252 resources
By Authority
Rows 0 - 200 Next
Package | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Auth | Resource |
johnmoehrke.consentwithsegmentation | johnmoehrke.consentwithsegmentation.consenttreat | Consent to allow use for treatment | draft | 2024-11 | Consent | |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-communication | Communications for Imaging Diagnostic Reports | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Communication |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-comparison-study | Comaprison studies | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | ImagingStudy |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-imaging-study-in-imaging-report | IDR ImagingStudy | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | ImagingStudy |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-impression-condition | Impression as Condition | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Condition |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-observation-complex | Experimental: Observation with complex values | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-observation-component | Experimental: Observation with a single result consists of multiple components | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-observation-single-with-component | Experimental: Observation with a single value and component(s) | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-observation-single | Experimental: Observation with a single value | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-observation | Findings or Impressions in Diagnostic Reports | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-patient-history-condition | Past diagnosis of patient in Imaging Diagnostic Report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Condition |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-patient-history-family-member-history | Family member medical history of patient in Imaging Diagnostic Report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | FamilyMemberHistory |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-patient-history-observation | Relevant observations of patient | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Observation |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-patient-history-procedure | Past procedure performed on patient in Imaging Diagnostic Report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Procedure |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-patient | IDR Patient | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Patient |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-procedure | Procedure and material information in Imaging Diagnostic Report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Procedure |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-recommendation-service-request | Recommendation | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | ServiceRequest |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-report-key-images | ImagingSelection for key images in an imaging diagnostic report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | ImagingSelection |
ihe.rad.idr | idr-signature-provenance | Signature | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Provenance |
ihe.rad.idr | imaging-diagnosticreport | Imaging Diagnostic Report | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | DiagnosticReport |
ihe.rad.idr | imaging-service-request | Imaging ServiceRequest | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | ServiceRequest |
ihe.rad.idr | imaging-study-endpoint | ImagingStudy Endpoint | draft | 2024-06 | ihe | Endpoint |
hl7.ehrs.ehrsfmr21 | FMFunction | FMFunction | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Requirements |
hl7.ehrs.ehrsfmr21 | FMHeader | FMHeader | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Requirements |
hl7.ehrs.ehrsfmr21 | FMSection | FMSection | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Requirements |
hl7.ehrs.ehrsfmr21 | FunctionalModel | FunctionalModel | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Requirements |
ihe.pharm.supply | IHEInventoryStatus | Inventory Report | active | 2024-06 | ihe | InventoryReport |
ihe.pharm.supply | IHEInventoryUpdate | Inventory Update | active | 2024-06 | ihe | InventoryReport |
ihe.pharm.supply | DispatchNotice | Profile - Supply Shipment Notice | active | 2024-06 | ihe | SupplyDelivery |
ihe.pharm.supply | ReceiptNotice | Profile - Supply Receipt Notice | active | 2024-06 | ihe | SupplyDelivery |
ihe.pharm.supply | IHESupplyRequest | Supply Request profile | active | 2024-06 | ihe | SupplyRequest |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | assessment-action | Assessment Action | draft | 2023-11 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | body-positioning-action | Body Positioning Action | draft | 2022-09 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | certainty-of-evidence-rating | Certainty of Evidence Rating | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | ArtifactAssessment |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | cohorts | Cohorts | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Group |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | cpg-computableplandefinition | CPGComputablePlanDefinition | draft | 2019-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | cpg-recommendationdefinition | CPGRecommendationDefinition | draft | 2019-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | cpg-shareableplandefinition | CPGShareablePlanDefinition | draft | 2019-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | cpg-strategydefinition | CPGStrategyDefinition | draft | 2019-06 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | drug-administration-action | Drug Administration Action | draft | 2022-09 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | eligibility-criteria | Eligibility Criteria | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | evidence-data-set | Evidence Data Set | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | evidence-synthesis-cohorts | Evidence Synthesis Cohorts | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Group |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | guideline-bundle | Guideline Bundle | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Bundle |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | guideline-citation | Guideline Citation | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | Citation |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | guideline | Clinical Practice Guideline | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | Composition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | intervention-definition | Intervention Definition | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | net-effect-estimate | Net Effect Estimate | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | Evidence |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | outcome-definition | Outcome Definition | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | outcome-evidence-synthesis | Outcome Evidence Synthesis | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Evidence |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | outcome-evidence | Outcome Evidence | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Evidence |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | pico-evidence-variable | PICO Evidence Variable | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | procedure-action | Procedure Action | draft | 2024-05 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation-action | Recommendation Action | draft | 2021-12 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation-citation | Recommendation Citation | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | Citation |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation-eligibility-criteria | Recommendation Eligibility Criteria | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation-justification | Recommendation Justification | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | ArtifactAssessment |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation-plan | Recommendation Plan | draft | 2022-12 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | recommendation | Recommendation | draft | 2022-10 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | shareableplandefinition | Shareable PlanDefinition | draft | 2020-12 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | study-citation | Study Citation | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | Citation |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | study-cohort | Study Cohort | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Group |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | study-eligibility-criteria | Study Eligibility Criteria | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | EvidenceVariable |
de.netzwerk-universitaetsmedizin.ebm-cpg | study-outcome-evidence | Study Outcome Evidence | draft | 2022-05 | hl7 | Evidence |
hl7.fhir.uv.adverseeventclinicalcare | AdverseEvent-clinical-care | Adverse Event Clinical Care | active | 2022-06 | hl7 | AdverseEvent |
hl7.fhir.uv.ae-research-ig | AdverseEvent-clinical-research | Adverse Event Clinical Research | active | 2024-04 | hl7 | AdverseEvent |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | ActivityDefinition-test-drug-pq | ActivityDefinition - Test Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-analytical-procedure-pq | Bundle – Analytical Procedure PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-batch-analysis-pq | Bundle – Batch Analysis PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-batch-formula-pq | Bundle – Batch Formula PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-container-closure-system-pq | Bundle – Container Closure System PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-batch-info-pq | Bundle – drug Product Batch Information PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-compatibility-pq | Bundle - Drug Product Compatibility PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-composition-pq | Bundle – Drug Product Composition PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-excipients-pq | Bundle – Drug Product Excipients PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-microbiological-attributes-pq | Bundle – Drug Product Microbiological Attributes PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-pq | Bundle - Drug Product PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-product-specification-pq | Bundle – Drug Product Specification PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-reference-standards-pq | Bundle – Drug Reference Standards PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-stability-pq | Bundle – Drug Stability PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-substance-batch-info-pq | Bundle – Drug Substance Batch Information PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-substance-characterization-pq | Bundle – Drug Substance Characterization PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-substance-general-properties-pq | Bundle – Drug Substance General Properties PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-drug-substance-specification-pq | Bundle – Drug Substance Specification PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-organizations-pq | Bundle - Organizations PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-product-impurities-pq | Bundle - Product Impurities PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-product-manufacturing-pq | Bundle - Product Manufacturing PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Bundle-product-process-validation-pq | Bundle - Product Process Validation PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Composition-drug-pq | Composition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Composition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | DeviceDefinition-drug-pq | DeviceDefinition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | DeviceDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | DiagnosticReport-analysis-drug-pq | DiagnosticReport - Analysis Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | DiagnosticReport |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | DocumentReference-drug-pq | DocumentReference - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Ingredient-drug-pq | Ingredient - Drug Pq | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Ingredient |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | ManufacturedItemDefinition-drug-pq | ManufacturedItemDefinition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | ManufacturedItemDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Medication-batch-information-drug-pq | Medication - Batch Information Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Medication |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | MedicinalProductDefinition-drug-product-pq | MedicinalProductDefinition - Drug Product PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | MedicinalProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Observation-test-result-drug-pq | Observation - Test Result Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | ObservationDefinition-test-method-drug-pq | ObservationDefinition - Test Method PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | ObservationDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Organization-drug-pq | Organization - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Organization |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | PackagedProductDefinition-drug-pq | PackagedProductDefinition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | PackagedProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | PlanDefinition-drug-pq | PlanDefinition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Procedure-drug-pq | Procedure - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Procedure |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Specimen-drug-pq | Specimen - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Specimen |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | SpecimenDefinition-drug-pq | SpecimenDefinition - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | SpecimenDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | Substance-drug-pq | Substance - Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Substance |
hl7.fhir.uv.pharm-quality | SubstanceDefinition-component-substance-drug-pq | SubstanceDefinition - Component Substance Drug PQ | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | SubstanceDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | CatalogHeader | Catalog Header | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | Composition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | CatalogMessageDefinition | Message definition for messaging order-catalog content | draft | 2020-04 | hl7 | MessageDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | ContraindicationDefinition | ClinicalUseDefinition as a contraindication | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | DeviceModel | Device Model | draft | 2022-02 | hl7 | DeviceDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | DrugKnowledge | item in a catalog of drugs | draft | 2022-03 | hl7 | MedicationKnowledge |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | DrugPackage | definition of a packaging of a medication | draft | 2022-06 | hl7 | PackagedProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | IndicationDefinition | ClinicalUseDefinition as a therapeutic indication | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | InputObservationDefinition | Input Observation | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ObservationDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | InteractionDefinition | ClinicalUseDefinition as an interaction | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | ItemTransactionRequest | Catalog Item Transaction Request | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | ItemTransactionResponse | Catalog Item Transaction Request | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | LabChargeItemDefinition | Laboratory Service Charge Item Definition | draft | 2020-02 | hl7 | ChargeItemDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | LabObservationDefinition | Laboratory Observation Definition | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ObservationDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | LabProcedureDefinition | Laboratory Procedure Definition | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ActivityDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | LabServiceDefinition | Laboratory Service Definition | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | PlanDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | LabSpecimenDefinition | Laboratory IVD Specimen Definition | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | SpecimenDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | UndesirableEffectDefinition | ClinicalUseDefinition as an undesirable effect | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.order-catalog | WarningDefinition | ClinicalUseDefinition as a warning | draft | 2023-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | algorithm-identification | Device - DICOM SR Algorithm Identification Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Device |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | derived-imaging-measurement | Observation - DICOM SR Derived Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | dicom-general-equipment | Device - DICOM General Equipment Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Device |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | dicom-participant-device | Device - DICOM Participant Device Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Device |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | dicom-participant-person | Device - DICOM Participant Practitioner Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Practitioner |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | dicom-sr-finding-site | Body Structure - DICOM SR Finding Site Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | BodyStructure |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | dicom-sr-tracking-identifiers | Body Structure - DICOM SR Observation Tracking Identifier Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | BodyStructure |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | illustration-of-roi | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Illustration Of ROI Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | image-region-2d | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR 2D Image Region Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | image-region-3d | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Image 3D Region Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | imaging-measurement-group | Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Measurement Group Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | imaging-measurement | Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Measurement Mapping to Observation | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | imaging-observation | Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Observation | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | imaging-qualitative-evaluation | Observation - DICOM SR Imaging Qualitative Evaluation Mapping to Observation | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | observation-imaging-selection | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Base Imaging Selection | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | real-world-value-map | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Real World Value Map | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | referenced-segment | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Referenced Segment Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | referenced-segmentation-frame | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Referenced Segmentation Frame Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | region-in-space | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Region In Space | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | visual-explanation | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Visual Explanation Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
hl7.fhir.uv.dicom-sr | volume-surface | Imaging Selection - DICOM SR Image Volume Surface Mapping | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ImagingSelection |
openmrs-sep-2024-training | openmrs-patient-relationship | OpenMRS Patient Related Person | active | 2024-09 | RelatedPerson | |
openmrs-sep-2024-training | openmrs-patient | OpenMRS Patient | active | 2024-09 | Patient | |
ihe.pharm.meow | IHEMedication | Medicinal product | active | 2024-06 | ihe | Medication |
ihe.pharm.meow | MedicationOverview | Medication Overview Bundle | active | 2024-06 | ihe | Bundle |
ihe.pharm.meow | MedicationOverviewComposition | Medication Overview Composition | active | 2024-06 | ihe | Composition |
ihe.pharm.meow | MedicationTreatment | Medication Treatment | active | 2024-06 | ihe | CarePlan |
ihe.pharm.meow | MedicationTreatmentLine | Medication Treatment Line | active | 2024-06 | ihe | MedicationStatement |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecord-comp | [Profile] - Structure Composition for Medication Record | active | 2023-03 | ihe | Composition |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecord | [Profile] - Medication Record | active | 2023-03 | ihe | Bundle |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordAdministration | [Profile] - Administration | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationAdministration |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordDispense | [Profile] - Dispense | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationDispense |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordMedicationScheduledAdministration | [Profile] - Scheduled Administration | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationRequest |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordMedicationSummaryView | [Profile] - Summary View | active | 2023-03 | ihe | CarePlan |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordOrder | [Profile] - Prescription | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationRequest |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordTreatment | [Profile] - Treatment | active | 2023-03 | ihe | CarePlan |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordTreatmentLine | [Profile] - Treatment Line | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationStatement |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | MedRecordUsage | [Profile] - Usage | active | 2023-03 | ihe | MedicationStatement |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | CreateOrderRequestBundle | CreateOrderRequestBundle | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | OrderBundle | OrderBundle | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | imaging-patient | Patient - DICOM MWL Patient Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Patient |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | imaging-requested-procedure | ServiceRequest - DICOM MWL Requested Procedure Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | imaging-scheduled-procedure-step | Task - DICOM MWL Scheduled Procedure Step Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Task |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | imaging-service-request | ServiceRequest - DICOM MWL Imaging Service Request Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | imaging-visit | Encounter - DICOM MWL Visit Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Encounter |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | requested-procedure-imaging-study | ImagingStudy - DICOM MWL Requested Procedure Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | ImagingStudy |
hl7.fhir.uv.imaging-service-request-ig | scheduled-station | Device - DICOM Scheduled Station Mapping | draft | 2024-11 | hl7 | Device |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | AdministrableProductDefinition-uv-epi | AdministrableProductDefinition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | AdministrableProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | Bundle-uv-epi | Bundle - ePI | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Bundle |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ClinicalUseDefinition-contraindication-uv-epi | ClinicalUseDefinition Contraindication (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ClinicalUseDefinition-indication-uv-epi | ClinicalUseDefinition Indication (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ClinicalUseDefinition-interaction-uv-epi | ClinicalUseDefinition Interaction (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ClinicalUseDefinition-undesirableEffect-uv-epi | ClinicalUseDefinition Undesirable Effect (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ClinicalUseDefinition-warning-uv-epi | ClinicalUseDefinition Warning (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | Composition-uv-epi | Composition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Composition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | Ingredient-uv-epi | Ingredient (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Ingredient |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | ManufacturedItemDefinition-uv-epi | ManufacturedItemDefinition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ManufacturedItemDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | MedicinalProductDefinition-uv-epi | MedicinalProductDefinition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | MedicinalProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | Organization-uv-epi | Organization (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Organization |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | PackagedProductDefinition-uv-epi | PackagedProductDefinition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | PackagedProductDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | RegulatedAuthorization-uv-epi | RegulatedAuthorization (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | RegulatedAuthorization |
hl7.fhir.uv.emedicinal-product-info | SubstanceDefinition-uv-epi | SubstanceDefinition (ePI) | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | SubstanceDefinition |
hl7.fhir.uv.ehrs-rle | ehrsrle-auditevent | EHRS Functional Model - Record Lifecycle Events - AuditEvent | draft | 2024-01 | hl7 | AuditEvent |
hl7.fhir.uv.ehrs-rle | ehrsrle-provenance | EHRS Functional Model - Record Lifecycle Events - Provenance | draft | 2024-01 | hl7 | Provenance |
ihe.pharm.mpd | IHEMedication | IHE Medication | active | 2024-10 | ihe | Medication |
ihe.pharm.mpd | IHEMedicationDispensation | IHEMedicationDispensation | active | 2024-10 | ihe | MedicationDispense |
ihe.pharm.mpd | IHEMedicationPrescription | IHE Medication Prescription | active | 2024-10 | ihe | MedicationRequest |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | AdministrableProductDefinition-who-php | AdministrableProductDefinition (WHO PhP) | active | 2024-11 | AdministrableProductDefinition | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | AuthorizedOrg-who-php | Organization authorized to use the WHO-UMC IDMP service | active | 2024-11 | Organization | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | Ingredient-who-php-publish | Ingredient (WHO PhP publish) | active | 2024-11 | Ingredient | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | Ingredient-who-php | Ingredient (WHO PhP) | active | 2024-11 | Ingredient | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | MarketingAuthorizationHolder-who-php | Marketing Authorization Holder | active | 2024-11 | Organization | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | MedicinalProductDefinition-who-php-pub | MedicinalProductDefinition for publication | active | 2024-11 | MedicinalProductDefinition | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | MedicinalProductDefinition-who-php-req | MedicinalProductDefinition for PhPID request | active | 2024-11 | MedicinalProductDefinition | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | Subscription-IdmpEvent | Subscription for event notifications | active | 2024-11 | Subscription | |
idmp.who-umc.org.fhir | SubstanceDefinition-pub | SubstanceDefinition for publication | active | 2024-11 | SubstanceDefinition |
XIG built as of 04 Dec 2024. Found 40834 resources in 700 packages.