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FHIR IG Statistics (265 ms)

ValueSets, Realm UV, Authority Ihe, Version R5

8 resources

Text: Use quotation marks (") for an exact phrase. You can use AND, OR, and NOT. Wildcard = *
ihe.rad.idridr-diagnostic-report-status-vs IDR DiagnosticReport.status ValueSetdraft2024-06fhir
ihe.rad.idridr-impression-condition-category-vs Impression Condition category ValueSetdraft2024-06ihe
ihe.rad.idrimaging-servicerequest-intent-vs Imaging ServiceRequest intent Value Setdraft2024-06fhir
ihe.rad.idrimaging-study-endpoint-connectiontype-vs Imaging Study Endpoint ConnectionType Value Setdraft2024-06tho
ihe.rad.idrimaging-study-endpoint-payloadtype-vs Imaging Study Endpoint PayloadType Value Setdraft2024-06dcm
ihe.rad.idrrecommendation-servicerequest-intent-vs Recommendation Imaging ServiceRequest intent Value Setdraft2024-06fhir
ihe.pharm.supplyIHEDeliveryStageVS Supply delivery stage value setactive2024-06ihe
ihe.pharm.supplyvs-ihe-pharm-product-association-type Product association type Value Setdraft2024-06ihe

XIG built as of 04 Oct 2024. Found 39802 resources in 680 packages.