68 resources
By realm
Package | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Realm | Source(s) |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | Browser | Browser | draft | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | DistributionModel | Distribution Model | draft | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | IPS.HAJJ.ACTOR.SYSTEM | IPS.HAJJ.ACTOR.SYSTEM ValueSet of actor | active | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | IPS.HAJJ.ACTOR | IPS.HAJJ.ACTOR ValueSet of actor | active | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | IPS.HAJJ.CONSENT | IPS.HAJJ.CONSENT ValueSet of consent policies | active | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | IPS.HAJJ.TRANSACTION | IPS.HAJJ.TRANSACTION ValueSet of transaction | active | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | Language | Language | draft | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | LicensingModel | Licensing Model | draft | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.ips-pilgrimage | OperatingSystem | Operating System | draft | 2024-11 | internal | |
smart.who.int.icvp | DVCRelationshipStatus | Relationship Status for Contact in Patient | draft | 2024-12 | internal | |
smart.who.int.icvp | DVCVaccines | DVC - Vaccines | draft | 2024-12 | ||
smart.who.int.icvp | DiseaseTargeted | Disease Targeted | draft | 2024-12 | ||
smart.who.int.icvp | ICVPDiseaseTargeted | ICVP Disease Targeted | draft | 2024-12 | ||
smart.who.int.icvp | ICVPVaccineCodes | ICVP - Vaccine Codes | draft | 2024-12 | ||
smart.who.int.icvp | doseNumber | Dose Number | draft | 2024-12 | internal | |
who.ddcc | DDCCCompositionCategoryValueSet | DDCC Composition Category Codes | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | DDCCDevicePropertyValueSet | DDCC Device Property Codes | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | DDCCFolderDesignationTypeValueSet | DDCC DesignationTypes for Folder | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | DDCCQRFormatValueSet | DDCC QR Format Codes | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | DDCCQRTypeValueSet | DDCC QR Type Codes | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | DIVOCValueSet | COVID-19 Vaccine Codes for DIVOC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | EUDCCValueSet | EU DCC Allowed Vaccine List (COVID-19) | draft | 2022-09 | uv | |
who.ddcc | ICAOV1ValueSet | DDCC Codes for ICAO Vaccines | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestPathogenCovid19SnomedValueSet | Lab Test - Pathogen - COVID-19 - SNOMED CT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | sct |
who.ddcc | LabTestPathogenDivocValueSet | Lab Test - Pathogen - DIVOC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestQualitativeResultDivocValueSet | Lab Test - Qualitative Result - DIVOC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestQualitativeResultSnomedValueSet | Lab Test - Qualitative Result - SNOMED CT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | sct |
who.ddcc | LabTestResultIcaoValueSet | Lab Test - Qualitative Result - ICAO | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestTypeCovid19LoincValueSet | Lab Test - Type - COVID-19 - LOINC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | loinc |
who.ddcc | LabTestTypeDivocValueSet | Lab Test - Type - DIVOC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestTypeIcaoValueSet | Lab Test - Type - ICAO | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | LabTestTypeLoincValueSet | Lab Test - Type - Generic - LOINC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | loinc |
who.ddcc | VaccineCovid19CvxValueSet | Vaccine - COVID-19 - CVX | draft | 2024-10 | uv | cvx |
who.ddcc | VaccineCovid19EUUnionRegisterValueSet | Vaccine - COVID-19 - EU Union Register of Medicinial Products | draft | 2024-10 | uv | |
who.ddcc | VaccineCovid19Icd11ValueSet | Vaccine - COVID-19 - Icd11 | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | VaccineCovid19SnomedValueSet | Vaccine - COVID-19 - SNOMED CT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | sct |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCAgentTargetedCOVID19 | WHO Agent Targeted (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCBrandsCOVID19 | WHO DDCC Brand List (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCDiseaseTargetedCOVID19 | WHO Disease or Agent Targeted (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCSampleOriginCOVID19 | WHO Speciman Sample Origin (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCTypeofTestCOVID19 | WHO Type of Covid-19 Test | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | WHODDCCVaccinesCOVID19 | WHO Vaccine List (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
who.ddcc | lab-test-sample-origin-divoc | Lab Test - Sample Origin - DIVOC | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | lab-test-sample-origin-icao | Lab Test - Sample Origin - ICAO | draft | 2024-10 | uv | internal |
who.ddcc | who-ddcc-test-result-covid-19 | WHO Test Result (COVID-19) | draft | 2024-10 | uv | icd |
smart.who.int.trust | WHO.TRUST.ACTOR | TRUST.ACTOR ValueSet of key usage codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | |
smart.who.int.trust | WHO.TRUST.DOMAIN | WHO SMART Trust Domains | draft | 2024-12 | uv | internal |
smart.who.int.trust | WHO.TRUST.KEYUSAGE | TRUST.KEYUSAGE ValueSet of key usage codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | internal |
smart.who.int.trust | WHO.TRUST.TRANSACTION | TRUST.TRANSACTION ValueSet of key usage codes | active | 2024-12 | uv | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | ARVDrugs-values | ARV Drugs values | draft | 2024-09 | sct | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | AllVaccineTypes | Vaccine Type ValueSet | active | 2024-09 | sct loinc | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | Birthweight-values | Birthweight valueset | draft | 2024-09 | sct loinc | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | HIVstatus-values | HIV status values | draft | 2024-09 | sct | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.C.DE5 | IMMZ.C.DE5 ValueSet for Sex | active | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.D1.DE10 | IMMZ.D1.DE10 ValueSet for HIV Status | active | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.D1.DE1VS | IMMZ.D1.DE1 CodeSystem for Immunization status | draft | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.D1.DE5VS | IMMZ.D1.DE5 values for Reason Not Done | draft | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.D4.DE161 | IMMZ.D4.DE161 ValueSet for Potential Contraindications | active | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | IMMZ.Z.DE9 | IMMZ.Z.DE9 ValueSet for Measles Vaccines | active | 2024-09 | sct loinc | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | Immunocompromised-values | Immunocompromised valueset | draft | 2024-09 | sct | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | LiveAttenuatedVaccines | Set of live attenuated vaccines | draft | 2024-09 | ||
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | Negativetestresult-values | Negative Test Results | draft | 2024-09 | sct | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | PositiveTestResult-values | Positive Test Result valuest | draft | 2024-09 | sct | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | SGImmunizationStatusCodes | Immunization Status Codes | draft | 2024-09 | fhir | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | VSMeaslesVaccineProducts | MeaslesVaccine Products ValueSet | draft | 2024-09 | internal | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | VaccineTypes | Measles Vaccine Type ValueSet | active | 2024-09 | sct loinc | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | pregnancystatus-values | Pregnancy status values | draft | 2023-10 | sct loinc | |
smart.who.int.immunizations-measles | sgcountry | Country ValueSet | draft | 2024-09 | iso |
XIG built as of 17 Dec 2024. Found 40236 resources in 710 packages.