3 Code System MaritalStatus (translation) | active | 2024-10 | it | Suppl: http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-MaritalStatus |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | R5 | dicom-data-elements | DICOM® Data Elements | draft | 2024-11 | uv | complete |
XIG built as of 17 Dec 2024. Found 40236 resources in 710 packages.