886 resources
By Version
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Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Context | Modifier | Type |
hl7.fhir.us.bser | R4 | query-description | QueryDescription | active | 2024-04 | Bundle.entry.request | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-hrex | R4 | extension-itemAuthorizedDate | Authorized Date | draft | 2024-08 | ClaimResponse.addItem | dateTime Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-hrex | R4 | extension-itemAuthorizedProvider | Authorized Provider | draft | 2024-08 | ClaimResponse.addItem | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-hrex | R4 | extension-itemPreAuthIssueDate | Pre Authorized Issue Date | draft | 2024-08 | ClaimResponse.addItem | date | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-hrex | R4 | extension-itemTraceNumber | Item Trace Number | draft | 2024-08 | ClaimResponse.addItem | Identifier | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-additionaldocumentinformation | AdditionalDocumentInformation | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-ageattimeofonset | AgeAtTimeOfOnset | draft | 2023-08 | AdverseEvent | Age | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-ageatvaccination | AgeAtVaccination | draft | 2023-08 | Immunization | Age | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-authorprimarysource | AuthorPrimarySource | draft | 2023-08 | Composition.author | boolean | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-caseidentifier | CaseIdentifier | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | Identifier | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-combinationproductreport | CombinationProductReport | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | boolean | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-departmentname | DepartmentName | draft | 2023-08 | Organization | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-donationIdentificationNumber | DonationIdentificationNumber | draft | 2023-08 | BiologicallyDerivedProduct.collection | Identifier | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-eventduration | EventDuration | draft | 2023-08 | AdverseEvent.date | Duration | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-eventenddate | EventEndDate | draft | 2023-08 | AdverseEvent.date | dateTime | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-eventseriousness | EventSeriousness | draft | 2023-08 | AdverseEvent.seriousness | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-expeditedreport | ExpeditedReport | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-firstreceivedate | FirstReceiveDate | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | dateTime | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-firstsendertype | FirstSenderType | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-militarystatus | MilitaryStatus | draft | 2023-08 | Patient | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-mostrecentdate | MostRecentDate | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | dateTime | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-previouscaseidentifier | PreviousCaseIdentifier | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | Identifier | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-reportamendment | ReportAmendment | draft | 2023-08 | Composition | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-usedproduct | UsedProduct | draft | 2023-08 | Procedure.usedReference | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.icsr-ae-reporting | R4 | icsr-ext-usedproductamount | UsedProductAmount | draft | 2023-08 | Procedure | Quantity | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | AddressNeighborhoodCardioCx | Población CardioCx | draft | 2024-04 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | ExplantTypeExt | Valores que acepta el tipo de explante. | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | ExtracorporealCirculationExt | Circulación extracorpórea. | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | ImplantTypeExt | Valores que acepta el tipo de implante. | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | MainReasonSurgeryExt | Razón principal de operación | draft | 2024-04 | Element | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | MyocardialProtectionExt | Protección miocardial. | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | UrgencyLevelCardioCx | Nivel de urgencia de la operación | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | UrgencyOfSurgeryExt | Razón principal de operación | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cardio.ig | R4 | ValveInsuficiencyExt | Valor de la insuficiencia de válvula | draft | 2024-04 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-cs | R4 | assistance-required | AssistanceRequired | active | 2021-11 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-cs | R4 | device-patient-used | DevicePatientUsed | active | 2021-11 | Element | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-cs | R4 | event-location | ObservationEventLocation | active | 2021-11 | SupplyDelivery Observation Media DiagnosticReport | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.bhp | R4 | program-info | Grant Program ID and Number | draft | 2024-08 | Observation | complex | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | action-taken | Extension for Action Taken | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | adjustment-type | Extension for Stock Adjustment Type | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | aefi-outcome | AefiOutcomeExtension | draft | 2024-08 | Element | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | allocated-quantity | Extension for Allocated Quantity | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | batch-number | Extension for Batch Number | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | bcg-vaccine | BCG vaccine | draft | 2024-08 | Basic | CodeableConcept | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | body-weight-extension | Body Weight extension | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | decimal | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | certificate-Issue-Date | Certificate Issue Date | draft | 2024-08 | Immunization | dateTime | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | certificate-Issued | Certificate Issued | draft | 2024-08 | Immunization | boolean | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | children | Extension for Children | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | contraindication-to-vaccine | ContraIndication to Vaccine | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | boolean | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | date-of-last-order | Extension for Date Of last Order | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | date-received | Extension for Date Received | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | doses-in-stock | Extension for Doses in stock | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | event-details | Extension for Event Details | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | expected-date-of-next-order | Extension for Expected Date of Next Order | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | expiry-date | Extension for ExpiryDate | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | facility-reported | Extension for Facility Reported | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | inventory-items | Inventory Items | draft | 2024-08 | Basic | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | inventory-report-types | InventoryReportTypes | draft | 2024-08 | Basic | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | issue-date | Extension for Issue Date | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | kenya-administrative-gender-extension | KenyaAdministrativeGenderExtension | draft | 2024-08 | Element | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | kenya-counties-extension | Extension for Kenya counties | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | kenya-health-worker-extension | Healthworker extension | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | boolean | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | manufacturer-details | Extension for Manufacturer Details | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | maximum | Extension for Maximum | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | minimum | Extension for Minimum | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | new-vvm | Extension for Reason For New VVM | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | order-number | Extension for Order number | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | ordered-amount | Extension for Ordered Amount | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | origin | Extension for Origin | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | physical-count | Extension for Physical Count | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | pregnant-women | Extension for Pregnant women | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | previous-vvm | Extension for Reason For Previous VVM | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | products | Extension for Products | draft | 2024-08 | Task | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | quantity-issued | Extension for Quantity Issued | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | quantity | Quantity | draft | 2024-08 | Basic | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | reaction-severity | ReactionSeverityExtension | draft | 2024-08 | Element | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | reason-for-adjustment | Extension for Reason For Adjustment | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | recommended-stock | Extension for Recommended Stock | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | remaining-quantity | Extension for Remaining Quantity | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | specimen-collected | Extension for Specimen collected for investigation | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | specimen-details | Extension for Specimen Details | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | stock-adjustment-date | Extension for Stock Adjustment Date | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | date | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | stock-location | Extension for Stock Location | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | stock-origin | Extension for Reason For Stock Origin | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | stock-quantity | Extension for Stock Quantity | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | total-population | Extension for Total Population | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyRequest | integer | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | treatment-details | Extension for Treatment Details | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | treatment-given | Extension for Treatment Given | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | types-of-aefi | Extension for types of AEFI | draft | 2024-08 | AdverseEvent | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | vaccine-brand | Vaccine Brand | draft | 2024-08 | Immunization | string | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | vaccine | Extension for Vaccine | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | code | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | validity-endDate-certificate | Validity end date of the certificate. | draft | 2024-08 | Immunization | dateTime | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | validity-startdate-certificate | Validity start date of the certificate. | draft | 2024-08 | Immunization | dateTime | |
fhir.chanjoKe | R4 | vvm-status | Extension for VVM Status | draft | 2024-08 | SupplyDelivery | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | AliasStatus | Alias Status of a Death Roster | draft | 2024-08 | Composition Bundle Bundle.meta | boolean | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | FilingFormat | Filing Format | draft | 2024-08 | Composition | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | NVSS-SexAtDeath | NVSS SexAtDeath | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | ReplaceStatus | Replacement Status of a Death Record (deprecated) | draft | 2024-08 | Composition Bundle Bundle.meta | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | SpouseAlive | Spouse Is Alive | draft | 2024-08 | Patient | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | StateSpecificField | State Specific Field | draft | 2024-08 | Composition Identifier Bundle | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vrdr | R4 | practitioner-role | Practitioner Role | draft | 2024-08 | Practitioner | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.home-lab-report | R4 | Extension-at-home-in-vitro-test-proctored-info | Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Proctored Info | active | 2022-06 | Observation | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.home-lab-report | R4 | Extension-at-home-in-vitro-test-source-software-info | Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Source Software Information | active | 2022-06 | MessageHeader.source | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.home-lab-report | R4 | Extension-at-home-in-vitro-test-supporting-info | Extension - At-Home In-Vitro Test Supporting Info | active | 2023-01 | DiagnosticReport | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | AuxiliaryStateIdentifier1 | Auxiliary State Identifier1 Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Meta Identifier | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | AuxiliaryStateIdentifier2 | Auxiliary State Identifier2 Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Meta Identifier | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | BypassEditFlag | BypassEditFlag Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | date Quantity integer CodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CertificateNumber | Certificate Number | active | 2024-08 | Identifier | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | CityCode | City Code Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address.city | positiveInt | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | DistrictCode | District Code Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address.district | positiveInt | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-jurisdiction-id-vr | Location Jurisdiction Id Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address.state | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-partial-date-time-vr | Partial Date Time Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | dateTime date | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-partial-date-vr | Partial Date Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | date | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-patient-fetal-death-vr | Patient Fetal Death Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | boolean | ||
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-relatedperson-birthplace-vr | RelatedPerson Birth Place Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | RelatedPerson | Address | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-reported-parent-age-at-delivery-vr | Reported Parent Age At Delivery Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Patient | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | Extension-within-city-limits-indicator-vr | Within City Limits Indicator Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | Coding | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | PostDirectional | PostDirectional Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | PreDirectional | PreDirectional Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | StreetDesignator | StreetDesignator Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | StreetName | StreetName Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | StreetNumber | StreetNumber Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.vr-common-library | R4 | UnitOrAptNumber | UnitOrAptNumber Vital Records | active | 2024-08 | Address | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-fs | R4 | assistance-required | AssistanceRequired | active | 2021-11 | Element | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-fs | R4 | device-patient-used | DevicePatientUsed | active | 2021-11 | Element | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.pacio-fs | R4 | event-location | ObservationEventLocation | active | 2021-11 | SupplyDelivery Observation Media DiagnosticReport | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-body-location-qualifier | Body Location Qualifier Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Specimen.collection.bodySite Condition.bodySite Procedure.bodySite Observation.bodySite ServiceRequest.bodySite CodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-cancer-disease-status-evidence-type | Cancer Disease Status Evidence Type Extension | active | 2024-04 | Observation | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-histology-morphology-behavior | Histology-Morphology-Behavior Extension | active | 2024-04 | Condition | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-laterality-qualifier | Laterality Qualifier Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Specimen.collection.bodySite Condition.bodySite Procedure.bodySite Observation.bodySite CodeableConcept ServiceRequest.bodySite | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-normalization-basis | Normalization Basis Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension MedicationRequest DomainResource MedicationAdministration | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-procedure-intent | Procedure Intent Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension MedicationRequest DomainResource MedicationAdministration Procedure ServiceRequest | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-radiotherapy-dose-delivered-to-volume | Radiotherapy Dose Delivered To Volume Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-radiotherapy-modality-and-technique | Radiotherapy Modality And Technique Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure ServiceRequest | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-radiotherapy-modality | Radiotherapy Modality Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure ServiceRequest | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-radiotherapy-sessions | Radiotherapy Number of Sessions Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure | unsignedInt | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-radiotherapy-technique | Radiotherapy Technique Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure ServiceRequest | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-related-condition-absent | Related Condition Absent Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Observation | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-related-condition | Related Condition Extension | active | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Observation BodyStructure DiagnosticReport | Reference CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.mcode | R4 | mcode-treatment-termination-reason | Treatment Termination Reason Extension (deprecated) | retired | 2024-04 | Extension DomainResource Procedure | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-patient-sexualOrientation | Sexual Orientation | draft | 2019-09 | Patient | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-admitting-source-facility-type | Admitting Source Facility Type | draft | 2019-09 | Encounter.hospitalization | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-body-position | PCORNet Body Position | draft | 2019-09 | Observation | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-condition-source | PCORNet Condition Source | draft | 2019-09 | Condition.code | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-cause-code | PCORNet Death Cause Code | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-cause-confidence | PCORNet Death Cause Confidence | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-cause-source | PCORNet Death Cause Source | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-cause-type | PCORNet Death Cause Type | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-cause | DeathCause | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent.suspectEntity.causality | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-match-confidence | PCORNet Death Match Confidence | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-death-source | PCORNet Death Source Code | draft | 2019-09 | AdverseEvent | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-diagnosis-origin | Diagnosis Origin | draft | 2019-09 | Encounter.diagnosis | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-discharge-status | Discharge Status | draft | 2019-09 | Encounter.hospitalization | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-drg-group-version | Diagnosis Related Group Version | draft | 2019-09 | Encounter | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-drg-group | Diagnosis Related Group | draft | 2019-09 | Encounter | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-ethnicity | PCORNet Ethnicity Code | draft | 2019-09 | Patient | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-lab-loinc-code-source | PCORNet Lab Loinc Code Source | draft | 2019-09 | Observation.code | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-lab-result-source | PCORNet Lab Result Source | draft | 2019-09 | Observation | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-lab-test-priority | PCORNet Lab Test Priority | draft | 2019-09 | Observation | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-px-source | Procedure Information Source | draft | 2019-09 | Procedure.code | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-race | PCORNet Race Code | draft | 2019-09 | Patient | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.cdmh | R4 | cdmh-pcornet-vital-source | PCORNet Vital Source | draft | 2019-09 | Observation.code | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-administrationReferenceNumber | AdministrationReferenceNumber | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse ExplanationOfBenefit | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-authorizationNumber | AuthorizationNumber | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-careTeamClaimScope | CareTeamClaimScope | active | 2024-09 | Claim.careTeam ExplanationOfBenefit | boolean | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-certificationType | CertificationType | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ExplanationOfBenefit Claim | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-communicatedDiagnosis | CommunicatedDiagnosis | active | 2024-09 | ExplanationOfBenefit CommunicationRequest.payload | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-conditionCode | ConditionCode | active | 2024-09 | Claim | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-contentModifier | ContentModifier | active | 2024-09 | ExplanationOfBenefit.payload CommunicationRequest.payload | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-diagnosisRecordedDate | DiagnosisRecordedDate | active | 2024-09 | Claim.diagnosis | date | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-epsdtIndicator | EPSDTIndicator | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse | boolean | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-errorElement | ErrorElement | active | 2024-09 | ExplanationOfBenefit.error ClaimResponse.error | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-errorFollowupAction | ErrorFollowupAction | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.error | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-errorPath | ErrorPath | active | 2024-09 | ExplanationOfBenefit.error ClaimResponse.error | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-homeHealthCareInformation | HomeHealthCareInformation | active | 2024-09 | Claim | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-identifierJurisdiction | IdentifierJurisdiction | active | 2024-09 | Identifier | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-identifierSubDepartment | IdentifierSubDepartment | active | 2024-09 | Identifier | string | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-infoChanged | InfoChanged | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ExplanationOfBenefit Claim-update.item | code | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemAuthorizedDetail | ItemAuthorizedDetail | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemAuthorizedProvider | ItemAuthorizedProvider | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemCertificationEffectiveDate | CertificationEffectiveDate | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item Claim | date Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemCertificationExpirationDate | CertificationExpirationDate | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item Claim | date Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemCertificationIssueDate | CertificationIssueDate | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item Claim | date Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemPreAuthIssueDate | ItemPreAuthIssueDate | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | date | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemPreAuthPeriod | ItemPreAuthPeriod | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemRequestedServiceDate | ItemRequestedServiceDate | active | 2024-09 | ClaimResponse.item | dateTime Period | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-itemTraceNumber | ItemTraceNumber | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse.item ExplanationOfBenefit | Identifier | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-levelOfServiceCode | LevelOfServiceCode | active | 2024-09 | Claim | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-militaryStatus | MilitaryStatus | active | 2024-09 | Patient Examples | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-nursingHomeLevelOfCare | NursingHomeLevelOfCare | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-nursingHomeResidentialStatus | NursingHomeResidentialStatus | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item Encounter | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-paLineNumber | PALineNumber | active | 2024-09 | Task.input | integer | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-patientStatus | PatientStatus | active | 2024-09 | Encounter Examples | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-productOrServiceCodeEnd | ProductOrServiceCodeEnd | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-requestedService | RequestedService | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse.item | Reference | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-revenueUnitRateLimit | RevenueUnitRateLimit | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse | decimal | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-reviewAction | ReviewAction | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse.item.adjudication ExplanationOfBenefit | complex | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-reviewActionCode | ReviewActionCode | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item ClaimResponse.item.adjudication ClaimResponse.item.adjudication.extension ExplanationOfBenefit | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-serviceItemRequestType | ServiceItemRequestType | active | 2024-09 | Claim.item | CodeableConcept | |
hl7.fhir.us.davinci-pas | R4 | extension-serviceLineNumber | ServiceLineNumber | active | 2024-09 | ExplanationOfBenefit.payload CommunicationRequest.payload | positiveInt |
XIG built as of 07 Sep 2024. Found 38492 resources in 657 packages.