Versions for
### Description Birth and fetal death reporting includes the transmission of data from health care providers to jurisdictional vital records offices and national health statistics agencies. Data associated with the mother of the baby or delivered fetus may be communicated independently from data associated directly with the labor and delivery encounter at the responsible healthcare facility. Note that for the purposes of this guide, "mother" always refers to the woman who delivered the infant or fetus. In cases of surrogacy or gestational carrier, the information reported should be for the surrogate or the gestational carrier, that is, the woman who delivered the infant. Also, the national statistics agency referred to in this guide is the [National Center for Health Statistics - CDC]( (NCHS). This implementation guide (IG) defines a series of Health Level Seven (HL7®) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) profiles on the Composition resource to represent electronic birth and fetal death reporting (BFDR). It includes the content of medical/health information on live births and fetal deaths for select state and federal birth and fetal death reporting, as indicated in the [2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth]( and the [2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death]( Additionally, it includes the content that is exchanged between electronic health record (EHR) systems, jurisdictions, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS). ### Relationship to Other Standards This BFDR IG standard complements other vital records standards to support the expansion of information flows to and from the national statistics agency. The BFDR STU 1 drew on foundational work of early standards listed in the Background section, below. This current version of the BFDR IG is informed by : * [HL7, Vital Records Death Reporting (VRDR) FHIR Implementation Guide]( * [Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI)]( ### Dependencies This implementation guide re-uses and further constrains profiles from the following guides: * [US Core Implementation Guide, STU5.0.1]( * [Vital Records Common Profiles Library]( * [Occupational Data for Health (ODH)]( ### Audience This guide is for analysts and developers who require guidance on the use of the HL7 FHIR for providing birth and fetal death reporting information. The IG is informative to health care provider organizations, jurisdictional vital records offices, CDC/NCHS, health information exchange organizations, and other vital records fetal death reporting stakeholders. ### Background This FHIR IG builds on previous electronic data standards for transmitting vital records of death, birth, and fetal death. * [HL7, Version 2.6 Implementation Guide: Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting]( * [HL7, CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Birth and Fetal Death Reporting]( * [IHE , Quality, Research and Public Health Technical Framework Supplement - Birth and Fetal Death Reporting-Enhanced (BFDR-E)]( This IG provides standardized data strutures for transmission of reliable and relevant clinical information to jurisdictional vital records offices and transfer of information from vital records offices to the national statistics agency. Electronic vital records work started with the HL7 Vital Records Domain Analysis Model (VR DAM), published as an Informative Specification in 2011. The VR DAM was updated in 2017 with the HL7 Cross-Paradigm Domain Analysis Model: Vital Records, Release 2, in 2018, with Release 3, and in November 2020 as Release 4. [VR DAM, Release 5]( was published in May 2022. Implementers who review or reference the VR DAM should note that the active vital records FHIR IGs (such as BFDR and VRDR) may no longer aligned with the VR DAM. This FHIR IG uses the US Core profiles. Where this FHIR IG is unable to use a US Core profile, we have followed the Cross Group Projects Work Group's variance request process, and have provided the US Realm Steering Committee an approved rationale for deviation in the IG. ### How to Read This Guide This Guide is divided into several pages which are listed at the top of each page in the menu bar. * Home: Introduction and background for HL7 FHIR® Vital Records Common Profiles Library * [The Specification](the_specification.html): A technical overview of implementing the specification * [Use Cases](use_cases.html): The use cases supported by this guide * Implementer Guidance: The [worksheet Questionnaire format](patient_worksheet_questionnaires.html), [IJE Mapping](ije_mapping.html), and [Vital Records Forms Mapping](vital_records_forms_mapping.html) * [Terminology](terminology.html): A listing of the value sets used in this guide * [Downloads](downloads.html): Links to downloadable artifacts * [Change Log](change_log.html): Details of changes made in each version of this IG * [Artifact Index](artifacts.html): A list of the FHIR artifacts (profiles, examples, and value sets) defined as part of this guide * Appendices: Examples of live birth and fetal death reports and worksheets ### Other Information This is an update (STU 1.1) of the first FHIR BFDR standard. This guide is compliant with FHIR Release 4. For Clinical Safety Information please refer to the [FHIR Implementerâs Safety Checklist]( Disclaimer: All proprietary documents, guides, guidance, standards, codes, and values contained herein remain the property of their respective Standards Developing Organization (SDO). HL7 does not make any claim to ownership herein. (built Tue, Oct 10, 2023 13:06+0000+00:00)
version | date | FHIR Version | Kind | # Downloads |
2.0.0-ballot | 2023-12-18 | R4 | IG | 0 |
1.1.0 | 2023-10-10 | R4 | IG | 0 |
2.0.0 | 2024-10-15 | R4 | IG | 264 |
2.0.0-ballot | 2023-12-18 | R4 | IG | 0 |
1.1.0 | 2023-10-10 | R4 | IG | 0 |
0.1.0 | 2020-12-17 | R4 | IG | 0 |
0.1.0 | 2020-12-17 | R4 | IG | 0 |
1.0.0 | 2021-11-26 | R4 | IG | 0 |
1.0.0 | 2021-11-26 | R4 | IG | 0 |
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