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FHIR IG Statistics (391 ms)

CodeSystems, Realm EU, Authority Hl7, Version R5

10 resources

Text: Use quotation marks (") for an exact phrase. You can use AND, OR, and NOT. Wildcard = *
hl7.eu.fhir.ghLensCategoriesCodes LensCategoriesCodesactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghasm-category-cs Category of ASMactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghepicategory-cs Category of EPIactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghicpc-2-cs Example ICPC2 CSactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghpd-category-cs Persona Vector Dimensions categoriesactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghpd-type-cs Persona Vector Dimensions Codeactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghquesti-dimens-cs Questionnaire example Dimensionsactive2025-01complete
hl7.eu.fhir.ghtype-of-data-cs Type of information to be added in epi CSactive2025-01complete
hl7.fhir.eu.imagingcodesystem-diagnostic-report-support-info Diagnostic Report Support Info Code Systemdraft2025-02complete
hl7.fhir.eu.imagingcodesystem-missing-dicom-terminology Missing DICOM Terminologydraft2025-02complete

XIG built as of 17 Feb 2025. Found 67014 resources in 1127 packages.