255 resources
By Version
By Authority
Rows 0 - 200 Next
Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Auth | Resource |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-allergyintolerance | CH Core AllergyIntolerance | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | AllergyIntolerance |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-composition-epr | CH Core Composition EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-composition | CH Core Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-condition | CH Core Condition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Condition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-coverage | CH Core Coverage | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Coverage |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-document-epr | CH Core Document EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-document | CH Core Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-documentreference-epr | CH Core DocumentReference EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-documentreference | CH Core DocumentReference | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-encounter | CH Core Encounter | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Encounter |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-epr-consent | CH Core EPR-Consent | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-immunization-recommendation | CH Core Immunization Recommendation | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | ImmunizationRecommendation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-immunization | CH Core Immunization | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Immunization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-location | CH Core Location | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Location |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-medication | CH Core Medication | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-medicationadministration | CH Core MedicationAdministration | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationAdministration |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-medicationdispense | CH Core MedicationDispense | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-medicationrequest | CH Core MedicationRequest | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-medicationstatement | CH Core MedicationStatement | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-organization-epr | CH Core Organization EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-organization | CH Core Organization | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-patient-epr | CH Core Patient EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-patient | CH Core Patient | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-practitioner-epr | CH Core Practitioner EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-practitioner | CH Core Practitioner | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-practitionerrole-epr | CH Core PractitionerRole EPR | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-practitionerrole | CH Core PractitionerRole | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-core | R4 | ch-core-servicerequest | CH Core ServiceRequest | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ChLabOrderMedication | CH LAB-Order Medication | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-document-reference | CH Core DocumentReference | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-SR-container | CH LAB-Order-SR Container | active | 2019-02 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-SR-singletest | CH LAB-Order-SR Single-test | active | 2019-02 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-SR | CH LAB-Order-SR | active | 2019-02 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-composition-with-sr-and-form | CH LAB-Order Composition with ServiceRequest and Form | active | 2019-01 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-composition-with-sr | CH LAB-Order Composition with Service Request | active | 2019-01 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-diagnosis-condition | CH LAB-Order Diagnosis Condition | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Condition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-diagnostic-report | CH LAB-Order Diagnosic Report | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | DiagnosticReport |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-document-with-sr-and-form | CH LAB-Order Document with Service Request and Form | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-lab-order | R4 | ch-lab-order-document-with-sr | CH LAB-Order Document with Service Request | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-card-bundle | CHMED Medication Card document | active | 2024-06 | Bundle | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-card-composition | CHMED Medication Card Composition | active | 2024-06 | Composition | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-card-medicationstatement | CHMED MedicationStatement | active | 2024-06 | MedicationStatement | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-card-patient | CHMED Patient (CARD) | active | 2024-06 | Patient | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-condition-risks | CHMED Risks | active | 2024-06 | Condition | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-medication | CHMED Medication | active | 2024-06 | Medication | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-obs-bodyheight | CHMED Body Height | active | 2024-06 | Observation | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-obs-bodyweight | CHMED Body Weight | active | 2024-06 | Observation | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-obs-dateoflastmenstruation | CHMED First Day of Last Menstruation | active | 2024-06 | Observation | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-obs-prematurebaby | CHMED Premature Baby | active | 2024-06 | Observation | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-obs-timeofgestation | CHMED Time of Gestation | active | 2024-06 | Observation | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-organization | CHMED Organization | active | 2024-06 | Organization | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-practitioner | CHMED Practitioner | active | 2024-06 | Practitioner | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-practitionerrole | CHMED PractitionerRole | active | 2024-06 | PractitionerRole | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-pre-bundle | CHMED Medication Prescription document | active | 2024-06 | Bundle | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-pre-composition | CHMED Medication Prescription Composition | active | 2024-06 | Composition | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-pre-medicationrequest | CHMED MedicationRequest | active | 2024-06 | MedicationRequest | |
ch.chmed.emediplan | R4 | chmed-pre-patient | CHMED Patient (PRE) | active | 2024-06 | Patient | |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ChElmPatientHIV | CH ELM Patient HIV | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ChElmPatientInitials | CH ELM Patient Initials | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ChElmPatientVCT | CH ELM Patient VCT | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | FindDocumentReferencesResponse | Find Document References Response message | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | PublishDocumentReference | DocumentReference for sending the report | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | PublishDocumentReferenceResponse | DocumentReference for Publish Response | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | PublishDocumentReferenceStrict | DocumentReference for sending the report with strict validation | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-composition | CH ELM Composition: Laboratory Report | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-diagnosticreport | CH ELM DiagnosticReport: Laboratory Report | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | DiagnosticReport |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-document-strict | CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report (strict) | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-document | CH ELM Document: Laboratory Report | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-observation-results-laboratory-strict | CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory (strict) | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-observation-results-laboratory | CH ELM Observation Results: Laboratory | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-organization-author | CH ELM Organization: Author | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-organization-lab | CH ELM Organization: Lab | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-organization-orderer | CH ELM Organization: Orderer | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-patient | CH ELM Patient | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-practitioner-orderer | CH ELM Practitioner: Orderer | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-practitionerrole-orderer | CH ELM PractitionerRole: Orderer | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-servicerequest-laboratory-order | CH ELM ServiceRequest: Laboratory Order | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | ServiceRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-elm | R4 | ch-elm-specimen | CH ELM Specimen: Laboratory | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Specimen |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationcard | PMLC Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationdispense | DIS Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationlist | PML Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationprescription | PRE Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-medicationtreatmentplan | MTP Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-composition-pharmaceuticaladvice | PADV Composition | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-device | CH EMED EPR Device | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Device |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationcard | PMLC Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationdispense | DIS Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationlist | PML Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationprescription | PRE Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-medicationtreatmentplan | MTP Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-document-pharmaceuticaladvice | PADV Document | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medication-medicationdispense | CH EMED EPR Medication (DIS) | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medication | CH EMED EPR Medication | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationdispense-list | PML MedicationDispense | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationdispense | DIS MedicationDispense | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest-changed | PADV Changed MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest-list | PML MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationrequest | PRE MedicationRequest | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-card | PMLC MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-changed | PADV Changed MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-list | PML MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-medicationstatement-treatmentplan | MTP MedicationStatement | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation-body-weight | Body Weight Observation | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation-list | PML Observation | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-observation | PADV Observation | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-organization | CH EMED EPR Organization | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-patient | CH EMED EPR Patient | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-practitioner | CH EMED EPR Practitioner | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-practitionerrole | CH EMED EPR PractitionerRole | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed-epr | R4 | ch-emed-epr-related-person | CH EMED EPR RelatedPerson | draft | 2024-04 | hl7 | RelatedPerson |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-allergyintolerance | CH IPS AllergyIntolerance | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | AllergyIntolerance |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-composition | CH IPS Composition | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-condition | CH IPS Condition | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Condition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-document | CH IPS Document | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-immunization | CH IPS Immunization | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Immunization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-medication | CH IPS Medication | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-medicationrequest | CH IPS MedicationRequest | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-medicationstatement | CH IPS MedicationStatement | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-organization | CH IPS Organization | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-patient | CH IPS Patient | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-practitioner | CH IPS Practitioner | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ips | R4 | ch-ips-practitionerrole | CH IPS PractitionerRole | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmConsent | PpqmConsent | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmFeedRequestBundle | PpqmFeedRequestBundle | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-ppqm | R4 | PpqmRetrieveResponseBundle | PpqmRetrieveResponseBundle | active | 2024-06 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-epl-organization | CH EPL Organization | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-administrableproductdefinition | CH IDMP AdministrableProductDefinition | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | AdministrableProductDefinition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-bundle | IDMP Bundle | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-clinicalusedefinition-indication | CH IDMP ClinicalUseDefinition Indication | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ClinicalUseDefinition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-documentreference | CH IDMP DocumentReference | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-ingredient | IDMP Ingredient | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | Ingredient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-manufactureditemdefinition | CH IDMP ManufacturedItemDefinition | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | ManufacturedItemDefinition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-medicinalproductdefinition | IDMP MedicinalProductDefinition | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | MedicinalProductDefinition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-packagedproductdefinition | IDMP PackagedProductDefinition | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | PackagedProductDefinition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epl | R5 | ch-idmp-regulatedauthorization | IDMP RegulatedAuthorization | active | 2024-07 | hl7 | RegulatedAuthorization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | CH.mCSD.Organization | CH mCSD Organization | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | CH.mCSD.Practitioner | CH mCSD Practitioner | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | CH.mCSD.PractitionerRole | CH mCSD PractitionerRole | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsent | CH PPQm Consent | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate201 | EPR policy set based on template 201 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate202 | EPR policy set based on template 202 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate203 | EPR policy set based on template 203 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate301 | EPR policy set based on template 301 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate302 | EPR policy set based on template 302 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate303 | EPR policy set based on template 303 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmConsentTemplate304 | EPR policy set based on template 304 | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Consent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmFeedRequestBundle | CH PPQm Feed Request Bundle | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | PpqmRetrieveResponseBundle | CH PPQm Retrieve Response Bundle | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-epr-fhir-auditevent | CH EPR FHIR AuditEvent | active | 2018-05 | hl7 | AuditEvent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-documentreference-comprehensive-bundle | CH MHD Find Document References Comprehensive Response message | draft | 2020-10 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-documentreference-comprehensive | CH MHD DocumentReference Comprehensive | draft | 2020-07 | hl7 | DocumentReference |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-providedocumentbundle-comprehensive-response | CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive Response | draft | 2020-10 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-providedocumentbundle-comprehensive | CH MHD Provide Document Bundle Comprehensive | draft | 2020-07 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-submissionset-comprehensive-bundle | CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive Bundle | draft | 2020-10 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-submissionset-comprehensive | CH MHD SubmissionSet Comprehensive | draft | 2021-04 | hl7 | List |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-updatedocumentmetadata-audit-recipient | Audit Event for Update Document Metadata Transaction at Recipient | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | AuditEvent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-mhd-updatedocumentmetadata-audit-source | Audit Event for Update DocumentMetadata Transaction at Source | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | AuditEvent |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pdqm-moreattributesrequested | CH PDQm OperationOutcome More Attributes Requested | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | OperationOutcome |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pdqm-patient | CH PDQm Patient | draft | 2024-01 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pdqm-provider-organization | CH PDQm Provider Organization | draft | 2020-08 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pdqm-querypatientresourceresponsemessage | CH PDQm Query Patient Resource Response message | active | 2024-09 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pixm-in-parameters | CH PIXm IN Parameters | draft | 2020-10 | hl7 | Parameters |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pixm-out-parameters | CH PIXm OUT Parameters | draft | 2020-10 | hl7 | Parameters |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-epr-fhir | R4 | ch-pixm-patient-feed | CH PIXm Patient Feed | draft | 2021-04 | hl7 | Patient |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-ig | R4 | ch-ig-practitioner | CH IG Practitioner | draft | 2024-08 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-medicationcard | CH EMED Medication Card Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-medicationdispense | CH EMED Medication Dispense Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-medicationlist | CH EMED Medication List Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-medicationprescription | CH EMED Medication Prescription Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-medicationtreatmentplan | CH EMED Medication Treatment Plan Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-composition-pharmaceuticaladvice | CH EMED Pharmaceutical Advice Composition | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-medicationcard | CH EMED Medication Card Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-medicationdispense | CH EMED Medication Dispense Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-medicationlist | CH EMED Medication List Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-medicationprescription | CH EMED Medication Prescription Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-medicationtreatmentplan | CH EMED Medication Treatment Plan Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-document-pharmaceuticaladvice | CH EMED Pharmaceutical Advice Document | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Bundle |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medication-medicationdispense | CH EMED Medication (MedicationDispense) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medication | CH EMED Medication | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Medication |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationadministration-list | CH EMED MedicationAdministration (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationAdministration |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationadministration | CH EMED MedicationAdministration (DIS) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationAdministration |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationdispense-list | CH EMED MedicationDispense (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationdispense | CH EMED MedicationDispense (DIS) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationDispense |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationrequest-changed-list | CH EMED MedicationRequest Changed (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationrequest-changed | CH EMED MedicationRequest Changed | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationrequest-list | CH EMED MedicationRequest (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationrequest | CH EMED MedicationRequest (PRE) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationRequest |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationstatement-card | CH EMED MedicationStatement (CARD) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationstatement-changed-list | CH EMED MedicationStatement Changed (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationstatement-changed | CH EMED MedicationStatement Changed | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationstatement-list | CH EMED MedicationStatement (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-medicationstatement | CH EMED MedicationStatement | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | MedicationStatement |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-observation-list | CH EMED Observation (LIST) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-observation | CH EMED Observation (PADV) | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Observation |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-organization | CH EMED Organization | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Organization |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-practitioner | CH EMED Practitioner | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | Practitioner |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-emed | R4 | ch-emed-practitionerrole | CH EMED PractitionerRole | active | 2024-08 | hl7 | PractitionerRole |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-allergyintolerance | R4 | ch-allergyintolerance-composition-epr | CH AllergyIntolerance Composition | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Composition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-allergyintolerance | R4 | ch-allergyintolerance-condition | CH AllergyIntolerance Condition | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Condition |
ch.fhir.ig.ch-allergyintolerance | R4 | ch-allergyintolerance-document-epr | CH AllergyIntolerance Document | active | 2024-05 | hl7 | Bundle |
XIG built as of 10 Sep 2024. Found 38433 resources in 655 packages.