181 resources
By Version
Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Source(s) |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode | ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode | active | 2024-08 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | ActivePharmaceuticalIngredient | ActivePharmaceuticalIngredient | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/ValueSet/CHAllergyIntoleranceConditionValueSet | CH AllergyIntolerance Condition | draft | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/ValueSet/CHAllergyIntoleranceReactionManifestationValueSet | CH AllergyIntolerance Reaction Manifestation | draft | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/ValueSet/CHAllergyIntoleranceReactionSubstanceValueSet | CH AllergyIntolerance Reaction Substance | draft | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-allergyintolerance/ValueSet/CHAllergyIntoleranceValueSet | CH AllergyIntolerance | draft | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.Ext.EprDeletionStatus | DocumentEntry.Ext.EprDeletionStatus | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.authorRole | DocumentEntry.authorRole | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality | DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.classCode | DocumentEntry.classCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode | DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.eventCodeList | DocumentEntry.eventCodeList | active | 2024-08 | dcm |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.formatCode | DocumentEntry.formatCode | active | 2024-08 | ihe oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode | DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.languageCode | DocumentEntry.languageCode | active | 2024-08 | oid ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.mimeType | DocumentEntry.mimeType | active | 2024-08 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole | DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode | DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 | DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 | active | 2024-08 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | DocumentEntry.typeCode | DocumentEntry.typeCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | EprAgentRole | EprAgentRole | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType | EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | EprPurposeOfUse | EprPurposeOfUse | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | EprRole | EprRole | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | HCProfessional.hcProfession | HCProfessional.hcProfession | active | 2024-08 | sct oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation | HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole | SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode | SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | UnitCode | UnitCode | active | 2024-08 | ucum sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-17-admitsource | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 17 1.2.V02 - Aufenthaltsort vor dem Eintritt / Séjour avant l’admission / Luogo di soggiorno prima dell’ammissione | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-18-admittype | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 18 1.2.V03 - Eintrittsart / Mode d’admission / Genere di ricovero | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-19-admitrole | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 19 1.2.V04 - Einweisende Instanz / Décision d’envoi / Istanza ricoverante | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-20-encounterclass | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 20 1.3.V01 - Behandlungsart / Type de prise en charge / Genere di trattamento | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-21-encountertype | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 21 1.3.V02 - Klasse / Classe / Classe | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-27-dischargedecision | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 27 1.5.V02 - Entscheid für Austritt / Décision de sortie / Décisione dell’uscita | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-28-dischargedestination | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 28 1.5.V03 - Aufenthalt nach Austritt / Séjour après la sortie / Destinazione dopo l’uscita | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/bfs-medstats-29-dischargeencounter | BFS Medizinische Statistik - 29 1.5.V04 - Behandlung nach Austritt / Prise en charge après la sortie / Trattamento dopo l’uscita | active | 2019-01 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ch-core-encounter-participation-type | ChCoreEncounterParticipationType | active | 2020-04 | fhir tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ch-core-maritalstatus | ChCoreMaritalStatus | active | 2018-11 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ch-core-religion | ChCoreReligion | active | 2018-11 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-ch-vaccination-plan-immunizations-vs | CH VACD Swiss Vaccination Plan Immunizations | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-recommendation-categories-vs | CH VACD Recommendation Categories for Immunizations | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-recommendation-forecast-status-vs | CH VACD Swiss Recommendation Forecast Status | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-route-of-administration-vs | CH VACD Route of Administration for Immunization | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-targetdiseasesandillnessesundergoneforimmunization-vs | CH VACD Target disease and illnesses undergone for immunization | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-vaccines-snomedct-vs | CH VACD Snomed CT for vaccine code | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-vacd/ValueSet/ch-vacd-vaccines-vs | CH VACD Swissmedic code for vaccine code | active | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | condition-category | Condition Category Codes | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-10-linetype | eCH-010 Address Line Type | active | 2018-11 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-11-firstnamedatatype | eCH-011 FirstNameDataTypes | active | 2018-11 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-11-maritaldata-separation | eCH-011 MaritalData Separation | active | 2020-10 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-11-maritalstatus | eCH-011 MaritalStatus | active | 2018-11 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-11-namedatatype | eCH-011 NameDataTypes | active | 2018-11 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-11-sex | eCH-011 Sex | active | 2018-11 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-46-emailcategory | eCH-0046 Email Category | active | 2023-03 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-46-internetcategory | eCH-0046 Internet Category | active | 2023-03 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-46-phonecategory | eCH-0046 Phone Category | active | 2023-03 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-7-cantonabbreviation | eCH-0007 Canton Abbreviation | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-core/ValueSet/ech-7-cantonflabbreviation | eCH-0007 Canton Abbreviation incl. FL (Fürstentum Liechtenstein) | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | edqm-administrationmethod | EDQM - Administration Method | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | edqm-pharmaceuticaldoseform | EDQM - Pharmaceutical Dose Form | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | edqm-routeofadministration | EDQM - RouteOfAdministration | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | ihe-pharmaceuticaladvicestatuslist | IHE Pharmaceutical Advice Status List | active | 2024-08 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | mainguarantor | Main Guarantor | active | 2024-08 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-term | R4 | servicerequest-category | ServiceRequest Category | active | 2024-08 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-basic-immunization-vs | Basic Immunization Codes | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-entry-conflict-vs | Entry Conflict Codes | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-immunization-allergyintolerances-vs | Allergies and Intolerance values for Immunization | draft | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-laboratory-serology-vs | Laboratory Serology for Immunization | active | 2024-09 | loinc |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-risks-medical-vs | Swiss Medical Risks For Immunizations | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-risks-occupation-vs | Swiss Occupation Risks For Immunizations | active | 2024-09 | internal sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-risks-preillness-vs | Swiss Preillness Risks For Immunizations | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-risks-social-vs | Swiss Social Risks For Immunizations | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-vacd | R4 | ch-vacd-risks-vs | Swiss Risks For Immunizations | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-expecting-organism-specification | CH ELM Expecting Organism Specification | active | 2024-09 | loinc |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-expecting-specimen-specification | CH ELM Expecting Specimen Specification | active | 2024-09 | loinc |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-foph-patient-name-representation | CH ELM FOPH Patient Name Representation | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pos-neg | CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive and Negative | active | 2024-09 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pos | CH ELM Interpretation Codes Positive | active | 2024-09 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-res-sus | CH ELM Interpretation Codes Resistant and Susceptible | active | 2024-09 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-sero | CH ELM Interpretation Codes SERO | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-titer | CH ELM Interpretation Codes TITER | active | 2024-09 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-interpretation-codes-vs | CH ELM Interpretation Codes Vs | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-lab-study-types | CH ELM Lab Study Types | active | 2024-09 | loinc |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-camp-diar-org | CH ELM Results Camp Diar Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-camp-org | CH ELM Results Camp Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-chol-org | CH ELM Results Chol Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-coded-values-laboratory | CH ELM Results Coded Values Laboratory | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-complete-spec | CH ELM Results Complete Spec | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-completion-vs | CH ELM Results Completion Vs | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-cpe-org | CH ELM Results Cpe Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-diph-org | CH ELM Results Diph Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-geni-spec | CH ELM Results Geni Spec | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-haem-org | CH ELM Results Haem Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-laboratory-observation | CH ELM Results Laboratory Observation | active | 2024-09 | sct loinc |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-leg-org | CH ELM Results Leg Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-mal-org | CH ELM Results Mal Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-mea-org | CH ELM Results Mea Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-men-org | CH ELM Results Men Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-pneu-org | CH ELM Results Pneu Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-sal-org | CH ELM Results Sal Org | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-shi-org | CH ELM Results Shi Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-sterile-spec | CH ELM Results Sterile Spec | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-tul-org | CH ELM Results Tul Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-results-virus-cult-org | CH ELM Results Virus Cult Org | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-status | CH ELM Status | active | 2024-09 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-amount-quantity-unit-code | Amount Quantity Unit Codes | draft | 2024-04 | ucum sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-event-timing | Event Timings | draft | 2024-04 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-route-of-administration | Route of Administration | draft | 2024-04 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-substance-admin-substitution-code | Substance Administration Substitution Codes | draft | 2024-04 | tho |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-time-quantity-unit-code | Time Quantity Unit Codes | draft | 2024-04 | ucum |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epreg | R4 | ch-ig-example-sct | CH IG Example SNOMED CT | draft | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epreg | R4 | ch-ig-example-translation | CH IG Example Translation | draft | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epreg | R4 | ch-ig-example | CH IG Example | draft | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmActorIdentifierType | PPQm Actor Identifier Type | active | 2024-06 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmConsentIdentifierType | PPQm Consent Identifier Type | active | 2024-06 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmFeedRequestHttpMethod | PPQm Feed Request HTTP Method | active | 2024-06 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmPolicySetTemplateId | PPQm Policy Set Template ID | active | 2024-06 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySet | PPQm Referenced Policy Set | active | 2024-06 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-additional-monitoring-indicator | CH SMC- Additional Monitoring Indicator | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-attached-document-type | CH SMC - Attached Document Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-authorisation-status | CH SMC - Authorisation Status | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-authorised-pharmaceutical-dose-form | CH SMC - Authorised Pharmaceutical Dose Form | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-ingredient-role | CH SMC - Ingredient Role | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-legal-status-of-supply | CH SMC - Legal Status of Supply | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-marketing-status | CH SMC - Marketing Status | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-pediatric-use-indicator | CH SMC - Pediatric Use Indicator | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-special-precautions-for-storage | CH SMC - Special Precautions for Storage | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-substance | CH SMC - Substance | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-SMC-therapeuticproductcode | CH SMC - TherapeuticProductcode | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-authorisation-type | CH - Authorisation Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-gamme | CH EPL - Gamme | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-limitationstatus | CH EPL - Limitation Status | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-listing-status | CH EPL - Listing Status | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-other-characteristics-packaged-item | CH EPL - Other Characteristics Packaged Item | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-pricetype | CH EPL - Price Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-product-type | CH EPL - Product Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-reimbursement-status | CH EPL - Reimbursement Status | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-foph-type-of-price-change | CH EPL - Type of Price Change | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-medicinal-product-name-type | CH - Medicinal Product Name Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-product-characteristics-type | CH - Product Characteristics Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-combination-packaging | EDQM - Combination Packaging | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-combined-pharmaceutical-dose-form | EDQM - Combined Pharmaceutical Dose Form | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-combined-term | EDQM - Combined Term | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-packaging | EDQM - Packaging | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-pharmaceutical-dose-form | EDQM - Pharmaceutical Dose Form | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-route-of-administration | EDQM - Route Of Administration | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | edqm-unit-of-presentation | EDQM - Unit of Presentation | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ema-domain | EMA - Domain | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ema-intended-effect | EMA - Intended Effect | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ema-shelf-life-type | EMA - Shelf Life Type | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-report | R4 | ch-lab-bloodgroup-antibody-screen | ChLab BloodGroup Antibody Screen Tests | active | 2024-05 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-report | R4 | ch-lab-bloodgroup-antibody-vs | CH Lab Results Blood Group Antibody | active | 2024-05 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-acquisition-modality | Modality that created the series | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-caveat-condition | Caveat Condition | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-caveat-device | Caveat Device | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-caveat-qualifier-value | Qualifier Value | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-caveat-type | Type of Caveat | active | 2024-09 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-guidance-for-action | Guidance for Action | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-imaging-focus | Imaging Focus | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-imaging-region | Imaging Region | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-laterality | Laterality | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-maneuver-type | Maneuver Type | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-modality-type | Modality Type | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-order-detail-type | Type of Order Detail | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-requested-service | Requested Service | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-rad-order | R4 | ch-rad-order-view-type | View Type | active | 2024-09 | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ChPdqmMoreAttriburesRequested | CH PDQm ValueSet More Attributes Requested | active | 2024-09 | oid |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmActorIdentifierType | CH PPQm Actor Identifier Type | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentIdentifierType | CH PPQm Consent Identifier Type | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmFeedRequestHttpMethod | CH PPQm Feed Request HTTP Method | active | 2024-09 | fhir |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmPolicySetTemplateId | CH PPQm Policy Set Template ID | active | 2024-09 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySetDefaultProvide | CH PPQm Referenced Policy Set for Default Provide (203) template | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySetFullAccess | CH PPQm Referenced Policy Set for Patients (201) and Representative (303) templates | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySetGroupEmergency | CH PPQm Referenced Policy Set for Emergency Access (202) and HCP Group (302) templates | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySetHcpWithDelegation | CH PPQm Referenced Policy Set for Healthcare Professionals with Delegation (304) template | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmReferencedPolicySetHcpWithoutDelegation | CH PPQm Referenced Policy Set for Healthcare Professionals without Delegation (301) template | active | 2024-09 | ietf |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ig | R4 | ch-ig-example-sct | CH IG Example SNOMED CT | draft | 2024-08 | sct |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ig | R4 | ch-ig-example-translation | CH IG Example Translation | draft | 2024-08 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ig | R4 | ch-ig-example | CH IG Example | draft | 2024-08 | internal |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-mhealth | R4 | ChPdqmMoreAttriburesRequested | CH PDQm ValueSet More Attributes Requested | active | 2024-03 | oid |
XIG built as of 19 Sep 2024. Found 39799 resources in 677 packages.