71 resources
By Version
By realm
Package | Version | Identity | Name/Title | Status | Date | Realm | DataType |
ihe.pcc.odh | R4 | odh-Employer-extension | Employer | draft | 2024-12 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pcc.odh | R4 | odh-isCurrentJob-extension | ODHIsCurrentJob-extension | active | 2021-01 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | IDRImpressionOrder | Impression Order. | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrCommunication | IDR Communication | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrComparisonStudy | IDR DiagnosticReport Comparison Study | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImagingProcedure | IDR Imaging Procedure | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImpression | IDR Impression | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImpressionActionable | Actionable indication in Impression. | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImpressionIncidental | Incidental indication of Impression. | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImpressionLaterality | IDR BodySite Laterality in Impression. | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrImpressionLikelihood | IDR BodySite Likelihood in Impression. | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrPatientHistory | IDR Patient History | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrRecommendation | IDR Recommendation | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.idr | R5 | idrSignature | IDR Signature | draft | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.scheduling | R4 | extension-status-reason | Reason For Current Status | active | 2023-01 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.balp | R4 | ihe-assuranceLevel | AuditEvent.agent Assurance Level | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.balp | R4 | ihe-otherId | AuditEvent.agent other identifiers | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.supply | R5 | IHEDeliveryStageExt | Supply delivery stage extension | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mcsd | R4 | IHE.mCSD.PurposeOfUse | Purpose of Use Extension | active | 2024-12 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mcsd | R4 | ihe-endpointspecifictype | Endpoint Specific Type | active | 2024-12 | uv | Extension |
ihe.rad.imr | R4 | associatedStudy | IMR DiagnosticReport Associated Study | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | IHE.MHD.EntryUUID.Identifier | entryUUID Identifier | active | 2024-11 | uv | Identifier |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | IHE.MHD.SubmissionSetUniqueIdIdentifier | uniqueId Identifier for SubmissionSet | active | 2024-11 | uv | Identifier |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | IHE.MHD.UniqueIdIdentifier | uniqueId Identifier | active | 2024-11 | uv | Identifier |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | ihe-authorOrg | Author organization of the SubmissionSet | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | ihe-designationType | Clinical code of the List | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | ihe-intendedRecipient | Intended recipient of the SubmissionSet | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.iti.mhd | R4 | ihe-sourceId | Publisher organization identity of the SubmissionSet | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-classification | Medication - Classification | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-device | Medication - Device | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-productname | Medication - Product Name | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-sizeofitem | Medication - Size of Item | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medicationstatement-substitution | MedicationStatement - Substitution | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.meow | R5 | ihe-ext-medicationstatement-verificationinformation | MedicationStatement - Verification Information | active | 2024-06 | uv | Extension |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | R5 | basedOn | basedOn | active | 2023-03 | uv | Extension |
ihe-fhir-pharm-medicationrecord | R5 | related-tl | Based On Extension | active | 2023-03 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pcc.mpsc | R4 | NumberofPatients | Number of Patients Transported | draft | 2024-09 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-characteristic | Medication - Characteristic | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-classification | Medication - Classification | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-device | Medication - Device | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-productname | Medication - Product Name | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-sizeofitem | Medication - Size of Item | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-strengthsubstance | Medication - Strength substance | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-strengthtype | Medication - Strength type | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medication-unitofpresentation | Medication - Unit of presentation | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.pharm.mpd | R5 | ihe-ext-medicationrequest-totalamount | MedicationRequest - Total Amount | active | 2024-10 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-date-filed-by-registrar | Extension - Date Filed by Registrar | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-date-received-by-registrar | Extension - Date Received by Registrar | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-encounter-maternity-reference | Extension - Encounter Maternity Reference | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-fetal-death-local-file-number | Extension - Fetal Death Local File Number | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-fetal-death-report-number | Extension - Fetal Death Report Number | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-live-birth-certificate-number | Extension - Live Birth Certificate Number | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-live-birth-local-file-number | Extension - Live Birth Local File Number | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.qrph.bfdr | R4 | Extension-replacement-status | Extension - Replacement Status | active | 2024-07 | uv | Extension |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | AD | AD | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | ANY | ANY | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | BL | BL | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | CD | CD | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | Class | Class | draft | 2024-10 | uv | BackboneElement |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | DT | DT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | EN | EN | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | INT | INT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | InstanceIdentifier | II | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | PQ | PQ | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | QT | QT | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | REAL | REAL | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | RTO | RTO | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | ST | ST | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | TS | TS | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.domain.logical-datatypes | R5 | Untyped | Untyped | draft | 2024-10 | uv | Element |
ihe.iti.fais | R4 | request-statusReason | Request Status Reason | active | 2024-11 | uv | Extension |
XIG built as of 17 Dec 2024. Found 40236 resources in 710 packages.